Only from the mechanical voice of the master's majesty is too strong, so he can't help but to say so much to the master of the mechanical voice.

He also came to relax his tense mood. Although he knew that the second task would come, he knew it would come, but he didn't come to Lin for a long time.

So now he feels that his mood has been relaxed a lot because of this incident. Since the owner of the mechanical voice wants him to rest in this narrow space, he will certainly live up to his rest time.

Since we want him to have a good rest here, then he will certainly live up to his rest time. He should complete his rest task well.

He sat down on the cross legged ground for a long time. He felt that he had to sit on the cross leg again.

He put his head on his hands, he thought a lot of things, he felt that he had experienced too many things during this period of time.

He also knew that although the first task had been completed satisfactorily, there were still some shortcomings and some minor defects.

He is sure to avoid these defects in the next task, so ye Wuqian is also considering a lot of things at this time.

He felt that his next task must be to do better. Otherwise, he would be too sorry for his ability now.

Anyway, he must not be able to sleep here. Since he wants to rest, let himself relax for a while. He remembers the things that happened before. He will also think about the things that happened in other places like Liu.

He felt that all these things were very good, so ye Wuqi felt that if he could see Fang Ruliu again, he would do something to make Fang Ruliu happy.

He would do something to make them both happy, but now he knew that it would be hard to achieve.

He has already come out from the side of Shengxuan kingdom. If he goes back, it is impossible. He just thinks about it now.

Moreover, he also believed that his time was absolutely different from that of Shengxuan kingdom. Maybe Fang Ruliu had already died and had already returned to the West!

Therefore, ye Wuqian just thought about it. Even if he didn't want to put his mind too much on those things, although he was sincere at that time.

But he is also a person who can accept the reality. Since he has left the holy country, he will not let his feelings stay in the holy kingdom for too long.

Anyway, people always want to look forward to it. Anyway, people always want to live in the present. If they can't put down those things all the time, it will certainly affect their future life.

He doesn't want to let his life be affected by those things. He doesn't want to let his life be affected by things that are impossible to retrieve or go back to.

He is a more realistic person, but also a more realistic person. How can he spend too much time and energy on those things?

He is absolutely not, such a person to this time, ye Wuque, he is lying on the ground, his eyes empty, his mind is missing, he does not know what to do.

He didn't know how long the owner of the mechanical voice asked him to rest in the narrow space, but since he had already rested here, he must be able to afford the rest time given by the owner of the mechanical voice.

He didn't want to spend his rest time on thinking and thinking. He felt that he still had a lot of things to prepare.

Moreover, because he did not encounter much danger and difficulties in the kingdom of Shengxuan, there was no place for him to display his martial arts.

Now he is looking forward to his next task. His second task is to let his martial arts and talents be displayed.

So now he is also vaguely looking forward to the next task. He is thinking about what the next task will be like?

The next task is relatively simple or difficult. Now he is looking forward to the coming of the next task, so he feels that the owner of the mechanical voice should send him to the second task.

However, although he thought so, he just thought that it was better and more important to rest than to do tasks.

Although he wanted to display his talent, his martial arts and his talent, he preferred the latter to the sleeping days.

He still preferred to lie still, sitting and resting all the time. As for those tasks, they must be done anyway. Since they need to be done, sooner or later, it's not all the same to do later and earlier.Ye Wuqian is also lazy to let those things influence his mood and his things. He should take a good time to have a rest.

However, the more he wanted to take time to rest, the more he wanted to relax and empty himself, the more he could not do it. He was still very comfortable lying down.

But now he thought of the next task, he felt some strange feeling, a little nervous. He had been very comfortable lying on the ground, now he could not help but do it. He sat on the ground and continued to sit cross legged. He thought about what would happen when he took over his task.

If the next task is to continue in ancient times, how can he sublimate his feelings?

Because he has been in several places, although these aspects are not the same, but the tasks and things to be completed are similar.

It's not to fight the bad guys, or to help those who need help, not to tease the bad guys, but to do something to help others. He thinks these things are more important.

But if it is the same, it will be too boring, too boring! However, although he said so, he could not control the second task assigned to him by the owner of the mechanical sound.

He just thinks like this. Anyway, his thoughts can't influence the difficulties he will encounter next. He just thinks about it here.

In any case, those things will not change much because of his thoughts, but ye Wuqian thinks that if he can finish those things faster, maybe he can finish all the tasks faster.

Then he can go back to the places before him, but he is a little cold now, maybe he has been resting for a long time.

So at this time, he felt that he should start as soon as possible, and this feeling was more and more intense. He was restless now, because he felt that it was not good to be too free now. After all, he has been used to being busy. Now he is suddenly sober and free, but he feels a little unaccustomed.

"Oh, no, I must have been abused. Why am I so upset that I have to do those things?

Ah, how can I do this? Obviously, I can have a good rest. I just want to think about it here. Now I want to start this task quickly. It's really not good at all.

However, since I have already done so, what is the solution? I am a person who can't be idle. When I'm free, I like to think about things.

Although I think about some practical problems, after all, I think about everything here. After all, many things are not what I think.

So what's the use of thinking so much now? It's better to enrich yourself or practice martial arts.

Still here, I want to go without any things, and there is no benefit, so I'd better not think about it any more. I'd better take a good rest now. "

But even if ye Wuqian himself said so, he had no way to rest himself. The more he wanted to rest, the more he felt unable to rest, the more restless he became.

Anyway, he felt that if he went on like this, he would definitely waste this time, so he did not want to continue to waste this time.

He quickly stood up, and then took out a sword, where he practiced his martial arts, which he learned from ancient times.

I think it has some self-defense effect. Moreover, because he is not a very lazy person, he is not the kind of person who does not accept those things. He accepts things very quickly.

He had been instructed by those people before, and he had also secretly observed and learned some martial arts, so now he has a model.

At present, his skill is relatively high. Whether he goes to ancient or modern times or to other planes, at least he can protect himself.

At least his martial arts skills can let him protect himself! Therefore, ye Wuqian felt that practicing martial arts might make his mind empty!

Now he is restless, and should let one thing to enrich himself. Although he is dancing the sword there at this time, he recalls in his mind those places he has experienced before, and he dances the sword there.

He felt that as long as he could make himself busy, he would not think about things any more! Sure enough, he felt very happy when he danced swords and practiced martial arts here.

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