With that, the friend said, "OK, you go down." After the servant went down, the friend reported the truth to the eldest son of the Minister of rites, and told him to be very careful.

After finding out the news, the eldest son of the Minister of rites also said goodbye to his friend. He could not trouble his friend all the time. Moreover, he was killed, but he could not implicate his friend.

If the jailers in the prison come to arrest him, it will not be a nuisance to his friends and family. So, the eldest son of the Minister of rites, the friend who said goodbye, left himself.

On the way, the eldest son of the shangshufu family of the Ministry of rites was arrested by the government. Because there were notices everywhere, someone reported to the government.

The jailer in the prison soon found the eldest son of the Minister of rites, and took him back to the prison. The eldest son of the house of the Minister of rites could not escape the robbery again.

When he returned to the prison, the eldest son of the Minister of rites learned that the second prince had killed him. He felt very cold because their relationship had been very good before. How could he treat him like this.

It's hard to imagine. So the eldest son of the Minister of rites asked for the opening of the hall. In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, he didn't want to be killed before it was settled.

After suffering in prison, the eldest son of the Minister of rites finally knew the seriousness of the matter, so he decided to open the court ahead of time and tell the truth of his plan.

One day, when the jailer delivered food to him, he disdained to say to the jailer: "I request to open the court in advance. Can you inform me? I have something urgent to report to you. "

The jailer in the prison thought for a second: the boy was finally arrested, which almost made us lose our jobs and lose our heads. What's going to happen now? We should open the class ahead of schedule.

The jailer in the prison thought and replied, "OK, I'll tell the warden everything about you. You just have to wait for the notice."

After that, the jailer came to the warden in a panic and reported to the warden: "the eldest son of the Minister of rites asked for the court to open in advance. What do you think of this matter?"

Of course, the warden should be very cautious this time. He is very careful about the eldest son of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of rites. Because he was cheated by him last time, he almost let him run away, which angered the second prince, so he decided to do so.

The warden inside the prison said, "why don't we think of a way to deal with him so that he doesn't dare to open the class in advance."

You know, if he offended the second prince, but offended the Emperor today and wanted to implicate nine clans, would he not be afraid to implicate his family?

If they told the truth directly to the eldest son of the Minister of rites, he would not tell the truth exactly. However, he also considered to protect his family. Where did he get such courage?

Didn't he consider the seriousness of the matter? He didn't consider how serious his consequences would be if he told the whole story? Is he so selfish?

Moreover, if he told the whole story, the second prince might be threatened. At that time, the second prince will blame him, but we will bear it again. Before things happen, we will stop them in advance.

But if we talk to him directly, he will not agree. He will feel that we are threatening him and intimidating him.

We certainly don't believe what we say, so we have to find a way to get him to stop thinking. And this method must be effective and practical.

But if the jailers went to tell him directly, he would not agree. He must think that they were all telling lies. They want to stop the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

A jailer said to the warden, "I think of a very clever way. How about kidnapping his relatives as hostages? In this way, he will not dare to mess around, and he will listen to us

The warden said, "you are a dead brain and a stupid slave. If you do, you will certainly annoy him and offend him. If he can go out in the future, won't you come to revenge us? It's not right. It's not right. Try something else! "

At this time, a clever jailer thought of a way. He found the warden, because the warden said that as long as anyone figured out a way to stop the eldest son of the Minister of rites from giving up the idea of opening a court, he would get a reward.

In order to get the reward, many people tried to break their heads and tried every means to prevent the eldest son of the Minister of rites from giving up his idea of opening the court in advance, but none of them succeeded.

The jailer came to the warden inside the prison and said, "since it is not possible to adopt the hard method, why don't we use the soft method to persuade him?"

"What kind of soft way?" the warden asked thoughtfully? Speak, speak

The jailer said, "don't worry, warden. Listen to me slowly. Don't you have many friends in the capital?

Isn't it good that we can find his friends and let them persuade him and tell him the seriousness of the matter? "The warden said with a smile, "you are stupid. We have offended him. Besides, his friends must know that he is in prison. How could they come to help persuade him?

It's too late for his friends to save him. Why help us persuade him? You must have thought too much. Besides, there is no good in doing it.

We can't have so much reward for him. If the amount is small, he won't help us. His friends and we are not the same

This method is very good, but it is difficult to implement. What should we do? This worried the jailer, and the way he finally came up with was gone. No, we have to think of other ways.

The warden had an idea and said to the jailer, "don't worry. Don't worry. I've come up with a solution. In this way, you dress up as a prisoner who has just been released from prison.

Then we say that in prison, you live next to the eldest son of the house of the Minister of rites. You have become good brothers in the prison, and you have already worshipped in the prison.

Then he found his friends, gained his trust, and convinced his friends to persuade the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

Before you get trust, you can't tell his friend about it. You should try every means to get his friend's trust.

When you get his trust, you can tell him about it and tell him the seriousness of the matter. You do it out of concern for his relatives and friends. "

Under the instruction of the warden, the jailer quickly went to the prison for two days, so that the eldest son of the Minister of rites knew that the prisoner was actually a jailer disguised as a prisoner.

During the period when the jailer was detained, he began to chat with the eldest son of the Minister of rites, and began to chat with him about various things to gain his trust.

Of course, in prison, he also helped the eldest son of the Minister of rites. In addition to boredom, he also helps the eldest son of the house of the Minister of rites.

When the prison guards give them a lot of food, they will share their meals with each other. After gaining the trust of the eldest son of the Minister of rites, the jailer was released from prison.

He told the eldest son of the Minister of rites to take care of himself. He went out first. But he also told the eldest son of the house of the Minister of rites that he had no place to turn to, and that he was helpless when he went out.

Out of good intentions, the eldest son of the Minister of rites asked him to join his closest friend. The eldest son of the Minister of rites told him the address of his friend's friend and asked him to go to his friend.

The jailer gave thanks to the eldest son of the Minister of rites and said goodbye to him. After he came out of prison, he found his friend by address.

The gatekeeper took him home and met his friends. The jailer in the prison said, "I am a prisoner just released from prison.

When I was in prison, I lived next to the eldest son of the minister's house. We take care of each other and become good friends. We also communicate with each other.

He often mentioned you to me. I told him that after he came out, I didn't go to any place. He asked me to come to you. He said that you are the eldest son of the Minister of rites, the most trusted and most intimate friend, so he asked me to join you. "

After listening to the words of the jailer in prison, the friend said with tears: "my brother's life is very hard. He managed to escape and was arrested again.

I have encountered severe punishment in prison. I am trying to rescue him. How is he doing in prison? "

It's OK that I miss my friends and relatives outside

In this way, a friend of the eldest son of the Minister of rites took the jailer in. In order to gain the trust of the eldest son's friend of the Minister of rites, he must do something for him to gain his trust.

But how can we quickly and well win the trust of the eldest son's friends of the Minister of rites? The day came.

As a friend of the eldest son of the Minister of rites was escorting things in an escort agency, someone happened to ask for leave that day and didn't come.

So the jailer just took his place and went to escort things with the friends of the eldest son of the Minister of rites.

The journey was far away, and the thing they wanted to escort was precious pottery, which inevitably aroused the thoughts of the robbers. On their way they were robbed by robbers.

When a robber stabbed a friend of the eldest son of the Minister of rites with a knife, the jailer stepped forward.

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