"Drive out the dragon clan..." Lin Xiuyuan said word by word, hoping to turn every word into a hammer and beat Ye Xiao's head hard. Obviously, his hatred for ye Xiao has reached an unimaginable level!

Hearing these four words, ye Xiao's face changed. His eyes were full of hot sparks, which were angry sparks. He also wanted to cut Lin Xiuyuan into pieces, then chopped them into pieces, and finally threw them into the sewer!

Every soldier's biggest dream is to enter the dragon clan, which is definitely a soldier's greatest honor. Similarly, it is also the greatest shame to expel a member of the dragon clan from the dragon clan!

Ye Xiao's face is a good expression of this anger, this humiliation!

Seeing the indignation and humiliation on on Ye Xiao's face, Lin Xiuyuan's anger in his heart was slightly extinguished. Instead, he kept a close eye on the old chief. He must seek justice for his grandson. Even if ye Xiao can't be killed today, he must be expelled from the dragon clan!

Without the care of the dragon clan, it is not easy to deal with him with the power of the Lin family. Who will give him face then?

In any case, he must be expelled from the dragon clan today!

There was a look of embarrassment on the old chief's face. It seemed that he felt sorry if ye Xiao was really expelled from the dragon clan. This is a talent that he can't give up. As for the Dragon Emperor, his face has turned black and blue. Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Lin Xiuyuan's proposal!

Seeing the cold eyes of the Dragon Emperor, Lin Xiuyuan can't care about anything else. Since you don't care about the life and death of the Lin family, I still care what you do. Without you, the Lin family is still the Lin family, still the four big families!

, "chief, the dragon warrior is the cream of the country and obeys orders." Ye Xiao has persecuted the mayor of Chang Yun city without order. He can never remain in the dragon family. No matter how much he has done, he is not the reason why he stays in the dragon clan. When the Dragon Emperor was ready to make a voice to defend Ye Xiao, the silent Lingdi opened his mouth!

"Lingdi, this is the business of our dragon family. When is it your turn to interrupt the conspirator who only knows how to hide in the dark?" When he heard the emperor speak, the Dragon Emperor snorted coldly!

"Emperor long, I'm just talking about the facts. Do you think he has received any orders to murder Lin Qingqing?" Others may be afraid of the Dragon Emperor, but the spirit emperor, the Lord of ghosts, doesn't care at all!

"You..." The Dragon Emperor was so angry that he even put his hat down. He was about to argue with him when he heard Ye Xiao's voice: "chief, I voluntarily quit the dragon clan!"

Ye Xiao's face showed a look of pain, humiliation and grief. It seemed that he would consume all his strength to make such a decision!

Seeing ye Xiao's painful appearance, Lin Xiuyuan's anger in his heart has been reduced. No matter what reason you killed my grandson, you should be punished!

After some sorting in his mind, he had already guessed that the old chief executive was going to attack the Lin family!

Of course, the purpose of the old chief executive is not to destroy the Lin family, but to weaken the influence of the Lin family on the political situation. However, this has already touched the scale of Lin Xiuyuan. The ancestors of the Lin family have been famous families from generation to generation, and they have developed into one of the top powerful families in China. How can he watch the Lin family disappear!

Forcing Ye Xiao out of the dragon clan is just the last time he comes to Ye Xiao. He has a deep look at Ye Xiao. His eyes are full of regret. It seems that he is very sorry for the loss of Ye Xiao, an elite soldier of the dragon clan!

And the Dragon Emperor glared at the Lingdi fiercely and said to Ye Xiao: "go, the dragon gold medal must be taken back. Next time, you can't do this kind of thing again!"

His voice was very small, but it happened to be heard by Lin Xiuyuan. Lin Xiuyuan hated him. It was clear that the murderer of his grandson was here, but he could not help him. What could be more depressing than this?

Ye Xiao naturally nodded his head and went out with the Dragon Emperor. The Lingdi also said hello to Zhan Guodong and walked out with Lin Xiuyuan!

"Mr. Lin, I didn't expect that he would have the dragon gold medal in his hand. I can't do anything about it. Please..." Out of the hall, Lingdi whispered to Lin Xiuyuan, full of apology in his words!

"No, no, no, sir Ling, I'm satisfied that you can treat me fairly this time. If only everyone in China is as fair as you are!" Lin Xiuyuan shook his head repeatedly, indicating that he didn't care!

And Ling emperor nodded, and then no longer said anything, took the lead to step out!

In the parking lot outside the National Security Bureau, ye Xiao got into the military Humvee that the Dragon Emperor had brought. When he came, he was only led by a small section chief. When he left, it was sent by the leader of the dragon clan in person. Whether this is for interrogation or recognition is really unclear!

"Come on, it's for the little panda. The old chief likes to smoke it most!" Start the Hummer with one hand, and when the Dragon Emperor steps on the gas pedal, the Hummer will be like a runaway wild horse, galloping away!Ye Xiao took over the cigarette handed by the emperor, took out two cigarettes, one of which was thrown to the driving Dragon Emperor, the other put down his mouth, and then stuffed the remaining half of the pack of cigarettes into his pocket, which was the old chief's favorite cigarette. It's not available outside. How can you afford yourself without corruption!

Seeing ye Xiao embezzle his special cigarette, the emperor doesn't care. Anyway, he has enough. He doesn't need to compete with Ye Xiao. He just grabs a cigarette that ye Xiao has lit for himself and takes a hard puff. Only by taking a puff, he has already smoked more than half of the cigarette. He allows the smoke to turn around in his stomach, and then he spits it out and spits out a long dragon !

"Where are you going now? That medal is in Jinghai city Ye Xiao also spits out a mouthful of cigarette fiercely, mouth says!

"Let it be there. It will be sent to you again sooner or later." The Dragon Emperor said with indifference that he would not go to Jinghai city for a broken medal!

"Well, what do I need to do now?" Ye Xiao nodded and no longer tangled on this issue!

"You are not under my command now. Where can I control what you do?" The Dragon Emperor rolled his eyes, then the corners of his mouth rose slightly

Ye Xiao was stunned at first, and then saw the meaningful smile of the Dragon Emperor. A faint smile gradually appeared in the corner of his mouth. From now on, he is free!

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