It seems that it's wrong to help anyone, so now Fang Fen's assistant feels that he is nodding. When Fang Fen sees his assistant like this, he knows that his assistant must be thinking more about it.

So now after hearing from his assistant, he just nodded. After all, he also thought of this.

"In fact, I have given enough opportunities to the planning department. You see, I have given them a week to make rectification, but the director of the planning department did not come to the meeting and did not come to the work.

By now, he should ask other people, and don't think about it. Why doesn't anyone in this big company want to talk to the people in their planning department? "

Yes, this is also a reason why no one in such a large family business or company is willing to tell the situation to those people in the planning department.

Let them waste their time here in vain, so Fang Fen's assistant really thinks that it is not because the Minister of the planning department did not come to the meeting.

It's not that the Minister of the planning department doesn't know what order he gives, but that the whole planning department turns a blind eye to him and pretends to be ignorant of his orders.

So now Fang Fen is really very disappointed. He is disappointed that there are such employees in their family business.

If it was not because his father had not come up with a solution strategy, he would not have been so passive. If his father had thoroughly implemented all his plans.

The planning department is definitely going to be beaten to the ground. Up to now, Fang fenlai can only endure it temporarily, no matter how much he thinks these people are.

He can only bear it for a while, and when he arrives, he can make those people in the planning department repent.

"In fact, I don't want to make the incident so bad, but it's those people in the planning department who never listen to advice. Everyone is so arrogant and thinks that they are great and extraordinary. Then let them be extraordinary."

After Fang Fen finished speaking, he continued to bury himself in his work and looked at the documents handed over by those people before him. And Fang Fen's assistant stood aside and did not dare to say anything.

He also knows that Fang Fen is in a bad mood now. If he continues to say something, he will be implicated! So now Fang Fen's assistant is also very clever to stand aside and not speak.

In any case, he felt that since Fang fennel had already made a fuss in his heart, he didn't need to say more. After all, it was useless to say more.

Anyway, he felt that if we could do these things, there would be no problem at all! Although he also wants to turn the big things into small ones and turn the small things into nothing.

After all, there are really big problems in the planning department. It is impossible to turn a big thing into a small one.

We must carry out a thorough rectification for the problems in the planning department, but now the people in the planning department don't cooperate, so let Fang Fen punish them well at the last moment.

In fact, Fang Fen doesn't want to be so heartless, but after all, he just took the post of general manager, after all, he doesn't ask too much.

He knew that the people in the planning department had such a big problem, but he didn't do anything radical or say anything radical.

It has always been very tactful for them to rectify themselves. If they can't, he will intervene. But those people in the planning department don't cooperate at all.

Since we don't cooperate, then let's do it like this. If we take other people's wages up, of course, we have to relieve disasters for others, but we have to do things for others. If you want to get paid and enjoy the benefits, how can that be possible.

When the lunch break, Fang Fen went to the staff restaurant with the same staff. Although Fang Fen came to eat, he also had another task.

Just to see how the food in the restaurant of their family business is? He wanted to see if things like hygiene were up to standard.

In this way, he was able to plan for the next step. After reading it, he found that his family business did not disappoint him.

In the staff canteen, all kinds of work here are well done and can meet the requirements. Fang Fen has no other requirements here. He can only keep the status quo or improve a little.

He ordered the most common dishes. Fang Fen's assistant thought Fang Fen would open a new room next to his office as a special kitchen like the chairman of the board.

But he is not the same as his father, so now Fang Fen's assistant is also the other party's. He has other different views. He thinks that Fang Fen's is indeed a good leader and a good leader suitable for managing the company.

After all, Fang Fen is a person who can bear hardships and sympathize with the people's feelings. Moreover, he is quite capable and has several brushes.

Otherwise, how could Fang Fen come to their family business like this? In a few days, they could solve all the problems existing in their family business.Fang Fen has only been in his family business for only half a month. He has made the whole company completely new and has made a lot of changes because of him.

So now the assistant of fennel really admires and admires fennel very much. He thinks that fennel is really powerful!

No matter in which aspect, the ability of fangfennel is beyond the imagination of ordinary people! And Fang Fen's assistant also thinks that Fang Fen is a talented person. No wonder before you have their own independent ideas!

If he was replaced by him and his father asked him to work in their family business, he would surely be duty bound to go, instead of chasing his dream like Fang Fen.

In the end, Fang Fen came to their family business, or because they had no choice but to come back. Because Fang Fen doesn't have any special identity.

He felt that he and his assistant were equal, so he also asked his assistant to sit down and have a meal with him. Now his assistant is looking at him suspiciously.

Fang Fen received his assistant's puzzled eyes and thought it was very strange that his assistant didn't understand anything else?

So now Fang Fen is very generous to ask his assistant what questions he asked. When his assistant heard Fang Fen say that he could ask questions, he was very happy.

"General manager, you are really good, I want to ask you, how do you do so indifferent to fame and wealth?"

"In fact, when you have it, you will find that everything is so indifferent, but only if you have it."

Have to say, Fang Fen really told a big truth, many people are because they do not have, so they will go after, so they will go to fantasy, and will continue to strive for the goals they want to achieve.

But some rich people think that money is not important and why they don't value money is because they already have it. Already have, so that will not mind, will not want.

Although Fang Fen thinks such a theory is not very good, but the fact is that, he can only say so.

In fact, he can understand. After all, he also knows that in this world, the richer the rich and the poorer the poor, they are all because they own it, so they don't mind.

It doesn't matter if you don't have it. If you don't have it, you will always want to go.

After hearing this, Fang Fen's assistant knew that Fang Fen was very reasonable, but he couldn't help being very disappointed.

After all, he has always wanted to pursue promotion and pay rise, after all, he has always had the dream of making a fortune, because he is not so indifferent to fame and wealth as Fang Fen.

Fang Fen now has everything that he may not be able to earn back all his life. He can understand what Fang Fen said.

Fang Fen also knew that he said this more incisive, but he didn't want to attack his assistant, but he said it like this.

His assistant also knew that Fang Fen did not deliberately attack him, so Fang Fen's assistant could understand.

His assistant on the other side continued to ask: "general manager, even if some people have, he still want to keep chasing ah, what is this reason?"

If you really like Fang Fen said, because you have it, you don't mind, so you can be indifferent to fame and wealth, then why do those rich people make money in addition?

Why squeeze the poor? so_now_fang_fen_ '_s_assistant_is_confused_ ._ But what he didn't know was.

Those people are going to make a lot of money in the future, not because they are not satisfied with the status quo, maybe some people want to improve themselves.

It's not that all people have no desire. After all, desire is endless. In fact, most people want to improve themselves, get richer, or make themselves better and more perfect.

That's why they have been pursuing those things. Of course, there is also a possibility that their spirit is empty. If there is a spiritual consolation, if the spirit is very full and satisfied, it is impossible to have the situations he said.

"In fact, what you said is not to say that there is no such thing. The issues we are discussing are not absolute, they are all relatively open, and the things I said are not like what I said."

Fang Fen tried to explain all the things he understood, but he found that he had some poor words.

He found that the feelings in his own heart can only be understood and can't be expressed, so he can only let his assistant slowly speculate and think slowly.

Now Fang Fen has not said any more words. When Fang Fen's assistant heard Fang Fen say so, he nodded thoughtfully, and then he did not continue to ask.

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