Now Fang Fen's most important thing is to write these analysis reports first, so he is very busy now. He was doing these things just after work, so he was a little busy.

So Zhao Xincheng called him just now, but he didn't receive it, because his mobile phone was turned off to be silent. It had been more than ten minutes when he saw it.

Now after Fang Fen explains this, Zhao Xincheng has understood. Fang Fen is actually explaining to him. Anyway, Zhao Xincheng will not be angry.

Even if Fang Fen didn't answer his phone call, he certainly knew that Fang Fen must have something to do and must be busy, so he won't answer his phone!

Zhao Xincheng does not care about these, he does not care about these, anyway, he knows that Fang Fen as long as see his phone, as long as not busy, is definitely back to his phone.

Now ye Wuqian heard Fang Fen explain, he also nodded, and then the heart is also want to have some other ideas.

However, he has not said it for the time being. Since Fang Fen has not come to ask him for help, and Fang Fen has not asked him to do those things, he certainly will not take the initiative to say so.

After all, it would be better for Fang Fen to solve his own problems. If he helped Fang Fen with everything and any problems, he would solve them.

Fang Fen certainly can't improve Fang Fen's ability to solve problems. Of course, Fang Fen knows these things. After returning to his family business, Fang Fen knows the importance of working alone.

Of course, he knows that no matter what he does, he must have his own thinking. It is the best thing to have his own thinking. He always depends on others and always wants others to help him. In fact, it is a very bad thing.

If he can only finish the task alone, he will encounter some problems that can not be solved. So now Fang Fen is also cultivating his ability to solve things and problems.

Now he also thinks that he must do so, otherwise, if he can not solve these problems, he can not solve them very well.

It can only be counterproductive. Fang Fen said to Ye Wuwei, "the problems I have encountered are a little tricky.

But it's OK. I still have some ideas. Ye Wuqian, you can rest assured that I will let you see my success and my achievements in this matter. "

On the contrary, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, on the contrary, feel that Fang Fen is indeed very backbone and capable.

They also thought that Fang Fen would encounter some big problems when he returned to his family business, and there was no way to solve them.

Both of them are ready to help Fang fennel solve the difficulties and problems encountered by their family business.

I didn't expect that Fang Fen has such backbone. Any problem should be solved by himself. No matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he wants to solve it by himself and improve his ability.

So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng admire Fang Fen very much. They both think that fangfennel has changed a lot. Indeed, it has changed a lot.

If it was before, Fang Fen would have asked them for help. If it had been, Fang Fen would not have solved these problems by himself.

But at the beginning of the problem, they will leave these problems to them and ask the three of them to help Fang Fen.

But now Fang Fen has been back in their family business for more than a week, and the problems encountered are very big and many.

But he never asked for help from them. Even if he asked for help, it was only because they took the initiative to help. There were very few things that he asked for help on his own initiative.

Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also saw the growth of fangfen and thought that Fang fennel had changed greatly. Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are also very pleased.

Seeing the change of fennel is so great, they certainly think that the change of fennel is a very good thing.

Now Xu Haojie said to each other, "Fang Fen, you don't know. Although it's only a week before you come back to your family business, your changes are really great."

Fang Fen felt strange when he heard Xu Haojie say so. He didn't feel that he had any change. He didn't work like that every day. He didn't work hard every day.

He can't see any change, so he still looks at Xu Haojie in doubt. When Xu Haojie sees Fang Fen looking at himself with such a puzzled look, he naturally knows that Fang Fen certainly doesn't understand what he said.

Xu Haojie has not explained yet. Zhao Xincheng helps Xu Haojie explain in a hurry. Zhao Xincheng says to Fang Fen, "because you won't turn to us now, like when you were still in the game development studio and in the creative department to work with us.

No matter what problems you encounter, you will not think about them first. Instead, you will come to us for help. But now, even if you encounter any problems, you have to solve them by yourself. This is your greatest growth and the biggest change you have made. "Fang Fen understood what Xu Haojie said when he heard Zhao Xincheng say so. Now Fang Fen feels embarrassed. He doesn't know what to say.

At first, he didn't feel that he had changed much, and he didn't think these changes were anything. But now hearing Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng say this, he suddenly feels that he is great.

He also felt very happy after making these changes and doing these things. He was very pleased to see his own growth.

Now Fang Fen said to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, "after all, these things are my own. Even if you ask for help, you can't help me all my life.

It's a very good thing to let me know what to do. When I was in our family business, I encountered a lot of problems and problems.

But I believe that through unremitting efforts and constant exploration, we can solve these problems and problems very well, so you don't have to worry about me too much

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say this, they laughed there. Then they said to each other, "don't do this.

If you really encounter something that can't be solved, you can also turn to us. We will certainly support you behind you. We are your strongest backing. "

Fang Fen was very moved when he heard Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie say so. He thought it was a very good thing to know Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie and to know ye Wuqian. It was really a very lucky thing!

Because of Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, ye Wuqian regards him as his own brother and his good friend. He has been quietly concerned about him and encouraged him.

Now Fang Fen is really very happy. When they say something similar, the food has already been served. Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie eat the food as soon as they see it.

Because this restaurant is also a relatively high-end kind, and the fennel he ordered those dishes are more expensive, and the taste is very good.

Now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are having a good time. Ye Wuqian is also eating there. Fang Fen sees that Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and ye Wuqian all like the dishes he ordered.

Fang Fen felt very happy, but not long after that, he saw that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were really too strong to eliminate.

Just brought up the dish, soon by Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng eat almost, Fang fennel quickly joined the army of food grabbing.

Anyway, Fang Fen's favorite scene is such a happy scene. Now they seldom have dinner together. Of course, we need to seize this opportunity to talk about the past and have a good meal together!

Although Fang Fen only went back to work in his family business for about a week, he felt that it was as long as a month or two, a year or two.

Now Fang Fen certainly cherishes the time with Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and ye Wuqian. Of course, he likes the time with them very much.

Ye Wuqian, of course, also knows what Fang Fen thinks in his heart. Ye Wuqian doesn't have the heart to think about it. He can't say that he wants to leave after fangfen knows him.

Knowing that he will definitely leave after that, how will Fang Fen behave? He also knew that fennel, though seemingly careless.

But the heart is really more sensitive, more delicate, if Fang Fen because of his departure and become unhappy, then how to do it!

But now ye Wuque can't think so much. After all, there is no way to solve it.

No matter how reluctant he is, no matter how bad he feels, he will leave eventually. Now he can only think of a complete plan.

Let Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie and Fang Fen not be so sad and sad after he left, which is a very good thing!

Now ye Wuqian doesn't think about those things for the time being, and puts those problems aside for the time being. The most important thing for him now is to quickly eliminate the food in front of him, and then he will think about other things!

Ye Wuque said to Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen at the same time: "you three eat more slowly. No one grabs with you. If you don't have enough, you can order more."

Although he said that, but his chopsticks did not stop. Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie saw Ye Wuqian talking and eating. They felt that ye Wuqian was standing and talking without backache, and they were not eating it!

So Zhao Xincheng wiped his mouth, and then said to ye Wuque, "Ye Wuqian, you mean to let us eat slowly. Is it because you want to eat quickly, don't worry, we won't wait for you! We can eat as much as we can, depending on our strength. "

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