When Lin Xiuyuan's thoughts drifted far away, Tan Zixiong had already stood up. According to the process of the wedding, he should first take his daughter out of the room, and finally give it to Lin's merciless hand in front of the public. This is a father's responsibility, but is he a good father?

Tan Zixiong didn't know and didn't want to think about it. He told his father and Lin Xiuyuan a crime. Tan Zixiong quietly came to the dressing room!

At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao has changed her beautiful wedding dress and is sitting in front of the dressing mirror. The dressing room is carrying out the final make-up for her. Her best friend, Ouyang Qianqian, who is the bridesmaid, is also nearby!

From the mirror, Tan Zixiong saw that his daughter's face did not have the joy of being a bride, but there was no imagined sadness. Instead, it was a calm face. But he did not know why. Seeing the peace of his face, Tan Zixiong felt a pain in his heart. He knew that his daughter was more sad than death. Otherwise, how could he see his arrival Will look at oneself more, she just stares at the mirror quietly, stares at the bride who has already died of heart in the mirror!

Tan Xiaoxiao looked at himself in the mirror, but his mind had already floated to the outside, floated to the man's side, did not know whether he was well now, if he knew that he did not abide by the agreement of the two people, would he be sad?

At the thought of what ye Xiao said to her that day, her heart was a burst of bitterness!

In order to save Huang lingyao and kill Yue Ziqiu, ye Xiao sent out several gangsters to fight against the police. Although this did not cause public unrest, it caused quite a stir at the top of Kyoto. Yue Buxiu went to Shangguan, the head of the Ministry of public security, to arrest Ye Xiao at all costs!

After all, Yue Buxiu's grandson is dead. With this, there is no force to intercede for ye Xiao. This is a death feud. No matter who is the head of any big family, he will not completely turn over Yue Buxiu for an outsider. Besides, this is the matter Even if he turns his back, Yue Buxiu will not necessarily stop. The only one who can persuade him to stop is the Lin family!

Everyone knows that the Lin family has made great contributions to Yue Buxiu's success today. If the Lin family comes forward, maybe he will stop. As long as he doesn't specifically target Ye Xiao, then this matter will be ignored. But can Lin Wuqing really persuade Yue Buxiu?

Thinking of that day's heartless conversation with Lin, Tan Xiaoxiao has no idea. Lin heartless only says that as long as she is willing to marry him, then gather the strength of the Yue family and the Lin family to persuade Yue Buxiu, which may have an effect, but he can't guarantee the effect!

Tan Xiaoxiao has no choice. What she can do for ye Xiao seems to be the only one!

The figure of her father appeared in the mirror. Looking at the tall and straight figure in military uniform, Tan Xiaoxiao was indifferent. Now she is just like a puppet, or, since Jinghai city came back, she has become a puppet. She is no longer the original rebellious girl who dares to confront the whole family for her own destiny!

It is no longer the girl who refuses to give up anything for the sake of freedom. She has learned to compromise, compromise with her family, compromise with the reality, and the helpless compromise in her heart. All the compromises are just for the sake that the person she loves can be safe and sound!

At the thought that the person in her heart suffered all this for her own sake, her heart was a burst of bitterness, is this the so-called life?

No one knows the pain in her heart, not even her closest friend, Ouyang Qianqian!

At this time Ouyang Qianqian is sitting next to her. She also looks at herself in the mirror. She may not know the relationship between Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao, but she knows that ye Xiao made such a big thing this time because of Huang lingyao. Is Huang lingyao in the lead in the pursuit of love? Otherwise, how could ye Xiao commit such a big thing for her?

If she and she met the same situation, would ye Xiao do the same thing? She shakes her head and no longer thinks about such a problem. She looks back at Tan Xiaoxiao, who is making up her makeup. She finds that there is no smile on her face. Thinking of this, Ouyang Qianqian's eyes are confused again. Do you smile that she doesn't like this wedding?

How to say, Lin heartless all aspects of conditions are very good, want to marry his woman can from Kyoto east city row to West City, smile why still depressed, do you think she also has a loved one?

Just emerged such idea, Ouyang Qianqian's heart suddenly jumped!

In the past, she had never thought of such a thought, or in other words, she never thought about love. Until she fell in love with Ye Xiao unconsciously, she would think about how to love a person, but she suddenly found that she had never heard Tan Xiaoxiao say who she liked!

I like Ye Xiao, when did I really like him? I don't know, that smile? It seems that she has never heard her say who she likes?

In the past, she always thought that Tan Xiaoxiao and Lin Qingqing were made for each other. But now she has come to understand that even if the conditions on the surface meet again and match each other again, if they do not love each other, then this marriage will never be happy!Xiaoxiao never told her about their marriage, and she never asked Tan Xiaoxiao about her feelings. Until this moment, she suddenly found that she cared too little about her best friend, but more often than not, it was Tan Xiaoxiao who cared about her!

Because of her identity, Ouyang Qianqian's social circle is not very broad, and she has no way to know the relationship between Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao. So for a while, she did not want to go to this aspect. However, she has already seen that Tan Xiaoxiao is not happy today. She is totally preoccupied. Just from the look in her eyes, she knows and affirms in her heart Has lived in a man, and this man is absolutely not Lin heartless!

Moreover, that man has been deeply rooted in her heart, otherwise, when she got married, she could not have such a look. However, even if she knew now, Ouyang Qianqian was helpless. As a political family, she deeply understood that the political marriage between the two families could not be stopped even if she knew it!

When she came up with this idea, she suddenly felt a burst of pain in her heart, not for her own pain, but for the pain of smile. Even though she has fallen behind a lot on the way of love, at least, she can still pursue her own happiness, but what about laughing at her? How sad is it that she does not even have the right to pursue her own happiness?

At this time, Ouyang Qianqian glanced at Tan Zixiong who appeared at the door. She quickly got up from her seat and went to call her uncle respectfully. Tan Xiaoxiao could ignore her father. As a younger generation, Ouyang Qianqian could not be impolite. She also understood that the arrival of Tan Zixiong also meant that the wedding was about to begin. No one could stop it She will accompany Tan Xiaoxiao into this wedding. If she had been in the past, she would have felt that she was accompanying Tan Xiaoxiao into happiness, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that she was accompanying Tan Xiaoxiao to hell

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