Because the Shengxuan kingdom should belong to the second prince. The two princes should decide the size of the kingdom. Before killing a leaf out of thin air, the second prince was very busy.

Now if there are more incidents, then the second prince will be more in a hurry. The second prince's confidants don't want the second prince to be so busy.

So he also decided in his heart that he would protect the second prince, protect the second prince, and provide advice for the second prince.

In any case, he must do everything for the second prince at the side of the second prince. He will try everything for the second prince in case of all dangers. He will think well of all things for the second prince and do them well. He doesn't want the second prince to suffer. Therefore, he must help the second prince to do these things.

"Second prince, you can rest assured that I will solve this matter for you, and now I have a suitable person in mind.

This man can make the eldest son of the book of rites believe him. This person is the best person I selected after filtering it in my mind. I'm sure this person will satisfy you

When the second prince heard his confidant say this naturally, he believed that his confidant must do these things for him. After hearing this, he felt more relieved.

After all, this matter has been delayed for such a long time. He said that he felt that if the eldest son of the Minister of rites was still in the prison, if he didn't listen, he always wanted to tell everything.

Then he will seize the opportunity, so now they are racing with the second prince to let the eldest son of the Ministry of rites know what they mean.

Don't let the eldest son of the Minister of rites lose hope for them. If the eldest son of the Minister of rites confesses his second prince because of something.

Then the final result must be unthinkable. In any case, at this moment they have all these things in place.

"Of course, I believe you will help me to do all these things well, but now I am still worried. If the eldest son of the Minister of rites is still stubborn.

Or if I want to expose everything about me, what should I do? You also know that this matter has been known by the emperor.

if the emperor has known me, there are more than 10 eyeliner in Anne's house, and the consequences will be very serious. Although the more than 10 eyes are the big boys in the Ministry of rites and the Shang family.

But the eldest son of the Minister of Rites has told me all their information and all the news they have sent back. If the eldest son of the Minister of rites is biting me now, I have nothing to say, and I can't explain it at all. "

in fact, the most important thing is the more than 10 eyelints above Ye's mansion. If the more than 10 Eyeliner came out all the time, they were accusing the two princes of pointing out the words of the eldest son.

Then the eldest son of the book of rites probably escaped the robbery, and the second prince took all the responsibility for the eldest son.

In this way, the second prince and his confidants feel very troublesome. If the situation is really as the second prince thinks, it is really troublesome.

if we say that the more than 10 Eyeliner at Ye Wu Fu's office is really speaking for the senior minister of the Ministry of rites, then it must be very painful.

In that case, the second prince will be involved in a storm for no reason. It is clear that these things are done by the eldest son of the Minister of rites. It is clear that these things are done by the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

But now we have to let the second prince pay for the stupidity of the eldest son of the Minister of rites. So now the second prince feels helpless, and the emperor's confidants also feel helpless.

However, at this moment, they have no way to retreat. In any case, they can only take one step at a time, even if they know that the eldest son of the Minister of rites may turn against them, and that the eldest son of the Minister of rites may oppose them.

Now there is no way, they can only seize the time to quickly tell the news to the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

Go to the prison and talk to the eldest son of the Minister of rites. Let him stay in the prison with peace of mind.

I believe that he can save the eldest son of the Minister of rites, but he is afraid that he does not believe what the second prince said.

However, the eldest son of the Minister of rites is clearly a dandy. He should always catch the second prince as the last straw.

Moreover, although the position of minister of rites is still here, it has not affected the Minister of rites, but the Minister of rites is absolutely unable to rescue the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

At this moment, the son of the Minister of rites must be very angry with the Minister of rites and his wife, because the wife of the Minister of rites and the Minister of rites had no ability and no way to rescue the eldest son of the Minister of rites.Then the eldest son of the book of rites will definitely hate them both. Now the second prince is going to use this kind of resentment to make the eldest son of the book of rites believe that only he can be able to save him.

And the prince's confidants naturally think the same way. The second prince's confidants also think that they should let the second prince know, and that the eldest son of the Minister of rites should know. In any case, we should do this first, not other things.

"The second prince, you should also know that, in fact, neither the Minister of rites nor the wife of the Minister of rites could rescue the eldest son of the Minister of rites. Now you are the only one who can do it.

If you tell this news to the eldest son of the Minister of rites, I believe he will consider what you have said under the balance.

I believe he will do things for us after consideration, and he will agree not to tell us all about you.

If he said those things, he would hurt himself. The Minister of rites and the wife of the Minister of rites could not save him.

So he now only rely on the two of us, if he is still so stubborn, then the last hurt is his own..

I believe that no matter how stupid the eldest son of the Minister of rites is, he should not be so stupid. When he heard what I said, he would agree to cooperate with us, and he would agree not to disclose you. "

After listening to his daughter-in-law's remarks, the second prince felt that what his confidant said was very reasonable. Indeed, if he told the eldest son of the Minister of rites all the interests of this matter.

Then the eldest son of the Minister of rites must weigh the pros and cons, and as his confidant said, the eldest son of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of rites could not be so stupid.

If the eldest son of the Minister of rites was stupid to that extent, he would not have said it as he is today. He is also a little clever.

if he is not a little smart, how could he put those more than 10 women in the palace? How could he make those more than 10 women his Eyeliner?

So at this time, the second prince's heart also has some bottom, he is no longer as nervous as before, so afraid, anyway, now they have found a solution.

Anyway, now that they have found the most concerned point of the eldest son of the book of rites, as long as they can grasp this point well, then they will be able to solve this matter well.

They must be able to let the eldest son of the Minister of rites know the final relationship, and they must be able to trust and cooperate with them.

The eldest son of the Minister of rites will not tell us all about the final situation. The second prince is very happy because he has almost solved the matter.

As long as he can protect himself from being dragged into the water, he will already feel very happy. This time, he was almost dragged into the water by the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

He will remember this matter well. If the eldest son of the Minister of rites is still like that, he doesn't feel that way at all.

Then the second prince will definitely terminate the cooperation with the eldest son of the Minister of rites, because if they do not cooperate with him, it will be a waste of their time.

The second prince is a man who wants to do great things in the future, but he who wants to ascend the throne, if he is dragged down by such a stupid man as the chief minister of rites, it is simply not worth the loss. It is simply pitiful.

He would never let such a thing happen. In any case, he would let the eldest son of the Minister of rites stop cooperating with him.

No matter what kind of punishment and consequences will be imposed on the eldest son of the Minister of rites, he has nothing to do with him. This time, he will try to release the eldest son of the Minister of rites from the prison.

After this time, he would have done his utmost, that is, he could get rid of all these things, and he would be able to draw a line between him and the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

He will no longer have any contact with the eldest son of the Minister of rites. The second prince thinks so, so does his confidant.

Both of them had thought that they would cut off all contact with the eldest son of the Minister of rites in the future, and would not let the eldest son of the Minister of rites let him take off the water.

After all, this time, the eldest son of the Minister of rites had done him a lot. Although he said that he had not been punished, he believed that this matter would be solved if he did not solve it.

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