He thinks that he is a very ordinary person, he is a very ordinary child, so he is not interested in his parents' property at all.

Now he doesn't think it's necessary to say it. Anyway, he ran away from home. As long as Fang Fen's parents know that he is running away from home, it seems that there is no need to say anything else.

He thinks that other things are not important at all. After all, if you can meet a person who really cares about himself, if that person really cares about him, really likes him, and really cares about him.

Certainly not because of his family background, have another idea to him, he thinks Fang fennel's parents are more self-restraint, also some good people.

Therefore, he thinks that fangfen's parents may not have other thoughts about him because of his family background.

He felt that fangfennel's parents, fennel, and ye Wuxiang would not use colored glasses to see him, although his attitude towards him was not very good.

But in his heart, he was very grateful to Fang Fen, and he was very grateful to Ye Wuqian. If it was not for fangfen and ye Wuqian, how could he have come to fangfen's home now.

Then he received so much love from fangfen's parents and so much kindness to him. So now the little boy is very happy.

He felt that he was lucky to be able to come to fangfen's house. Before he was there, he didn't feel any concern or care at all.

Although their servants and their nannies will help him, they never care about him because of his illness or his birthday.

Every time his parents express their love for him, they just give him money. They just give him money. They don't hug him like Fang Fen's mother.

If he didn't touch his head or pat him on the shoulder, there was no such action at all. Maybe his parents thought he was too mature to look like an eight year old child, so they would not treat him in the same way as an eight year old child.

But God knows how much he yearns for those things in his heart and how much he yearns for his parents to kiss him and hug him. But now he also knows that it is extravagant hope.

His parents are so busy with their work, how can they care about him? He felt that he was a superfluous person in their family. If he did not exist, maybe his parents would not have so much concern.

Maybe his parents will have better development, their work and their career may be better. Maybe in their eyes, he is just a burden.

Now the little boy is also very sad, he felt that he was in the eyes of his parents is dispensable, not important at all.

If he can choose, he would rather not appear in this world, if the price of appearing in this world is not the love of his parents, then he would rather not appear.

So now the little boy suddenly became sad. Fang Fen's mother felt the change of his mood.

Knowing that the little boy must have thought of an unhappy and unhappy thing, she did not force the little boy to say it, but had been holding the little boy here and patting the little boy on the shoulder.

Want to give the little boy a little rely on, want to give the little boy strength, she thinks this little boy should bear so much at a young age, it is really too poor.

He really loves the little boy very much. He also knows that the little boy may have misunderstood his parents for some reasons. It's really because his parents don't care about him enough, they don't care about him enough, so they say that he left home.

The little boy's parents are really incompetent. The career is important, the company is important, but by comparison, family relationship is more important.

Money is more important than kinship. For the sake of money, career and the development of our company, we should ignore our own son.

Now his own son ran away from home, it seems that there is no big action, so now fangfen's mother in fact is quite complaining about the little boy's parents.

Although she and the little boy are also the first time to meet, although he and the little boy's parents only a few times, there is no work cooperation.

But she really felt that such behavior was not good at all. After all, the little boy really wanted a lot of things at a young age, and really needed a lot of care and care.

The little boy is only eight years old. He has to bear so much and be so lonely. When he grows up, he can still get it.

When I grow up, I will It's hard to say. I'm sure I'll get depression. Fang Fen's mother was full of maternal love and was a kind person.

Now when I think of the little boy who is alone at home every time, she feels very sad and distressed.

Although she knew that there would be some servants and nannies in the little boy's family, she felt that in any case, how could those servants and nannies be better than their own biological parents? How could they be better than their own parents?Those nannies, those servants take good care of him and give him a warm and kind look, but they feel different at all.

"Don't be sad. If you really don't want to say something, you can stay in our house as long as you want, and you can stay as long as you want.

Take this as your own home. If you don't mind, you can treat me as your mother. I will treat you well

Originally, the little boy felt a bit lost because his parents didn't care about himself. Now he felt even more sad to hear Fang Fen's mother say so.

He didn't expect that a stranger who had just met for less than a few hours could treat him so well and care so much about him.

But his parents can give birth to him and support his parents, but every time they are busy working, they refuse him and turn him out. So he is now more sad and sad.

He thought it would be nice to live in fangfen's home, but although he complained that his parents didn't care about him, they didn't care about him.

But if he really wants to let him leave, he is not willing to. He loves his parents very much, although his parents seldom see them and care about him because of their busy work.

But he knew that his parents were also for his good. Even if he knew that his parents were all for his good, everything was for him, so he would do those things, but he just couldn't accept it.

He just can't cross the gap in his heart. He thinks that if he can let his parents care about him once.

Even if their family is an ordinary family, even if their family is very ordinary, their family background is very ordinary, he also feel very happy, very happy.

He thinks that money can't solve everything. Money can't buy happiness. Although his family is really rich, the price of money is that he doesn't have much emotional communication with his parents.

He would rather not be such a rich man than be a rich man. He saw him come to fangfen's house.

Seeing Fang Fen live so much freedom, he envies Fang Fen very much, but what he envies even more is that Fang Fen has such a passionate parents and a pair of such good parents.

He was really envious of Fang Fen, so now that he heard Fang Fen's mother say so, he also felt flattered.

He cried to each other's mother and said, "can you really? Can I really think of you as my own mother, my own mother? "

"Of course, if you like."

After Fang Fen's mother said these words, the little boy cried more bitterly, but he didn't ask Fang Fen's mother to call her mother.

After all, he thinks his own mother is still there. After all, he thinks his own mother must love him very much. He just sighs that Fang Fen's mother will be so good.

Sigh in fangfen's parents are so good, he thought he saw fangfen's mother so good to him, he thought of his mother's indifference to him.

He felt very sad and sad. If he could choose, he would rather stay in fangfen's house, but now he can't.

Maybe it is because the little boy is more relaxed now. After he cried, he soon felt some sleepiness, and then he fell asleep directly in fangfennel's mother's arms.

Fang Fen's mother felt the little boy's breathing sound more and more evenly, and knew that the little boy might be asleep, and did not immediately put the boy down.

But continue to hold the little boy, gently humming a lullaby, let the little boy sleep more stable, until he felt that the little boy had fallen asleep.

Just quietly put the little boy on the bed, and then help the little boy cover the quilt, standing on the side of the little boy's bed, looking at the little boy's eyebrows in his sleep, she felt more distressed.

This little boy is so young, only eight years old. He has so many worries and can't have a good rest in his sleep. So now fangfen's mother really loves this little boy.

But she knew that it was no use to be distressed again. After all, she and the little boy were just meeting by chance. The little boy still needs to communicate well with his parents about his family affairs.

As outsiders, they can only help from the side, only through some other ways to enlighten the little boy, let the little boy not too sad.

The rest of them don't seem to be able to do much. Now Fang Fen's mother saw that the little boy was almost asleep, so she left the bedside lamp for the little boy.

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