Because he knew that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had always thought that they would go to the end, but now he proposed to resign.

Now it is not only Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, but also ye Wumian's heart. There are some sad and some reluctant to give up.

Ye Wuwei doesn't know why he made such a decision, but he thinks it must be related to Fang Fen's father.

Fang Fen, who wants to resign, must return to their family business, but ye Wuqian has just returned from Fang Fen's father.

He clearly felt that he had comforted Fang Fen's father, and that Fang Fen's father could understand what he said.

I didn't expect that Fang Fen's father did listen to it. Fang Fen's father did let Fang Fen go, but let Fang Fen give up the idea of continuing to work in the game development studio.

He really didn't know why Fang Fen made such a decision. He knew Fang Fen didn't tell him these things.

So it proves that Fang Fen doesn't want to say these words for the time being. If he forces Fang Fen to say it, he may be unhappy.

So now ye Wuqian is very strange. Although he is very confused, he still doesn't ask. He hopes to let Fang Fen explain why he wants to do so.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also know that the relationship between Fang fennel and ye Wuwei may be better. The two of them consciously went out, and the two of them consciously went out of the dormitory.

Now there are only two people in the dormitory: Fennel and leaf. Fang Fen was silent for a long time, and he did not take the initiative to ask!

Fang fennel originally thought that ye Wuque might ask, but now ye Wuque doesn't say anything and ask nothing. In this way, Fang fennel feels a little uncomfortable.

Fang Fen was originally a person who could not hide things in his heart. Now ye Wuque did not ask him, why he did not ask him, nor did he come to tell him some other things.

Now Fang Fen couldn't help it. He was red in his eyes. He came to Ye wubu's side. Before he spoke, his tears began to flow down.

For the first time, ye Wuqian saw Fang fennel's fragile appearance. He held Fang fennel's hand tightly and handed it to Fang fennel paper towel. He took the tissue and wiped his tears.

"Ye Wuqian, why don't you ask me why I quit? Why not ask myself why? "

Fang Fen he choked and asked ye Wuque, but ye Wuque said nothing else but a smile.

Fang Fen saw ye Wuque as if he didn't want to answer him. He wanted to continue to ask ye Wuque, "did you guess that I would resign?"

"No, I didn't guess you were going to quit. On the contrary, I thought you would continue to work."

He said to the other fennel, Fang fennel heard ye Wuque say so, his eyes brightened for a moment, but then dimmed down.

Even if ye felt that he would not resign, he was going to resign. He had already decided not to do it in the game development studio.

"After I answered the phone today, I actually went home, you know? My mother, he is sick, because I do not inherit our family business, has made her angry.

My mother has always been in poor health, and now I am still ill because of my own reasons. This makes me feel so sorry as a son of man, so I still decide not to inherit my family business. "

Ye Wuqian was really surprised to hear Fang Fen say so, because when he and Fang Fen's father negotiated before, his father didn't mention anything about the illness of Fang Fen's mother.

Is it because Fang Fen's father is quite sure? Is Fang Fen's father sure enough to be sure that Fang Fen will come back to work in his family's enterprise?

But ye Wuqian's father's expression was very sincere at that time. Fang Fen's father couldn't make a show, and Fang Fen's father certainly would not have used such mean means.

Therefore, ye Wuqian believes that all these are true, and all these are coincidences. Therefore, he does not want to speculate about Fang Fen's father with such a vicious mind.

"But isn't your dream of developing and designing games? You have just entered the creative department, and your career has just started. Why are you leaving? Don't you want to realize those dreams in your mind

Hear ye Wuqian say so, Fang fennel more sad and sad, but what method? What if he wants to realize his dream?

His parents don't understand him, they don't support him, he wants to do it without any support, and now his parents are old. Health is getting worse every day.

If such a large company is really on the shoulders of his parents, sooner or later he will crush his parents. As the son of his parents, he naturally has to share some for his parents.

Before he was so ignorant, his parents were very upset, so he absolutely can't let his mother fall ill because of him now.He is very grateful to Ye Wuqian for his support and concern, but now he feels that there is no way out.

"What if I want to realize my dream? All these are impossible to realize. My parents have suffered too much because of me.

They started from scratch and managed to arrange the company as it is now. It would be very bad if I broke their hearts again. "

Fang Fen really likes game development and design. He really likes creativity. But in front of reality, he can only bow to reality.

His parents are thinking for him, his parents can not harm him, anyway, he felt that although he had entered the creative department before.

He felt that he had realized half of his dream. Now he can let go. He studied enterprise management in university before.

So there is no difficulty in accepting their family business now. He thinks it is very good.

Fang Fen thinks that such an ending is also very good. Anyway, he doesn't like his family business very much. It's OK to do such a thing.

Now Fang Fen doesn't say anything else. Ye Wuqian hears Fang Fen say this, and knows that Fang Fen's mind has been decided. He doesn't want to intervene too much.

Since Fang Fen will make such a decision, there must be his reason. He doesn't want to say anything else. Anyway, he thinks that if Fang Fen can make him not regret.

It's very good to be able to make himself stick to his own decision, so now he is too lazy to do other things.

"Well, since you have made your own decisions, it's useless to say so much. I hope you can stick to your own decisions! Whether you work in a game development studio or go back to your family business, I hope you will not forget your original intention. "

After ye Wuqi finished speaking, he opened the computer and continued his creative design.

Fang fennel heard ye Wuque say so, he just took a deep look at ye Wuque. He dried the tear marks near the corners of his eyes.

Then he also returned to his bed and began to pack his things quietly. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng estimated that the time was almost over, and they came back.

They all saw that Fang fennel had been packing things up. They knew that ye Wuqian had not succeeded in persuading Fang Fen down. Both of them never knew how to comfort people or how to comfort people.

So now the two of them are just quietly there, without saying a word, and dare not ask Fang Fen what they are afraid of. They are afraid that Fang Fen has suffered some changes, so they suddenly choose to resign.

They are afraid that when they open their mouth, Fang Fen will feel unbearable and sad! So they don't do anything else now.

The two of them were looking at Fang Fen, and they were very upset. Although they wanted Fang Fen to stay, Fang Fen had made a choice.

It seems that they are not good at intervening in the choice of fennel, so now they can only quietly watch the fennel, nothing can be said!

Fang Fen naturally came into contact with the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, but he didn't want to say anything now. He just felt very sad in his heart.

Although he decided to quit his job to fulfill his parents' expectations, there were still some unwilling colleagues in him who used to work with him in the past.

Seeing these three good brothers, he was also very painful in his heart, but no matter how much he cried, he could only bear it by himself. After all, the kindness of his parents was more important than that of heaven.

He can do anything for his parents, not just to inherit their family business, not to let him die, not to let him do what.

So he can still understand the decision made by his parents. Fang Fen cleaned up his things almost. He came to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng again.

They bowed solemnly to both of them. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were frightened. They did not know how Fang Fen suddenly bowed to them. They both felt that they could not accept it.

"Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, thank you very much for your concern and care for me all the time. Now I have decided to resign. I hope you can stick to your original intention and make unremitting efforts."

After Fang Fen finished speaking, he bowed again. Zhao Xincheng quickly helped Fang Fen up. He felt that there was something wrong with him. He didn't know why Fang Fen suddenly bowed to them or resigned suddenly.

But Fang Fen doesn't say, they will not ask! It's just that they really feel sad. After all, they think that four people can work together for a long time.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie both thought that the four of them could continue their brotherhood like this all the time, but now it will be interrupted.

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