Only beauty is the ultimate goal of their life. Now ye Wuqian has come to their house, which is certainly because of these beauties.

If not, how could he come to their mansion? The eldest son of the Minister of rites was really happy that he could choose such a beautiful woman.

Moreover, those women were just some of the Yellow girls he found in the street. Besides, some of them were not. He thought that he had done a good job.

He is in the carriage now. When he opens the curtain, he sees a lot of women. He thinks for a moment, if the Lord really wants him to send a group of gorgeous beauties to the past.

He must be looking for a lot of beautiful women outside. In this way, he can also give these beauties to other people, and not only to Ye Wuqian.

Since they can be bribed by beauty, what money do they want to give? Since you can buy people's hearts with beauty, the rest is nothing.

Now, the eldest son of the Minister of rites is really inflated. He feels that he is on the king's appetite. This time ye Wumian must be asking him to send some more beautiful women to him.

He did not expect that this time he was really in favor of him. He really understood Ye Wuqian's conduct. It turned out that ye Wuque was just like him. He liked beauty.

In this way, then the king should be able to realize that there is a female tiger in his family and a female Yaksha in his family. What is the mood like?

If he is choosing a person who is like a mother Yasha to send it to him, can he take revenge? Is it possible to avenge the prince who arranged his marriage with his legitimate eldest daughter.

If this is the case, it is really too good, he really does not like the legitimate eldest daughter. The Minister of rites looked at his son's giggling outside and at the giggles of those women. He thought he was lustful again.

So he said to his father: "father, how do you think ye Wuqian could come to our house this time? It's not because of these beauties in the street.

The last time I robbed more than ten beauties from the street and sent them to his palace. He must have tasted the delicious food. So this time I came to see me in Shangshu mansion, he must want me to send him another batch of beautiful women. "

The eldest son of the Minister of rites said to his father, because he thought that the only reason was reasonable.

He believed that it was only because ye Wuqian wanted to get another group of gorgeous beauties that he would come to the residence of minister of rites to wait for him.

If not, they have nothing in common. They are all enemies. How could they come to him? Since ye Wuqian himself has come to their shangshufu to find him, it is absolutely because of this.

"But is it true, son? The last time you arrested more than ten beauties, no wonder the government has been saying that some people forcibly robbed women, but no one dares to say your name. I didn't think you did it. "

The Minister of rites thought that he was afraid, because he said that the matter was not big or small. Fortunately, no one reported it to the emperor.

If it is reported to the emperor that his son forcibly robbed the people's daughter, then not to mention that his son will be punished, even he may lose the black hat.

Fortunately, his son has a bad reputation outside. Even if others know that his son robbed the daughter of the people by force, they dare not take care of anything. Moreover, his son is the son-in-law of the government. Naturally, they dare not speak.

At this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites heard his father say this, and knew that his father had made a mistake in the key point. They clearly wanted to get another group of beautiful women to give to the king.

Why did his father focus on robbing women? If it wasn't because he forcibly robbed the civilian women, how could ye Wumian come to their Shangshu mansion to find him?

So at this moment, the eldest son of the Minister of rites thought that his father was a little stupid. He didn't think about such an important thing.

So he continued to say to the Minister of Rites: "father, your point is wrong. The point is not that I forcibly rob the women, but that the beauties I robbed were taken in by the Lord. Ye Wuqian came to our palace at this time to ask me to get some beautiful women again.

Most of those beautiful girls have been played by me. This time, if I go to get those beauties again, I will let my father taste them first, and then give them to him, so that he can taste the things we have tasted.

Didn't he do it before? Isn't he very capable? But now is not asking me to find a beautiful woman for him, he is that kind of person, now we do not bring him too much face.

Although he is a king, his status is higher than ours, but is there no difference between him and us? It's not a knife at the beginning of the color word. Anyway, he is asking for me now. If he doesn't have me, no one will send him a beautiful woman. He must listen to us now. If he doesn't listen, I won't help him find a beautiful woman. "When the Minister of rites heard his son say this, he felt much more comfortable. Since the king really wanted his son to find some beautiful women, then the matter would be OK.

Now he also felt that his son was very capable. He did not expect that he would be so dandy and extravagant all day long, and could still find a proper job to do. Instead, he was in the heart of the Minister of rites to have a good relationship with princes, nobles and princes, which was the most important thing.

Even if his son doesn't usually do his job, so what? Anyway, now they have a family and a family, and now they have a relationship with the Lord. As long as the later things are settled, then they can certainly complete all the things.

Their family will certainly go to a higher level, especially the Minister of rites. Maybe they can get a higher level and get promoted and become rich.

At this moment, the Minister of rites also had a dream of spring and autumn in his heart. He felt that everything was possible, as long as there was no lack of leaves behind them for them to rely on. As long as the king adds some good words to them in front of the emperor, they will certainly have a bright future.

"Son, you have done very well this time. Since you have done so well, I won't say much about the rest. This time, you helped the Lord to find those gorgeous beauties.

This time, as long as you let Ye Wuqian stand on your side, as long as you do the Lord well, you will definitely be advanced by the Lord, and you can definitely get promoted and become rich.

At that time, the status of our shangshufu will be upgraded. When our status and that of the government will keep pace with each other, what are we afraid of? What are you afraid of.

When you want to take the night off, you can leave him. You can do whatever you want. Your mother and I are all supportive.

As long as you can spend money for our shangshufu as soon as possible, you should grasp ye Wumian's heart, and don't let him be bored with our shangshufu. "

Hearing his father's words, the eldest son of the Minister of rites naturally knew that he even said yes. After all, he also knew that now they must help the king well and please Ye Wuqian.

Only in this way can they achieve the final success. Only in this way can he make their shangshufu a higher level, and he can stop the mother night fork where he lives.

As soon as he thought of the book, the more excited he would be.

As long as he can get rid of his mother Yasha, he is willing to do anything, not to mention to find a number of beautiful women for him, even if he has found a large number of beautiful women.

Anyway, I don't want to say much about the rest. The biggest wish of the eldest son, who is still the Minister of rites, is to leave his mother Yasha, so that he can continue his romantic life in the future.

The eldest son of the book Secretary of the Ministry of rites knew that the beautiful women he sent to him had definitely captured Ye Wuqian's heart, so now he has decided that he will never bow to his knees when he sees Ye Wuqian, and will definitely raise his head in front of Ye Wuqian.

Even if you can't let Ye Wuqian make any promise to him, even if you can't let Ye Wuqian reward him with gold and silver, at least his position in Ye Wuqian's side and his image in ye Wuque's heart will be greatly improved.

So now he is arrogant. No matter what, he will let Ye Wuqian pay the due price for the things he did before.

At this time, Lord Shangshu and he had been in the city for several times, and they were able to return to their mansion. Just after they returned to the mansion, the Minister of rites changed his look and became very servile.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites immediately pulled the Minister of rites to him and said in a low voice, "what are you doing so servile? Don't frown.

You want to think about this time is ye Wuque, he has something to ask me, but we have the upper hand, you so kowtow, do not pull our position down? We need to have momentum, we need to have courage, and we should hold down the leaves without lack of spirit. Do you know? "

When the Minister of rites heard his son say this, he naturally understood that he had bent down for a long time, and sometimes he could not stand stably, so he immediately adjusted his state.

Like his son, he walked in through the gate of shangshufu with arrogance. At this time, ye Wuqian was still tasting tea in the hall.

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