So now Shen Rui still bears the humiliation. After listening to Tian Runzhang's words, he is not angry or angry.

Tian Runzhang disdains Shen Rui because he knows why Shen Rui does it.

Of course, he knows now that Shen Rui certainly thinks that they all have micro cameras, but he doesn't care about them at all, because Tian Runzhang's identity and status were among the hired killers when there was no micro camera before. It's like you and I say that you have to top 10, but now you dare not say it. You are really a counsellor. "

When Shen Rui hears Tian Runzhang say this, he clenches his fist tightly in the dead corner that can't be photographed by the micro camera. Of course, he doesn't let Tian Runzhang see it.

Tian Runzhang naturally knows that Shen Rui is very upset in his heart, but he knows that in front of this micro camera, Shen Rui is afraid to make any action.

That's why he said that, and the fact is as Tian Runzhang suspected. Even if Shen Rui was angry, he was about to smoke. But he held back.

He doesn't show these emotions on his face because he feels that he has to control his emotions before he can do other things.

The tasks of Tian Runzhang and Shen Rui have not been completed yet. They are fighting against each other here. One of them is unhappy and the other is talking ill of the other.

So now the two of them don't realize Ye Wuwei at all. The four of them have already seen their intrigue and knew that they are being followed.

But now the male leaf is not missing, he still pretends to know nothing, or follow Xu Haojie and Fang Fen, the three of them walking leisurely there.

But they have long thought of a good strategy and a good way to escape, because ye Wuqian uses his own calculation and his judgment of hearing.

He knew that the two men who followed him didn't carry any weapons, they were just empty fists, if there was a real confrontation.

How could the four of them fail to beat the two following them? So now ye Wuwu is not worried.

Even he felt that even if they continued to go on like this leisurely and leisurely way, there would be no problem. But ye Wuwei is confident in his heart.

But Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are very worried about Fang Fen. Among them, Fang Fen is the most worried one. After all, Fang Fen's heart is fragile after the prank.

Now I heard Ye Wuqian say that someone was following them behind the four of them. Fang Fen was very sad and afraid. He didn't dare to mention it before.

Because the four of them are very nervous, now see ye Wuque so leisurely, naturally know ye Wuque must be a good trick.

So now he also asked ye Wuque nervously, "ye Wuque, how can someone follow us in the end? Don't we run now? How can you pretend to be leisurely and leisurely

Fang fennel asked Ye Wuqian this voice is very, very small, ye Wuque must listen carefully, listen carefully to be able to hear.

After he heard Fang Fen say this, he knew that Fang Fen was also very afraid in his heart, so he also gave Fang Fen a positive answer.

He grabbed Fang Fen's arm, and then told Fang Fen earnestly, "you don't have to worry too much. The people behind me must think that the four of us can't surpass the two of them.

Let's relax, and we'll have no problem

On the other side, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Ye Wuqian say this, and their heart was also relieved, because they felt that since Ye Wuqian said so, there must be no danger.

Because they believe in Ye Wuqian unconditionally. They think that ye Wuqian is such a capable person, and that a person with such good luck can definitely predict clearly!

Since ye Wuqian has said that the two people in the back are relaxing their vigilance, they can continue to walk leisurely.

What's more, he heard Ye Wuqian say that the two men in the back were just unarmed and did not carry any weapons. Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both felt that they were two big men plus fennel and ye Wuque.

How could their four big men fail to beat those two people? No matter how powerful they are, after all, they have double numbers.

They have an absolute advantage. How can they hurt the four of them by those two people? So now the four of them are not worried at all.

Just as they were walking along the moat to enter another section, the two men who followed them were not calm.

Because Shen Rui and Tian Runzhang, in order to show how powerful they are, and in order to show their outstanding ability, they deliberately want to scare the snake and let Ye Wuqian know that they have been followed.However, no matter they make a big noise, ye Wuxiang seems to have not heard or expected that the four of them do not care about what happened later.

This makes Tian Runzhang and Shen Rui feel very surprised. Tian Runzhang and Shen Rui haven't seen such a bold person yet! So now they all feel strange.

Now Tian Runzhang said to Shen Rui, "the four ahead are not stupid, are they? We've made such a big noise, but we haven't found out whether the employer has made a mistake in predicting whether he or she has made a mistake and asked two people to complete the task, which can be completed by half a person. "

Because Tian Runzhang thinks highly of his own ability, he thinks that they can only finish this thing.

Now they are trying to make things more difficult and show their outstanding ability.

But now that he and Shen Rui make such a loud noise, they still do not attract the attention of the four of them. They really doubt whether ye Wuqian is mentally retarded.

They suspect that the task assigned to them by their employers, the kidnapped man, Fang Fen, must be a big fool and a fool.

Otherwise, how could you have no reaction? How could you hear such a loud noise behind you, but you were still indifferent, or you were walking there amusing yourself.

How can their four ears not hear a sound at all? Shen Rui hears Tian Runzhang say this, and he laughs in his heart.

Because Shen Rui knows that now Tian Runzhang not only jumped into his trap, but also digs his own pit. Shen Rui thinks that Tian Runzhang is not only arrogant here, but also speaks ill of his employer here.

Because Tian Runzhang actually said that their employer had made a mistake in anticipation, he even said that their employer was making a superfluous move and sent two people to complete the task.

Although Shen Rui thinks the same thing in his heart. He thinks it would be better if they finished the task alone this time, but he doesn't say so.

Unlike Tian Runzhang, he says everything in his heart, so now Shen Rui has already laughed in his heart.

On the surface, he still pretended to be a very adult. He pretended not to agree with what Tian Runzhang said.

Then he said to Tian Runzhang, "Tian Runzhang, don't say that. Since the employer has given us this task, it must be too difficult to prove this task.

We can't just say that the four of them are stupid because they didn't hear us. There may be other secrets. We'd better continue to observe. "

When Tian Runzhang hears Shen Rui say so, it's just a white eye to Shen Rui! He felt that Shen Rui really did not have any ability to speak of. The obvious things should be said in such a roundabout way as he did.

So now Tian Runzhang doesn't look up to Shen Rui. He thinks Shen Rui is a coward, but he doesn't say it.

He feels that talking to Shen Rui is a waste of breath. Now he is just calculating in his mind how he can quickly catch Fang Fen to his hand.

As for the other three people, he didn't have much energy to pay attention to, and he felt that this time the employer paid so much attention to the list.

Then he must bear the brunt of this task. He must catch Fang Fen in person. He can't let Shen Rui Jiao Hu.

It's impossible for Shen Rui to catch Fang Fen, because he thinks that he has to do it in person, and then tell his employer what he knows.

Shen Rui is destined to become a stumbling block on his way to success. Shen Rui is destined to be the green leaf that sets him off. The rest of Shen Rui can't do anything!

"Tian Runzhang, we'd better be more careful. These four men may have deliberately pretended not to have found us. Maybe they have already moved and rescued the soldiers. Otherwise, we can't have not found them with such a loud voice."

Tian Runzhang was even more disdainful, because he felt that Shen Rui of Tian Runzhang's corner was making a fuss here. He was like Ye Wuqian, four mentally retarded people.

How can you find them, that is, how can you pretend to be indifferent! Normal people have already run away when they find danger. How can they pretend to be indifferent there.

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