At this time, his body is less than five meters away from the deck edge. Li Zixing only needs to get up and quickly jump into the sea. However, he was still full of energy just now, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up. The pain in his lower abdomen was even more abnormal. The cold sweat on his forehead poured down one by one, which made life worse than death!

It's hard for him to imagine that the power of one punch is so great!

Just when he was shocked, ye Xiao came to him step by step, and then reached out his hand and lifted him like a chicken. Li Zixing never thought that he would be twisted one day!

"Now you can tell me how you killed Yue Ziqiu." Ye Xiao stares at Li Zixing's eyes and says it in a soft voice. His face is calm and seems to be talking to his old friend!

"Didn't you kill him?" Seeing the calm in Ye Xiao's eyes, Li Zixing shivered in his heart, but he still snorted coldly. He never thought about telling Ye Xiao about Lin's ruthlessness!

Hearing Li Zixing's question, ye Xiao not only didn't get angry, but also gave a slight smile. However, the smile in Li Zixing's eyes was unspeakable cold!

Just when Li Zixing thought Ye Xiao had something to say, he suddenly felt that his body began to fall. He had not regained his mind. His head had been pounded on the deck!

"Bang!" Li Zixing's head was directly knocked out of a blood hole. The huge pain almost made him faint. Before he fainted, ye Xiao had already grasped his palm with his back hand. After a hard twist, he heard a click. His arm bone was also directly broken by Ye Xiao and twisted into a twist. The white bone was exposed, and Yin was also sandwiched on it Red blood!

A sad cry rang through the whole cargo ship, but ye Xiao didn't seem to stop there. Instead, he took up a hammer beside him and hit Li Zixing like lightning!

"Click!" Li Zixing's leg bone was smashed by a hammer. Li Zixing, who was about to faint, was awakened from pain again. His hand bone was broken and his leg bone was smashed to pieces. The pain that pierced his heart almost killed Li Zixing. His biggest dream now is to faint!

But under such severe pain, even if he wanted to faint, he could not pass out!

"Lock him up and torture him slowly!" Ye Xiao threw Li Zixing on the deck like throwing rubbish, and then clapped his hands gently, as if he had done a trivial thing. However, Jiang Tianzhan, who has been staying on the deck, has long been pale. Is this the strength of the founder of Longyao club? Is this the method of the founder of Longyao club?

Ye yubai, Xiao Nan and others have long been used to Ye Xiao's means, and there is no change in their faces. Ye yubai even goes to Li Zixing for thousands of times. Ye Xiao has given them many means of extorting confessions. Even when the spies of state m come to their hands, they will have to tell what they are. What's more, they are just a trivial Li Zixing?

Leave the rest to ye yubai. Ye Xiao comes to Jiang Tianzhan's side step by step. Seeing ye Xiao walking by, he knows he won't hurt himself, but he can't stop shivering!

"This time, you've done a good job. We won't treat you badly." Ye Xiao walked to the side of the sky war, patted the shoulder of the sky war with force, and said with encouragement!

"Thank you, ye Shao." Be ye Xiao so pat shoulder, will day war some flattered say!

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more. He just stood on the deck quietly and looked at the sea ahead. A moment later, Xiao Nan came from the cabin again. In his hand, he also had some information!

Ye Xiao took a look, his face changed slightly, and then the corners of his mouth gradually rose, and finally appeared a faint smile!

"Just follow your route!" Ye Xiao said to the next general Tian Zhan.

Don't dare to ask more questions about Tianzhan, please go on!

Since the death of Yue Ziqiu, Lin Wuqing has been in a state of anxiety for several days. His uneasiness has not abated, but has become stronger and stronger. Previously, he gave Secretary Li a secret phone call. He said that he had arrived successfully. As long as he left the mainland and was not found by ye Xiao, everything would not be a problem. But why do you have such a sense of uneasiness What do you think?

But when he thought of the coming marriage, a faint smile appeared on his lips!

In order to avoid a long night's dream, he told his grandfather not long ago that he would marry Tan Xiaoxiao before the Spring Festival. His grandfather agreed and put forward this suggestion to the tan family. Who expected that the tan family didn't agree immediately. Later, Lin ruthlessly learned that it was Tan Xiaoxiao who refused to agree. However, since she called her own that day, she had already answered Yes!

Tan promised, this marriage is completely settled down, these days, the Lin family and the tan family are preparing for this marriage!

Although Tan Xiaoxiao agreed to marry him immediately because of the man, which made Lin heartless feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn't care too much. Originally, this was a marriage, which was to protect the common interests of each other. As long as she became his wife, who would care about others? At that time, he would be the son-in-law of the tan family, half of the tan family, and those of the tan family People cooperate, also close a lot!Tan family, this is no less than the existence of the four big families. Over the years, the military has changed greatly, but the tan family has been able to stand still. It is from a second class family to one of the largest families in the military. It is enough to see the wisdom of the previous generation of Tan family leader!

Now the master of the tan family is tan Zixiong. His vision is sharper than that of his father. He even wants to marry the huge Lin family. The power of the Lin family in the political system is extremely terrible. The marriage of the two families, no matter who it is, is of great benefit!

As long as you get married with Tan Xiaoxiao, you will get more than you lose!

What is a Cao Wanxing, a Yue Ziqiu, or even a Yue Buxiu? As long as you have the support of the tan family in the military and cooperate with the forces of the Lin family, you can definitely go further in the shortest time. Changyun city is just an ordinary prefecture level city. If you go further, you can get to the provincial department, no matter where you put it, as long as you boil a few You will be able to enter the highest level of the Central Committee in!

Before the age of 40, it is Lin's goal to be at the top of the Central Committee. Without the support of the military, it is very difficult to achieve such a situation. After all, besides the Lin family, there are several other families, but with the support of the tan family, the resistance will be greatly reduced!

The ultimate goal of Lin's ruthlessness and even the whole Lin family is to weaken the power of the other three families by their own hands and finally form a situation in which the Lin family is dominant!

Also for this goal, his grandfather named him merciless, the moral is to tell him, for this goal, can be heartless!

Marriage, for him, is just a chip!

At the thought of this, Lin heartless's uneasiness gradually faded. At the end of the day, a faint smile appeared. As for ye Xiao's life and death, he was no longer concerned by him. As long as he married Tan Xiaoxiao smoothly, he would not put his energy on a gangster with a little backwardness

How can a mole ant compete with a lion? In Lin's heartless eyes, ye Xiao is nothing but a bigger mole ant

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