Fang fennel is starting his great theory again. Ye Wuwu is not willing to discuss with Fang Fen! On the contrary, it is Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng who feel that Fang Fen is really cute when he hears this.

They feel that this fennel is like a big boy, no matter what he is doing, he feels like a childish child.

So when Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were growing up, they would let Fang Fen a little bit, because they both took Fang Fen as one of their younger brothers to take care of him. Now when they see Fang Fen being so unreasonable and unreasonable, they also think that Fang Fen is a little cute.

Fang Fen, who had some wrongdoing there, couldn't see Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng looking at him with a kind of care for the mentally retarded. He was immediately upset.

Then he said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, what's the matter with your eyes? How do you feel like you two are looking at something or something mentally retarded? "

"Wrong, we didn't say you were mentally retarded, you said it yourself!" Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng said this with one voice again.

Fang Fen was angry at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, but he couldn't refute it! If he continues to say that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are wrong, does he have to admit that he is mentally retarded?

So he could only swallow this tone. He was glum. He gave Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng a white eye, and then followed ye Wuque's back without saying a word.

Looking at Fang Fen without saying a word, he lowered his head and walked in front of him. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng thought Fang Fen was angry, so they quickly went to Fang Fen's side.

Then, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng said some words asking for forgiveness from each other. In fact, Fang Fen was not angry at all. However, after hearing Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng apologizing with him, he suddenly had the idea of making a prank.

So now he deliberately made a look of sadness and loss. Sure enough, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng felt more remorse and remorse when they saw Fang Fen's sad and lost appearance.

They used to regard Fang Fen as a little boy who had not grown up. Now, they have provoked the little boy and made him so sad. They still feel very sorry for him!

So now, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng once again apologized to Fang Fen. But the more they apologized, the more he lost. The more they said sorry to Fang, the more sad Fang was. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were at a loss.

Xu Haojie quickly came to Zhao Xincheng's side, and quietly discussed the countermeasures with Zhao Xincheng. He wanted to discuss with Zhao Xincheng. How can Fang Fen be happy? How can we get Fang fennel's forgiveness?

Now Xu Haojie whispered to Zhao Xincheng, "Zhao Xincheng, what Fang Fen likes most is Ye Wuqian. Let's go and ask Ye Wuqian to say something good for us. Maybe Fang Fen will forgive us."

Zhao Xincheng is also in distress how to beg Fang Fen's forgiveness! Now when I hear Xu Haojie say this, I think what Xu Haojie said is quite reasonable.

And he also felt that Xu Haojie's method must be feasible, because they all know that the person Fang Fen adores most is Ye Wuliang.

So now the two of them came to Ye Wuqian's side and told him what they wanted. After hearing this, ye Wuqian did not say "yes" or "no".

It was just a thoughtful look at Fang fennel. Ye Wuwei saw the glum Fang fennel with his head lowered. However, ye Wuque could see that Fang fennel was just pretending.

How can a sunny boy like Fang Fen really get angry! And Fang Fen has always been a person who does not hold grudges. How could he be angry because of such a small matter.

Therefore, ye Wuque only knew it in a few seconds. Fang Fen just wanted to trick Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng on purpose!

Therefore, ye Wuqian resolutely refused the request of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng thought Ye Wuqian would help them.

However, they did not expect that ye Wuqian refused their two requests so cleanly that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng simply had difficulties!

The two of them really feel that the sky is going to fall down. What they can't coax is a child. Although Fang Fen is not a child, it is a small child in their eyes.

It's really hard to make the sad Fang Fen happy! In particular, both of them are single dogs, especially Xu Haojie, one of the two single dogs, is still a golden single dog!

They don't know how to coax these children, so now they are at a loss. They don't know how to comfort Fang Fen.

Fang fennel looked at the two of them at a loss, only thought it was funny! In the corner that Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu can't see, Fang Fen is making faces there.

What a coincidence, I was just turned to see the leaf without missing! Fang fennel saw ye Wuque turn his head, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly compared a silent action, let ye Wuque not say it.Ye Wuqian had already known about it. So even if Fang Fen didn't say it, he would not have said it. If he wanted to say it, he had just exposed the fact that Fang Fen was deliberately showing a sad look.

Therefore, he just gave Fang Fen a good self-care expression, and then continued to turn back and walk forward.

"You two have gone too far."

Fang Fen deliberately lowered his voice and took back all the expressions he had just made a prank. Now is a pair of lost expression, sad look.

Let others see, I really feel pity! Clearly is a big boy, how to look at a very weak feeling.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng now hear Fang Fen say this, and Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng feel that they deserve it. So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng take advantage of Fang Fen's still talking space, and quickly continue to apologize to Fang Fen!

Fang Fen accepted their apology, but he also made a request, not to mention one request, that is, ten. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would certainly agree.

What they are most afraid of is that the children are sad and sad, so now fangfen has not said the conditions, and they have already agreed.

Fang Fen was immediately happy after hearing this. He said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng in a loud voice: "it's OK that you agreed. You agreed without asking me what the question is. That's wonderful! I haven't thought about this condition for the time being. When I think about it later, you must not break your promise. "

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng look at Fang Fen, who suddenly becomes happy. They suddenly feel a sense of conspiracy and suddenly smell the smell of conspiracy.

Both felt as if they had been hit by a plan. However, they did not continue to think about it any more. Instead, they promised Fang Fen that they would remember the promise they made today, and they would not break their promise.

"Don't worry, Fang Fen. Although our two words are unreliable, we are the most faithful. Since we have already promised you a condition, we will not break our promise."

"Yes, since we have promised you and made amends to you, we will certainly not break our promise."

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng continued to talk like this again. After Fang Fen heard this, he just pretended to be unhappy.

Now I've got the promise of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. Of course, he wants to take it when he is good. Otherwise, if he doesn't know how to accept when he is good, it will be very difficult to take it back.

Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng smelled a little bit of conspiracy, they didn't think deeply about it, so they didn't continue to tangle with this issue any more. The four of them did not talk about other things.

After they returned to the dormitory, ye Wuqian, as usual, washed early and began to play with his notebook on the bed.

Turn on his computer and play with those things. I don't know whether he is working or playing. Xu Haojie is always there watching his mobile phone.

Zhao Xincheng now saw that Xu Haojie was so comfortable playing with his mobile phone, and he was working. He was very upset. So he took out the video and turned the sound to the maximum.

A burst of Phoenix Legend songs are released from his mobile phone. What Xu Haojie hates most is the song of Phoenix legend, so he is very sensitive.

As soon as he heard the song of the legend of Phoenix, he quickly covered his ears, and then asked Zhao Xincheng to turn off the song of the legend of Phoenix so as not to poison his ears again.

But Zhao Xincheng can't agree! Zhao Xincheng is deliberately to let Xu Haojie hear the song in his mobile phone. He wants Xu Haojie to remember who sang this song in the bar that night.

However, because Xu Haojie was drunk at that time, although it was said that he sang it, but because he was hoarse, he was shouting and shouting.

So now he can't even recognize that it's his own song. Now even if Zhao Xincheng released this song, Xu Haojie would not have thought that the voice was sung by himself.

"Zhao Xincheng, give you three seconds to close the song. It's too ugly and disgusting. Don't you know that the song I hate most is the legend of Phoenix they sing."

But Zhao Xincheng is still as if he didn't hear what Xu Haojie said. He still plays this song all the time. Fang Fen can't stand it.

Fang Fen doesn't have any prejudice against Phoenix legend. After all, Fang Fen thinks that the Phoenix Legend Group is working hard, so now he doesn't have any prejudice on the songs of Phoenix legend.

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