When ye Xiao was a teacher, shangguanfei never thought about ye Xiao's powerful backstage. He just admired Ye Xiao's driving skills and admired her from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, he humbly worshipped Ye Xiao. Later, when ye Xiao arrived in Kyoto, he tried his best to do whatever he needed. In this way, he always thought that his master was quite skillful, but absolutely nothing Backstage, because of this, many people in the circle laugh at him. But now, if those bastards know that their master not only has backstage, but also has the biggest backstage in China, I don't know what their expression will be!

At the thought of this, shangguanfei's worship of Ye Xiao is even stronger!

Bai choufei is surprised by the same look. He knows that ye Xiao must have a card and that his identity is not simple. But what he didn't expect is that ye Xiao can get involved with the old chief executive. However, since he has such a tough backstage, why does he never use it?

Tan Xiaoxiao was also shocked at this time. She had seen that the old chief executives were coming for ye Xiao, but she still couldn't believe that ye Xiaoruo had such a tough backstage? Why don't you tell yourself earlier?

Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao's inquiring eyes, ye Xiao is smiling bitterly. Because of the task, his identity can't be exposed, and even many things, he must rely on his own hands!

Even this time, he only wanted to come by himself, but when he handed over the murderer and some information about Lin's ruthless persecution to the old chief executive, the old chief even wanted to come in person. How could he refuse?

But he could not understand that his task had not been completed, so he should not expose his identity, but why did the old chief suddenly change his attention?

He did not understand, but he could not refuse the old man's kindness. Therefore, he could only let them come. He also believed that after today, his name would resound through the whole Kyoto!

For such a result, in addition to a bitter smile, ye Xiao really did not know what to say!

Ye Xiao is a bitter smile, and Lin Wuqing is already a face of anger, eyes are burning with anger, it seems that at any time may erupt the same!

He didn't understand. Even now, he would not believe that these old people were invited by Ye Xiao. He was just a leader. What would he take to invite such a big man?

When he heard that Tan Zixiong and his son directly released the marriage, he only felt his body shaking and almost fell to the ground. His face became as pale as wax paper. Why is this?

Why is this? He calculated everything, planned everything, and saw that he was about to marry Tan, but why was it so?

"Uncle Tan, this is a marriage discussed by our two families. How can we say that the marriage will be dissolved if it is dissolved for a long time?" Lin ruthlessly refused to accept, so he put forward his own question, no matter who these big people in front of him are, he just want to ask why, by what!

When he saw his grandson questioning Tan Zixiong in front of the old chief, Lin Xiuyuan did not stop him. Although he had expected the result to be like this, he was also dissatisfied. How can Lin family be said to be a well-known family in Kyoto? Even if the old chief comes forward to dissolve this marriage, he always has to give an explanation?

Tan Zixiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but a strong figure had already stepped out and directly came to Lin's merciless body. He slapped him out!

"Pa!" Lin's heartless body flew out like a broken kite, and finally fell on the ground again. Five clear fingerprints appeared on half of his face immediately, and soon swelled up. Lin's merciless face was also a burst of fright, covering his face with one hand and looking at the man who hit him with fright!

Other people are also looking at the hands of people in horror, who is this person? How dare you beat up his grandson in front of the Lin family leader? Even if he is the person around the old chief, he shouldn't be like this?

One by one, they set their eyes on Lin Xiuyuan, and Lin Xiuyuan's face changed. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all!

As for Lin's ruthless father, Lin Zuoying, however, was full of fear. He even motioned to his son with his eyes, indicating that he would not say anything more. But who knows Lin Qingqing didn't see his father's hint at all. Instead, he struggled to stand up and said with anger on his face: "who are you? Why do you hit me? What qualifications do you have to hit me? "

"I am not only qualified to beat you, even if I kill you, no one dares to say anything!" Originally, the man was ready to stop, but who knew that Lin Wuqing was so helpless that he stepped out and came to Lin Qingqing's body. He grabbed Lin's head and ran into his knee directly!

Lin heartless wants to struggle, but he feels that the man's big hand is like a pair of tongs. There is no way to refute it. There is a whirring wind in his ear, and then he can see that the man's knee is getting closer and closer to his face!

He wanted to shout, but before he had time to shout, his nose had hit the other party's knee. Suddenly, he heard a crack, and his nose sent a sharp pain. He knew that his nose bone was completely broken!Blood spray out, in the snow-white dress spilled a little blood, and the original Junlang's face is becoming bloody, even if his mother-in-law appears in front of him, may not be able to recognize him!

Beating the eldest grandson of the Lin family in front of so many people, there was no one to stop it. Once again, people were shocked. Who was this man?

The man seems to have really moved the killing machine. If he mentions Lin heartless again, he will hit him with a fist. If he hits the target, he may be killed because of Lin's merciless body condition!

"Lin Dragon Emperor, stop it! Even if there is something wrong with him, he will not be guilty to death! " Seeing that the other party really has the heartless mind of killing Lin, Lin Xiuyuan can no longer ignore it! After all, Lin is his grandson!

However, other people's faces changed dramatically when they heard the word "Dragon Emperor". At first, they were still thinking about who this man was, but now Lin Xiuyuan cried out. This is actually the Dragon Emperor, the legendary emperor of the Dragon nationality, the commander of the most mysterious army in China?

Did he even come?

No wonder he dared to beat Lin in front of so many people. No wonder Lin Zhengying didn't dare to say anything more even when he saw his son being beaten. How many people dare to challenge the Dragon Emperor in China? It's no wonder that the generals have worshipped each other. Dare they recognize each other's identity?

When Bai choufei in the crowd heard that the other side was the legendary emperor of the dragon clan, his eyes had already burst out with a burning light, which was also a burning look. The dragon family, he was actually the master of the dragon clan, had the opportunity to see him, and he could really see him. He did not expect that he would meet him on this occasion!

"Sin is not death? Lin Xiuyuan, you can say it's very light. Do you know that he colludes with the idle people of the society to calculate the Dragon soldiers for many times? Only this one can be punished as treason, which is also called the crime of not dying? " Ignoring people's expression, the Dragon Emperor snorted coldly, and Lin Xiuyuan's face had turned blue and purple!

"You mean he's a dragon?" Lin Xiuyuan pointed to Ye Xiao and said with some trembling

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