"I'm not cursing that your plan will not be completed, but I hope you can think more about how to deal with it. After all, this matter is changeable. After all, the plan has not changed fast.

We have one more plan, one more defense and more security. Then we will have more hope for our success. I think you will definitely succeed in this time.

But it's hard to avoid that some people will be envious and unfavorable to you. That's why I said that. I don't think you really can't do it or what. You really misunderstood me just now, second prince. "

Although the second prince's confidant would like to say other disheartened words, he still complies with the second prince's meaning. Anyway, he knows what the second prince means now.

He knew what the second Prince wanted to say anyway, so he didn't care so much. He said something to make the second prince feel happy and say something he liked to hear.

In any case, even if the second prince fails, it has nothing to do with him. He will surely think of those schemes and some escape strategies. He does not think that he is sure to succeed, nor does he feel sure that he will fail.

In any case, even if the second prince succeeds, he will go, because he is beside the second prince, and there is no way out at all!

Even if the second prince is lucky enough to become emperor, he will eventually eat him to death. After all, he knows a lot of Secrets of the second prince and knows a lot of things about the second prince.

He knows so much that the second prince will definitely be the first to kill him after he ascends the throne, and even ye Wuqian may be behind.

The second prince is the one he wants to kill most! So the second prince's confidant is still very cold hearted, even if so, he is unlikely to have too much contact with the second prince.

He's just saying that here. How could he be so close to the second prince! But the second prince did not know that his confidants had different thoughts on him.

I don't know that his confidant is no longer attached to him. His confidant's heart is not in him at all. He thinks that his confidant is loyal to him.

So now that he heard the explanation from his confidant, his anger gradually dissipated, because he also knew that these things that his confidant said could happen.

After all, he also knows that his confidant is also for his consideration, and his confidant must think that if he wants to consider all these things well, then the success of this matter should be guaranteed.

Although he knows that he will succeed, there will be some changes in it after all, if there are changes in this.

He must be looking for some reasons, looking for some ways to solve these sudden changes. So at this time, he also adopted the advice of his confidant.

Here, I think that there should be some unexpected situation, but those unexpected situations that he thinks are all very small things. They are not some situations at all, they can only be regarded as some small changes, which have no impact on the overall situation.

The second prince didn't know that he had already been detested by his confidants, so he still felt very good here and felt very good here.

So at this time, he will no longer pursue what, anyway, he has thought of a lot of strategies, a lot of things that will change.

Now he felt that he had a perfect plan and didn't need to make any changes. Therefore, the second prince felt very happy at this time.

After all, he felt that if he could do these things, it would be a very good thing, so the second prince did not say anything else.

He asked his confidant to go back to his room and have a good rest. He would like to solve the matter with him tomorrow. He would go to the palace with him and finish this thing with him.

He really couldn't wait to see the day when he ascended the throne and put on the dragon's robe. However, the second prince's confidant returned to his room and did not think about it at all.

In any case, it must have ended in failure. The second prince's confidants knew that it was definitely a failure.

So how can he think so many things, waste his energy, waste his ideas! So at this time, the second prince's confidant did not think of anything.

He doesn't think the second prince will succeed at all, and he doesn't think that the second prince is guaranteed to do these things. In any case, he felt that if the second prince went to force the palace, he would surely die and fail.

"The second prince is really too ignorant of himself. Just like him, he still wants to force the palace, and he still wants to be emperor. It's impossible.

How can he succeed? He has no self-knowledge at all. He thinks he will succeed. In fact, he has been seen through by others for a long time.

Although we say that everything is still calm, I believe these are the tranquility before the storm. Ye Wuque has so much strength, and ye Wuque is so favored by the emperor. How could he not get news.The second son of the emperor's net is still too stupid to know that the second emperor's net is still too stupid.

I really don't know why I followed the second prince in the past few years. If I had left earlier, I would have become famous.

I can enjoy the splendor and wealth for a long time. I can still use it as a horse and a cow in the second prince's house. He dislikes him all day and is scolded by the second prince.

If you leave earlier and want to understand it earlier, you don't need to suffer such pain any more. The second prince talks and scolds every day.

I can't enjoy any splendor at all. I follow him around like a dog every day. I have to do everything and do everything.

If the second prince is unhappy, he will beat me, scold me, and speak ill of me. There is no meaning at all. Now I hope that the second prince will do this work quickly.

I also hope that the second prince will be punished by the emperor and ye Wuqian. In this way, I can be relieved. Anyway, I have thought of some ways to extricate myself.

If the second prince fails to force the Palace tomorrow, I must leave at the first time. How can I stay and suffer with him.

Second prince, he is not worth my suffering for him. He is not worth paying so much for him. There is no friendship between master and servant.

There may have been some before, but now he has nothing at all, and he is such a person. Why should I treat him so well? "

The second prince's confidant has been talking here all the time in his room. Anyway, because he is a more favored person, he doesn't have to say it here, and he doesn't have to worry about being heard by others.

He didn't worry that he would be known about his plan, so he said these words boldly and boldly.

Because he felt that no matter what he said, it was impossible for anyone to know or punish him. Anyway, as soon as the whole kingdom of Shengxuan arrived tomorrow, the sky would change!

Even if the second prince didn't succeed in forcing the palace, he would certainly strengthen all kinds of defense because the emperor still had ye Wuque to govern the Shengxuan kingdom.

The whole Shengxuan kingdom will certainly become very much, and the changes will be very big. Therefore, at this time, the confidants of the second prince don't want to do anything else.

He knew that the second prince would definitely fail. He couldn't spend any more time thinking about those things.

"Anyway, the second prince will definitely fail. Why should I think so much about him now? Why should I think so much about him!

In the past, when he had a chance to succeed, he didn't listen to my words and would go his own way. Now why do you want to listen to my strategy and my plan?

I still think that he wants me to stay with him in the future. What qualifications does he have? What qualifications does he have to let me stay with him? Does he have any qualifications at all?

Even if I am a very ordinary person and a very ordinary farmer, I can't stay by his side and let him be my master.

How could I make him my master? He is such a fickle and changeable man. I will only suffer a lot if he is my master.

In any case, the second prince thinks he is great, so let him be great. As long as he thinks he is great, he can do whatever he wants. "

The second prince's confidant was in his room, and he was talking endlessly. However, the second prince didn't feel that he was a very good person.

He felt that his confidant was very good to him, so he thought that his confidant was really thinking about him and doing things for him.

He is now in his room. The second prince thinks that he will succeed tomorrow night. He can't wait to wait until tomorrow night. He can't wait for time to pass. He wants to wait until tomorrow night.

Because he felt that after tomorrow night, he would definitely become the master of the Holy Xuanguo. He felt that he would definitely change the world of life.

Because he felt that he was going to be emperor soon. He felt that he was about to succeed. He had been dreaming about his beautiful life after he became emperor.

He can only think of those happy lives that he will live in the future, so he really feels very happy. He really feels very happy.

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