Because he couldn't get the care of his parents, he became a little depressed, and then he really felt very distressed. Now he said these things to Ye Wuxiang.

Ye Wuqian can understand what Fang fennel said. After all, he knows that fennel may have some sympathy in these matters.

He knew that Fang Fen, like this little boy, was often left at home by his parents, without his parents' care.

And the last time they asked them to accompany him to the amusement park, they had already seen that Fang fennel actually loved himself when he was a child.

When they went to the amusement park together, Fang Fen said that he didn't play anything, but he could see it from his eyes.

Fang Fen is really miss that time, really hope that at that time of their parents can get more care, more care.

Ye Wumian sees the performance of fangfennel, naturally knows that fangfennel is missing him when he was a child, but in fact, it is not missing, but loving himself.

Because when Fang Fen was a child, his parents were busy doing business and had little energy to take care of him. So when he was young, Fang Fen was just like this little boy now. He had no parents' care and no parents' love.

But better than this little boy, no matter how busy his parents are, at least on his birthday, they will eat with him, and the little boy has always been a person.

"Ye Wuqian, why are the parents of interns like this? I don't care about my children because of my own affairs. "

Because Fang Fen has always been the family relationship is very important, he has always felt that, no matter what, should not let his children become lonely.

After all, he has also felt that feeling, which is really very uncomfortable, that kind of lonely feeling can really kill a person.

Fang Fen has always been the most disliked thing is to see some parents do not treat their children well, although said not to the point of abuse.

However, the psychological harm to children is more serious than abuse. Children will begin to doubt themselves because their parents are busy with their work and have no time to take care of themselves.

They will wonder if they have done something bad, if they have offended their parents and made them unhappy.

Otherwise, why ignore them? Fang fennel think of these feel very uncomfortable, feel very bad.

Ye Wumian saw that the face of Fang fennel was not good. He looked at Fang Fen with concern, and then the other side said, "Fang Fen.".

Don't think too much about it. No matter what the reason is, we will help the little boy well. I believe the final result will not be too bad. "

Ye Wuqian doesn't know how to comfort Fang fennel. After all, ye Wuqian once heard Fang Fen say something about his childhood.

But after all, he did not personally participate in it, and he could not make the most accurate prediction. Not enough to comfort the fennel with the most suitable language.

Now the only thing he can do is to let Fang Fen not think too much, and let him know that no matter what, he, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie will always support him behind him.

"Fennel. In any case, I, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie will help the little boy to the end. Don't take everything to yourself. "

Fang fennel heard Ye Wuqian say so, of course, he knew the truth was this truth, but he was still very worried, who told him to be so worried.

"Ye Wuqian, do you think the little boy has psychological problems because he is not liked by his parents?"

Fang fennel thought about it and thought that what he thought might happen. After all, when he was young, his mood was also very low.

Although I didn't know why he was so depressed at that time, but now I know that he was depressed when he was a child. He almost suffered from depression.

Don't look at the young, but depression this disease will not feel that who is young will not disturb who. Although the little boy seems to be a very cheerful person.

But there is no guarantee that his heart will be as strong as he showed. After all, no one can say for sure.

When ye Wuqian heard Fang fennel say so, he just thought it was Fang fennel. How could that little boy be depressed to suffer from mental illness because of such things?

Ye Wuqian thinks that Fang fennel may be too concerned about the little boy, so he will go to such a serious situation to think about it.

Maybe the fact is not as serious as Fang Fen thought. Maybe it's just that Fang Fen combined his childhood emotions and brought his own experience to the little boy.

Ye Wumian said to the other fennel: "Fang fennel, don't scare yourself. It's impossible to have those things you think about. "

Ye Wumian is very patient in enlightening this fennel, for fear that fangfennel will become sleep and food problems because of the little boy.Ye Wuque really thinks that Fang fennel is too concerned about the little boy's matter. The little boy runs away from home because his parents don't care enough. It's really pitiful for him to run away from home.

But after all, he is still so young, and his mind is not mature enough. If he grows up, he will certainly understand his parents.

"But I just feel very worried. Do you know, as soon as I see this little boy, I think of myself when I was a child. It was really pathetic."

Ye wuflawless nods, of course, he knows what Fang Fen thinks in his heart, and of course he can understand why Fang Fen is so worried about the little boy.

However, no matter how worried, we can't ignore our own actual situation! Ye Wumian looked at Fang fennel, who was still eating with relish, because he thought of the little boy's affairs and was very good. He rented chopsticks,

Ye Wuqian thought that fangfennel was a little too much. Ye Wumian patiently comforted Fang fennel: "anyway, the situation is certainly not as bad as you think in your heart, so don't do it yourself."

Fang fennel listened to Ye Wuqian's saying, and wanted to refute it. However, before the goods were exported, they were the first to be intercepted by Ye Wuqian.

"Don't talk about anything else. Eat quickly. The dishes will be cold."

Fang fennel heard Ye Wuqian say so, had to nod, and then seriously eat the remaining rice in his bowl.

After a good lunch, ye Wuqian and Fang fennel went back to the office and started working, and Fang Fen adjusted his mind.

No matter how much he cares about the little boy and how unhappy he is about the little boy, he still has to take care of his work after all.

Don't worry too much about the little boy and leave the work that should be done. Fang Fen has a good ability to adjust his mind when he wants to.

Just returned to the office, Fang Fen will be the previous Yang Yuhang to his plan out, seriously look at.

Fang Fen knows that Yang Yuhang, as the new director of the planning department, will surely lead the work of the planning department well and play a good exemplary role.

Fang Fen looked at Yang Yuhang's plan and thought it was good, but there was still room for improvement.

Fang Fen looked at Yang Yuhang's plan with great interest. The more he saw it, the more he thought it was a very wise decision to promote Yang Yuhang to the head of the planning department.

As can be seen by all discerning people, the whole planning department has made remarkable progress in the previous rectification, especially after Yang Yuhang was the director of the planning department.

The progress of the planning department has been made by leaps and bounds. Now Fang Fen is very satisfied with the plan in his hand, although there are still some areas that need to be improved.

However, the flaws can not hide the virtues. Even if there is no perfection, it has at least reached the requirements that should be achieved.

Ye Wuqi looks at Fang fennel's face with a satisfied smile, and naturally knows that the plan of the planning department is doing well.

Because Fang fennel just now also because of the little boy's things, so ye Wuqian is also deliberately trying to divert Fang fennel's attention.

"General manager Fang, what's the plan of the planning department?"

"It's pretty good. I didn't expect that the performance of the planning department is so good now. If we had such good working ability before, our family business would certainly benefit a lot."

Fang Fen is not stingy about his praise for the planning department. After all, the planning department has made rapid progress and has done very well.

Wow, I heard Fang Fen praise the work of the planning department, but I was curious about the scheme design submitted by the planning department this time.

Generally speaking, a general manager with strict requirements like Fang Fen has always been very demanding in his work.

But now the sun is so satisfied with the plan submitted by the planning department. It seems that the planning department is really powerful.

"Fang Fen, let me have a look at the scheme of the planning department. How good is it? You are such a selfless general manager who praises me with no stinginess."

Fang fennel heard ye Wuque say so, and then handed the plan in his hand to ye Wuque, and said, "you will certainly look like me after you see it."

Ye Wumian smiles and turns over a few pages carefully. His heart, who was still in doubt, suddenly brightens after seeing the plan.

No wonder fangfen will praise the performance of the planning department, this program is really very powerful, although it is not perfect, but it is really very good.

"I didn't expect that the progress of the planning department is so great. General manager of Fang University, the planning department will have the achievements now, but you have made great contributions!"

"And make fun of me Fang Fen looked at ye Wuwu without a good breath, then pretended to be very serious and said, "after all, I'm talented and intelligent. I've got a hero in my eyes."

"Yes, yes! You know the hero, you are the best

Fang Fen heard ye Wuque praise him so, he was naturally very happy, because he was very worried about the little boy's things, a little depressed.

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