Do you know? But if it is known by the Lord, why didn't the Lord come to his trouble before, but came to him today?

What's more, if he really knew it, how could he be willing to wait for him in the palace of the Lord and the residence of the Secretary of state for such a long time?

It must not be because of this. When the son of the Minister of rites thought of this, he felt a long sigh of relief in his heart. As long as it was not because of the exposure of the things he had done before, there was nothing to be afraid of.

He said to his father, "father, what are you afraid of? It's not because of other things, but I'm not in trouble now. I know that his power is very big, and I can't afford it. How could I go to hit the stone with an egg!

He is waiting for me in the shangshufu, so what? He's a king, so what? He can't take me to the prison without any distinction. Since he must have something to tell me, it is likely that he has something to ask me.

Otherwise, how could a prince be willing to wait for so long in the mansion of the minister? He must have asked for me, father. Don't worry. Although I don't know what to do, I can still weigh it clearly in front of the big right and wrong

Although the Minister of rites was very angry and his son was so dandy and unreasonable, he also knew that what he said was very reasonable.

Because if the Lord is really angry, the Lord can not be so patient in their Shangshu mansion, waiting for him for such a long time, it must be the same as his son said, the Lord may be asking for help.

Otherwise, how could he have been patiently waiting there for so long, so now the Minister of rites felt a little better. As long as he doesn't think his son is guilty, he will be Amitabha and will not continue to be frightened.

"It's better to be what you said. Otherwise, no wonder I don't say that the relationship between father and son is destroyed. You also know that there is some turbulence in the imperial court now. It's not good to say that you have offended anyone on either side.

You are used to being a dandy. Now you should take heart. After playing in this brothel for so long, your wife in the mansion has been waiting for you for a long time. She is not good tempered. If you provoke her again, be careful that she will beat you again. "

The son of the Minister of rites thought his head was big when he talked about the mother Yasha in his house, because his lady was really like a tigress.

He was tired of listening to the roar and roar every day. If it wasn't for some special reasons, he would have given up the mother yecha. If it wasn't for his desire to consolidate his position, he would have given up the female tiger.

How could she be allowed to indulge in their shangshufu, but he also knew that this matter could not come in a hurry. He believed that he would have a chance to leave the mother yecha in the future.

Now he is really afraid of this yak. The reason why he lingers in the brothel for several days and nights is not because he is afraid to go back to face the Yaka and fear that the Yaka will come and hit him.

But now he knew that his father would save him. Anyway, his father and his mother would stand on his side. No matter how angry his wife was and how much she beat him, he would surely see that his father and mother would not be too much.

"Oh, Dad, what are you talking about? Isn't it just a Female Yak? If she beat me again and provoke me again, I will beat her all over the place to look for teeth. I don't know what you and mother thought at that time.

It is too much to appoint a woman who has no family education and etiquette for me, like a night fork, a lion in the east of the river, and a tiger.

After that, I will divorce him and marry a gentle and kind-hearted person again, instead of scolding all the time like her. I will scold my dignity as a man and my face as a man. "

Naturally, the Minister of rites also knew what his son had said. He also knew that his daughter-in-law had gone too far, but there was no way. Who would let his daughter-in-law have power in her family? Who wants them to rely on his daughter-in-law's family now?

So now they have nothing to do except endure other things. They have to bear it now. If they can't bear it, they may mess up their future plans.

As the saying goes, if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Now even if there is a mother Yaksha in his house, they can only retreat and endure.

Otherwise, if something strange happens later, they can't solve it. At this time, the Minister of rites doesn't want to talk about other things with his son.

Now the Lord is still waiting in their shangshufu. He asked his son to go back with him to meet the Lord.

Along the way, the son of the Minister of rites was reluctant to do so, because he always thought that this time, the prince himself came to their Shangshu mansion to find him, absolutely because he asked him.

Otherwise, how can you be patient from early to late? So at this time, the son of shangshufu didn't want to go back so soon. He wanted to dry the prince for a while.In order to avoid the king's meddling in there, anyway, he had a feud with him and had a festival, so it's good to air him now.

At this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites said to his father, "father, you don't know how miserable I was when ye Wuqian bullied me. Now it's not easy for him to ask for help. Finally, I can be superior to him.

I must make good use of this opportunity. Certainly will not let him continue to be superior to me, although his status, his identity is higher than me, but so what?

Now I still have to ask for help from me. Anyway, I will not forgive him now. I must wait for him there for a few days, otherwise it will be hard to solve my hatred in my heart! "

And last time, although he said that the eldest son of the book Secretary of the Ministry of rites had said good words, so that his wife would no longer be so vicious to him, but it made the mother Yasha in his home more delicate, and he felt very disgusted.

Obviously, he is an ugly, a wicked woman, and a night fork. He becomes delicate, which is really annoying and boring.

Now he just hopes that he can seize this opportunity and not let Ye Wuqian override him again. His father, the Minister of rites, hears that he said so, and thinks that what he said is very reasonable.

Before that, he also knew that the king was indeed having some trouble with his son. As a minister, he certainly did not want to see such a situation, and he also knew that it would not be very good.

But now he is willing to let the Lord suffer a loss. In any case, the prince himself is willing to wait for his son in his shangshufu, but he does not keep the LORD all the time.

Now Wang Ye, he wants to wait as long as he wants to, how long he likes to wait. Anyway, he has something to do now. He also thinks that his son's words are very reasonable.

Now it's hard to wait until the Lord has something to ask them. They must seize this opportunity. Even if they can't get anything good from the Lord, they can only win the Lord in momentum. At least they can report the ugliness before.

"Son, what you said is very reasonable indeed. The prince thought that his status was very noble, and he sneered at others all day long. He thought he was so kind and good.

Today, he came to our Shangshu mansion early in the morning to wait for you. Your mother and I are really worried. I'm afraid you have done something to provoke him.

So the whole day is scared, they make us scared, we also let him uneasy, since he looks for you, then we slowly wait, anyway, he certainly will not have any urgent matter, will not have any big matter to look for you.

If there is something urgent to look for you, how could he have been patiently waiting there? He waited so patiently that he must have something to ask for.

Although you have been doing nothing, it is inevitable that one day you will get what others need. This time, you must seize the opportunity. "

According to the book of rites, as long as they can seize the opportunity and punish them well, they will get the value they want.

This leaf is not lack of his own status and dignity, but he has not given him a good face. He has not many friends in Chaozhong, and there are not many people willing to stand on his side.

Sometimes, the Lord will target him intentionally or unintentionally, which makes him unbearable. Now it is very difficult for him to ask for something from his son.

He will certainly be willing to let his son dry the leaves well. Anyway, ye Wuque is usually so arrogant. Now let him calm down his arrogance.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites heard his father say this, and he was very happy to know that his father supported him very much. After all, he is now a dandy. Of course, he also wants to sharpen the arrogance of those princes and nobles.

Although he said that his status and status were inferior to that of the Lord, it was worse than that in other places. Now he did not believe that the LORD was waiting in their mansion for a day for nothing because of some small things. There must be some things that he could not solve by himself to ask him.

That's why he has been waiting in his mansion until now. However, he feels that he has a lot of face. If people know that the Lord has been waiting for him in his mansion all day, his face will be very big.

Anyway, no matter what, he will let the Lord pay the price that caused him before. If he didn't meddle in his business, how could his mother Yaka deal with him more severely?

If not, how could he not return home for several days and nights and linger in the brothel with those girls?

It's really annoying that he can't go back home!

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