If you don't cut all the firewood today, you won't want to have a meal. I gave you that steamed bread just now. In fact, you can't eat it today.

If you hadn't pitifully rewarded you with a cold steamed bread to eat, you thought you would still have the strength to be here now. I can tell you, if you don't finish these firewood today, you can see how I clean you up and how we can clean up yours. "

After the servant finished, she took out the whip and whipped it several times on Fang Ruliu's body. Then she left angrily. Fang Ruliu felt the pain from the whip numbly. She already felt that her body was not painless, and she also felt that her heart was not painful.

She has already felt very numb, looking at the pile of firewood, she only felt a piece of bitterness, she really did not know why she would suffer such suffering here.

She did not know why she was clearly the daughter of the Lord of the city and the second lady of the Lord's residence, but why she became like this.

She didn't know why the Lord of the city hated her so much, and she didn't know why she couldn't get a foothold in the Lord's residence. She really didn't know why such a situation happened.

But she didn't want to know that she had to accept the fact that she had to accept the situation. She didn't think about it too much, but she was just worried and couldn't think of anything to solve.

"What do you want so much to do? Anyway, I think so much, but I still don't want to do these things in the end, even if I am the daughter of the Lord of the city, even if I am the daughter of my father.

Anyway, he doesn't like me. What he likes is only his sister. What he likes is not me. I'm the eldest daughter in law. I'm the second young lady in the residence of the Lord of the city. It's not like living like a servant.

Now being bullied by these people, I just hope that the bitter days will come to an end soon and leave the Lord's residence as soon as possible. Only in this way can I escape from these hardships.

Of course, I also know that even if I get rid of these hardships, there will surely be another bitter sea waiting for me, but even so, I would like to. After all, I have suffered so much here, and I really don't want to continue. "

Secondly, Liu Ding is not afraid of being cold at all.

She is not as good as a person or even a dog in the residence of the Lord of the city. Everyone bullies her and scolds her!

Now Fang Ruliu suddenly thought of Ye Wuqian, who met in that weapon store in the street yesterday. Ye Wuqian is the first time she has felt that someone cares for her and feels warm for the first time in so many years.

She really feel very miss, she really hope to see ye Wumian, but she knows, such a chance is really very small.

Because it was not easy for her to go out yesterday. Now it is impossible for her to seize such an opportunity to go out.

Fang Ruliu outlines the outline of Ye Wuque in her heart. I don't know why. Since last night, she has been thinking about ye Wuque.

The image of Ye Wumian lingers in her mind. Fang Ruliu thinks that if she has a chance, she must thank ye Wuque!

She pinned her dagger on her waist. Yesterday Ye Wuqian bought her a dagger, which she used to defend herself.

If it comes to the last moment, when it comes to an urgent moment, she will surely use this dagger to end others. Even if she can't, she will certainly end herself.

She has long lost hope for this life, long ago, lost hope for life! The reason why she lingered was just thinking about her own dead mother.

Because their mother died just to let her live. She didn't want her mother's wishes to be lost.

She didn't want her mother to be disappointed with her, so she had been languishing like this, but if it was true, when there was no way out, she would have finished her own.

Anyway, she had no hope for life now. Although she thought so, she suddenly kindled some hope when she thought of meeting Ye Wuwei yesterday.

She thought that if she had a chance, she would have a good look at Ye Wuqian again. She suddenly remembered what ye Wuque said yesterday. Ye Wuque said that she would like to marry Fang Ruliu.

Fang Ruliu knows that this is just some of Ye Wuqian's sayings, but she still has some hope in her heart. It would be nice to say that ye Wuque is really willing to marry her,.

She also does not expect that she will become the only woman with Ye Wuqian, who will be a double person for life! Even if ye Wuque doesn't like her, she also feels very happy to take her home to be his maid.

As long as she can get away from the Lord's residence and from this bitter sea, she would like to do anything. Unfortunately, she feels that such a hope is impossible, and there is no such opportunity.She felt that the chances of realizing these things were very small. She did not believe that she would have such great ability and luck and would become Ye Wuqian's wife.

Now she is just guessing and thinking about her in the bottom of her heart. She also knows how much she weighs. She knows that she can't have such good luck at all!

Anyway, Fang Ruliu has been living in the dark color for so many years. Even if the life is gray again, she is used to it. She has become very numb now.

When Fang Ruliu was thinking about these things, she left the servant and came back again. She was very angry when she saw Fang Ruliu in a daze here.

She whipped Fang Ruliu again with that whip, swearing at Fang Ruliu for a hundred years. She had been scolding Fang Ruliu for being lazy, saying that Fang Ruliu was too lazy.

In addition, she should punish Fang Ruliu and not allow her to eat. She has been used to such a life, so even if the servant beat her like this and scolded her, she would not be indifferent.

She took the axe in her hand and continued to chop the firewood. She continued to chop the firewood. Even though she felt that she was too tired to be tired, even though she felt that she had no strength, she was still chopping the firewood.

When Fang Ruliu is very tired and tired, when she can't hold on to it, as long as the face of Ye Wumian always appears in her mind, she feels very hopeful and she feels full of strength!

Although she knew that she and ye Wuque were not meant to be together, she knew that she and ye Wuque could not be together, but she still had a little hope in her heart and a little bit of fantasy.

Soon Fang Ruliu used up all her strength. She was almost exhausted now, but she still insisted on cutting firewood.

Looking at the firewood as high as a hill, she knew that she would not be able to chop the firewood. If she could not finish the chopping, there would be no food to eat. Fang Ruliu was used to the hungry life.

Although she did not feel how sad, she did not feel how uncomfortable, anyway, she is like this, anyway, there are many people are not happy with her, all look at her.

She has been used to such a life, even if not enough to eat, not warm to wear, so what, anyway, has been used to such a life. I'm used to seeing other people's eyes.

Fang Ruliu has been chopping firewood. Although she feels that she is nearly exhausted, she still insists on it. After all, even if she is tired to death, these people will not let her go.

Sometimes Fang Ruliu really doesn't understand why these servants have such great ability to bully her. Although she is said to be unpopular, she is also the legitimate eldest daughter in the residence of the Lord of the city!

How can these servants not be so afraid? Although the people in Shengxuan country are open-minded, they still pay attention to their status and status. According to the law, these servants do not dare to arrogate or move her.

But the fact is not so, these servants not only dare to move her, but also move very strong, which makes Fang Ruliu feel very confused.

However, in fact, she understood after a deep thought that although those servants did not dare to bully her, they had the tacit approval of the city Lord and Fang Rumei.

With the tacit consent of the city Lord and Fang Rumei, they certainly have the courage to do these things.

With the tacit consent of the city Lord and Fang Rumei, these servants dare to do anything. Even if they are ordered to kill Fang Ruliu immediately, they are willing to do so.

After all, they think that Fang Ruliu's life is not worth a cent. In their city Lord's mansion, they have already known that Fang Ruliu's identity and status are not very high.

No matter who wants to bully Fang Ruliu, it's OK for them to bully Fang Ruliu. No matter who wants to bully Fang Ruliu, there is no problem.

So they are not afraid at all. Even if Fang Ruliu is the daughter of her city Lord, even if Fang Ruliu's status is very noble.

In the eyes of these servants, they are nothing but nothing. Anyway, their master is the daughter of a commoner in the Lord's house.

Anyway, their masters were the city Lord and Fang Rumei. As for Fang Ruliu, they never treated them as their own masters.

In their eyes, Fang Rumei doesn't like Fang Ruliu at all, and Fang Ruliu is not favored at all. How can these unpopular masters be filial and serve.

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