At this time, Fang Ruliu was really very happy and moved. She felt that if she could live with Ye Wuqi for a long time, he would have no regrets in this life.

So at this time, Fang Ruliu said to Ye Wuqian all the things that she thought in her heart. She said to ye Wuque: "Lord, as long as you are there, I want to go all the time. As long as you have been there, I want to go all the time.

I didn't participate in your previous life. I will be with you in the present life, including the future life. I will never be separated from you.

No matter what kind of difficulties, no matter what kind of suffering, will not separate us, as long as you are in the place, all are paradise.

As long as you are around me, all the suffering, all the difficulties I can solve one by one, because I really like you very much, because I really want to live with you for a long time.

The scenery by the lake is really very good. I like the peaceful feeling here. All the beautiful scenery here is inferior to you. It is the best scenery in my life.

You are the most beautiful and moving scenery in my life. From now on, I will accompany you well. As long as you don't leave, I will never give up and stay with you forever and forever. "

Ye Wuqian and Fang Ruliu began to talk to each other again. They seemed to have something to say. They were talking there all the time.

Even if they don't speak, they stop and look at the beautiful scenery in front of them. They hold each other's hands tightly and never want to let go. They really want to live together for a long time.

Before long, ye Wuque took Fang Ruliu with him. When the next day came, ye Wuque took Fang Ruliu into the palace.

Fang Ruliu was the first time she came to such a noble place. When ye Wuqian took her back to the palace, she was frightened by the magnificence of the palace.

Because she had never seen such a rich place, such a good mansion. When she was in the city Lord's house before, she thought that their city Lord's house must be the most beautiful place, and it must be the most magnificent and high-grade place to be decorated.

But when she came to the palace, she knew that it was a witch, and their city Lord's house was no more than one tenth of the palace.

Before the loss, her sister and her father still said that, and thought how great their city Lord's house was. Ye Wuqian is a lord, but he has a place hundreds of times better than the city Lord's house.

Their palace was much better than that of the city Lord's house. No wonder the Lord didn't look up to them at that time.

At that time, her sister and her father thought that their city Lord's house was so good, and they had been luring Ye Wuqian there, but they did not know how many times Ye Wuqian's own residence was better than theirs.

And now that she came to the palace, she was frightened by the magnificence of the palace. It turned out that all the things in the palace were much better than the palace.

She had never seen such a good thing. Even the stones on the road were valuable jade. So Fang Ruliu was surprised by the beautiful scenery here.

Ye Wumian naturally knows that Fang Ruliu will be frightened when she sees these things for the first time. He holds Fang Ruliu's hand tightly, and does not let Fang Ruliu feel afraid because she feels too honored here.

But in fact, she thinks too much, Fang Ruliu, no matter how she says, she also has some self-restraint people. How could she be frightened by these?

She just felt that it was rich here, and then she felt that her vision was too narrow. She just felt that there were people outside the people and there were mountains outside the mountains.

There are only richer places, but there is no richest place. So at this time, Fang Ruliu also gives Ye Wuqian a reassuring smile and tells Ye Wuqian that she is not frightened.

"Lord, before I thought our city-state was the best place, but when I came to the capital city, I realized that there were people outside the people and mountains beyond the mountains.

Moreover, my elder sister and my father wanted you to stay in our city Lord's house before. They thought that their own city hall was so good.

But they didn't know that there was a mountain outside the mountain. All the things in the palace were thousands of times better than those in our city Lord's house. No wonder you looked like that at that time

Because at that time, the Lord of the city and ye Wuqian said that when ye Wuque was allowed to enter the city Lord's house, Fang Ruliu actually secretly observed it nearby.

So he certainly knew what kind of expression ye Wuque looked like at that time. He also knew that ye Wuque heard the Lord of the city say that he wanted him to stay here.

And when the city Lord's mansion seduced ye Wumian with his gold and silver treasures, the expression of disdain in ye Wumian's face.

At that time, Fang Ruliu didn't know why he was like this, because at that time, Fang Ruliu only thought that ye Wuqian was just an ordinary person.She thought ye Wuque was just a common people, but now, she finally knew why ye Wuque was so expressive at that time.

Of course, she knows why Ye Wuqian is so scornful. He has his own more noble place. He has seen bigger things and bigger world. How could he be attracted by those small things.

At that time, Liu Fang heard Liu Fang's conversation, and he knew what Liu Fang said. In fact, it is not because I have seen these more precious things, because I did not like your sister.

So even if he gives me the throne, even if your father is the emperor, even if your father wants to give me all the things in the world, I will not take it.

Because I'm not the one I like, what do I do with him? On the contrary, if your father wanted me to marry you and let me go to the city Lord's house, I would certainly agree.

But the object is not you. I'm sure I won't agree with you. It's not much to do with the little witch seeing the big wizard. There are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the sky. Do you know that

Because ye Wuque didn't like the eldest daughter of the city Lord and Fang Ruliu's sister, he refused the proposal of the Lord.

Even if he is an ordinary person, if he likes the daughter of the Lord, he will certainly agree. The key is that he does not like it.

Why does he want to accept people he doesn't like, and why does he want to do something he doesn't like? So even if it is to exchange with him with the most precious treasure in the world, he will not be willing to do it.

On the contrary, if the object is Fang Ruliu, he will certainly consider it. When Fang Ruliu hears Ye Wuxiang's words, he naturally knows that ye Wuqian has confessed to her in disguise.

Therefore, Fang Ruliu feels very embarrassed. Ye Wuqian feels very happy when she sees Fang Ruliu's embarrassed appearance.

He felt very satisfied. Everyone would be satisfied to have his favorite Fang Ruliu around him. Soon the two of them came to the emperor's imperial study.

At this time, the door of the imperial study was closed. As soon as he saw the prince's arrival, the emperor could not bear his own mood inside and went to the outer door to open the door.

As soon as he saw Ye Wuqian leading Fang Ruliu to come together, the emperor felt very happy because he felt that he could become a grandfather faster.

Anyway, what he hopes most now is that Fang Ruliu can get pregnant quickly and give birth to his eldest grandson as soon as possible, so that he can push all things forward one step.

He wanted to seal the crown prince to Ye Wuqian, but he also knew that they had just got married yesterday. How could they have been so quick.

Therefore, at this time, the emperor was forced to resist the excitement in his heart. He sat in the first place. Ye Wuqian and Fang Ruliu knelt down to him and saluted him as soon as he saw him.

Fang Ruliu, in particular, said that she had never seen the emperor and had never been to such a big scene, but because she had a lot of self-restraint before, she can also be very dignified and do these things well.

Although she was very nervous, she felt more at ease with ye Wuwu beside her. Now she saluted the emperor politely.

When he saw Fang Ruliu like this, he naturally knew that Fang Ruliu would not let him down. He knew that everything Fang Ruliu had done was for him.

"When I saw that you two have such a good relationship, I felt relieved. Originally, I thought Ye Wuqian would marry a wife after a long time.

I didn't expect to be so fast. I didn't expect to bring a beautiful girl back on this trip. This is something I didn't expect.

I didn't expect Ye Wuxiang to either not do it, or do it all at once, or not get married, or get married as soon as you think about it. This is very vigorous, which makes me feel very happy.

Now you two are going to work harder to spread the branches of our royal family. I'll have more things for you to do. Don't bother me then

After all, the emperor is the emperor. When he said such a paragraph, he felt that he had said it very well. Ye Wuque is nothing, but Fang Ruliu felt very embarrassed after listening.

After all, she felt very embarrassed when she heard that the emperor asked them to work harder and then let them both open branches and scatter leaves for the royal family.

After all, she and ye Wuque just got married. Even if she wants to open branches and scatter leaves, it can't be so fast. However, Fang Ruliu still should come down. Anyway, the emperor has said so. Of course, she has to deal with it.

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