Fang Ruliu knew that these servant girls might have been used to before, so she would kneel on the ground directly. But she's not the kind of person who can easily corporal punishment.

In Fang Ruliu's eyes, the servant girl is also a human being, so she can't be a servant girl of a humble servant. Fang Ruliu thinks that, before and after, whether she is the legitimate eldest daughter of the city Lord's house, or the princess of the palace.

She would stick to her original intention, and certainly would not suppress the servants because of her status, because she was a person who was inferior to the servants before. Of course, she also understood the plight of these people.

These maids were surprised to hear Fang Ruliu say so, because they didn't expect that Fang Ruliu was such a tolerant person. They didn't expect their princess to be so reasonable and understanding.

Kneeling in the place of the servant girl, she stopped kowtowing, but did not stand up. She is still very worried, looking at Fang Ruliu, she is afraid that Fang Ruliu is just saying this on purpose. She was afraid that if she didn't admit her mistake, Fang Ruliu would come to fix her.

"Princess, don't you really blame us? We didn't take good care of the princess, which made the princess feel uncomfortable. It was US and the servants' fault. Princess, you have a lot of people. It's really kind-hearted not to punish us. No wonder the prince will bow down under your pomegranate skirt.

The prince is really very insightful. He has chosen you. We have a princess in our palace. I believe our palace will be better and better. "

The servant girl didn't flatter. What she said was true and true. What she said was what she thought in her heart. There is not a trace of intentional flattery, because she really think like this, that's why she said it.

This servant girl's voice just fell, other servant girls also immediately echoed. Because they also think this is very correct, they also think that the maid said very good, they also think that Fang Ruliu is a very good person.

All the servants felt that Fang Ruliu was the most suitable person for ye Wuqian. All the servants felt that it was a very good thing to let Fang Ruliu become their princess.

And their words just finished, ye Wuque came in from the outside. Ye Wuqi saw the servants kneeling on the ground. He thought that these servants had angered Fang Ruliu, so he was punished by Fang Ruliu and knelt on the ground.

Therefore, ye Wuque asked, "madam, what's the matter? Have these servants done something wrong and angered the lady? If this is the case, the husband will certainly not give them light! If they offend the lady, you can punish her.

Although you have just married me, you are the hostess of this palace and the one who wants to join hands with me for life. You have absolute right to punish them. You have absolute right.

No matter who it is, as long as you get angry with your wife, you don't have to think too much about it. You can punish it directly. I won't say anything else. As long as I can make the lady calm down and make her happy, everything will be as good as she wants. "

Ye Wuque has been saying this, ye Wuque is afraid that Fang Ruliu will be wronged in the palace, so he said so. Although the leaves do not lack also know.

The people in his palace would never deliberately annoy Fang Ruliu, knowing that even if these servants were angry to Fang Ruliu, they could not have done it on purpose.

But he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, he was afraid that these servant girls would make Fang Ruliu angry. Fang Ruliu is a man on the top of his heart. He can't bear to suffer any harm and grievance.

Liu Fang's servant girls didn't want to be bullied by his servants, but they didn't want to be bullied by them.

So in fact, he was really worried because his servants and maid angered Fang Ruliu. Therefore, ye Wuwei's attitude is not good at this time.

After all, today is the day of his wedding. If these people don't have such eyes, on this day of his big wedding, if Fang Ruliu is angry, he will never forgive these servants and servant girls.

After all, he felt that if Fang Ruliu was offended by these servants and servant girls, he would punish them.

He felt that if today's Day is so special, and these servants and maids still don't have eyes, it's really disrespectful to him.

Although he usually relaxed the management of these servants and maids, and gave them great freedom and rights, it would be unforgivable if they offended his wife and his wife.

At this time, ye Wuqian said to these servants and servant girls: "usually I give you a lot of freedom and rights. You can do whatever you want, but today it is different.

At this time, ye Wuqian said to these servants and servant girls: "usually I give you a lot of freedom and rights. You can do whatever you want, but today it is different.When my wife and I got married, you made her angry. If you said that she was angry, what should I do? You also have some self-knowledge.

I hope you don't lose my trust in you because of some small things. You should take good care of my wife.

But you make her angry, and now you kneel in front of her, do you want to get her forgiveness? I tell you, once some mistakes are put down, they are unforgivable.

If you really offend my wife, then I will punish you well. Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, it is useless.

After all, what you have done has really hurt my heart. I clearly believe that you have given you such large words and so many rights.

But you don't treat me so well. If you let me know, I will punish you

What ye Wuqian said was very serious. He didn't give these servants and servants a little face, but he was right. These servants and maids had no face at all.

It's just because ye Wuqian is a modern man, so he has some sense of rights and some consciousness of human rights. If he is placed in other people's homes, they will not regard the servants in their own family as people at all.

Ye Wuqian at least gave them the greatest power and freedom. However, in other palaces, this was not the case in other palaces.

Because they really feel that if they treat their servants and servant girls as human beings, then they are very shameless.

Few people like Wang Ye and ye Wuque regard their servants and servants as human beings.

But these servants and servant girls heard Ye Wuqian say them so harshly, because they also felt that it was because they didn't serve Fang Ruliu well that they could make Fang Ruliu look like that.

They also feel that they have done very bad, so at this time ye Wuque spoke to them like this, they did not say anything, and they did not dare to refute anything.

How can they be angry if they don't make a mistake?

They really think that they are really wrong. If they can never do it once, they will serve Fang Ruliu well and won't let Fang Ruliu show such angry expression.

They think ye Wuque is right. Even if ye Wuque drives them out of the palace at this time, they don't have any complaints.

Because, in their eyes, they did not serve Fang Ruliu well, that is to say, Fang Ruliu was wronged. But they think so, but Fang Ruliu doesn't think so.

When Fang Ruliu heard Ye Wuqian say these servants and servant girls in such a severe tone, Fang Ruliu was frightened. Fang Ruliu was not angry at all. He was not angry at all because of the things done by these servants and servants.

The reason why she showed such an expression was that she thought that the miserable life she had lived for more than ten years before had nothing to do with these servants and maids.

This time, it was because her expressions frightened the servants and maids, which made them feel as if they had done something wrong and knelt down on the ground to beg for mercy.

These servants and servant girls did not do anything wrong at all, because she was sentimental, so they mistook her for being angry.

This time ye Wuqian spoke to them so harshly and said these things to them, because ye Wuqian saw these servants and servant girls kneeling in front of her and pleaded for mercy.

That's why there was a misunderstanding. So now Fang Ruliu feels very self reproach. If it wasn't because she didn't handle her own mood well, how could she let these servants and servant girls suffer such grievances.

Therefore, Fang Ruliu stood up and came to Ye Wuqian's side, and then gently said to Ye Wuqian: "the Lord is not. These servants and maids have done nothing wrong.

It's all me. It's all because I didn't manage my mood well. When I think about my life over the past ten years, I feel that my life is hard won now. I want to live a good life. "

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