Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are able to regard Fang Fen as their main force. In this case, ye Wuqian feels very good. If he wants to let him solve everything, there will be some unnecessary troubles.

When he leaves, there will be some unnecessary disputes and frictions because the three of them are too dependent on him.

Now they more and more regard the fennel as their main force. This situation is very good, and the little boy is also like this.

Although he thought that ye Wuqian's intelligence might be better than fennel's, and ye Wuqian's ability might be a little bigger, he has been listening to this fennel all the time.

Ye Wuqian may be the wisdom star in their team, and Fang Fen may be the most important person in their team.

So now everyone is the other party fennel has great expectations, and even ye Wuwu is like this. Fang Fen, of course, knew that he had a long way to go.

He is sure to do these things, and he believes that he can do all these things through his own efforts.

Although there is a little confusion, and I don't know how to solve these problems, he believes that as long as he can do this all the time, he can certainly do these things.

Anyway, Fang Fen is not very worried about his ability. Now he has some ideas.

Now Fang Fen said to several of them: "maybe this project is really a treasure hunting place, although they say they publicize it outside.

It's just entertainment to find the treasure, but my intuition tells me that there must be huge secrets hidden here

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say this, they immediately became interested. They thought this place was very interesting.

Now Fang Fen said that there might be a huge secret. The two of them even thought that this place was too powerful. They originally planned to come here to have a casual play.

But now when they heard what he would say, they put aside their playfulness and were determined to solve all these things.

They may be able to find something different from here by then, so everyone is very excited now.

Including the little boy. The little boy thought he was just here to have a casual play. But if this is really a huge treasure, then they will be together, and there will be different harvest.

So now the little boy said to each other, "Fang Fen, is that true? Is this really a treasure? If that's the case, we can look for it together. Maybe we can make a windfall in the end. "

If it is put in the ordinary words, certainly will not believe, but these words are said by Fang Fen, and he has personally experienced in this, so he still believes very much.

He still believed that there might be some treasures in it. If these words were spoken by children of the same age, he would never believe them.

On the contrary, he would think it was an insult to his IQ, but here, he didn't think so. Fang Fen nodded when he heard the little boy ask.

Yes, it must be that what he said is true. Although he said that he could not be 100% sure, his intuition told him that there must be some secrets here.

Otherwise, how could he have such a real feeling, let his intuition really tell him that there are a lot of things here.

If they can solve these problems well and get out of this maze first, they will certainly be able to further explore these treasures.

What's more, when they came down just now, there were so many teams following them. Now they are the only five of them.

Where are those people? Obviously, this maze is absolutely very big. It is not easy to have such a big labyrinth under the ground.

After all, urban planning and construction is very powerful now. If they really plan such a large project, they can't help but disturb the leaders and organizations at the top.

But now there is no trace, proving that this labyrinth may not be explored above. Now Fang Fen thought of this, he was more excited and more interested.

Those tired feelings on his body are gone. He thinks it will be very good if he can solve these riddles quickly.

So now his curiosity is very heavy, and he has the energy to do these things.

Now Fang Fen said to them, "although I can't be 100% sure that there are some other things here, I believe there must be something different here.

There must be different switches. As long as we do this all the time, I believe we will be able to do these things well. "

Of course, if Zhao Haojie and Zhao Haojie agree with him all the time, they will say so.So they began to look for it again. According to Fang fennel's intuition, they did not go blindly as before. Instead, they always went forward bravely in accordance with the direction and direction that Fang fennel said and guided.

Although there are still some bumps and bumps along the way, fortunately, they did not take much detours this time, and they will come to the exit.

They are more and more excited, because it is not the end at all, but there is another project waiting for them. Just now, in the maze, they went around and couldn't find the exit.

Now they have a hard time finding the exit and come to another project. Obviously, it's just a long tunnel.

They don't know what's at the end of the tunnel, but they know that it's impossible for the tunnel to be smooth. There may be something else.

Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are also left with an eye, they two people tightly grasp the little boy. Otherwise, they are afraid that the little boy will follow their team.

Naturally, the little boy knew what Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng thought. He was also moved. Besides being moved, he also grasped Xu Haojie's hand tightly.

Fang Fen looked back and saw the interaction of the three of them. He was also very comforted and gratified. Ye Wuqian did not speak at one side, but also followed the team all the time.

In fact, when ye Wuqian came out of the maze and saw the tunnel, he had already affirmed the idea in his mind. The labyrinth was really not simple. There must be some huge mysteries waiting for them to reveal.

Now ye Wuque feels more and more that his second task may be to get it here, so now he has been closely following the team.

I don't want to be alone. Although ye Wuwu lacks him, his ability is very strong, but it is undeniable that Fang Fen has a very strong leadership ability.

Although Fang Fen doesn't know how to lead, it's his organizational ability and coordination ability, which is very powerful, so now ye Wuwu has a greater appreciation of each other.

I also think that Fang Fen must be able to do these things well. Fang Fen has always been the backbone of this team, and now he is also a person walking in the front of this team.

He is also afraid, he is also worried, for the unknown front, he certainly has the fear place, but he knows that he is the backbone of this team.

If even he is nervous, even he is afraid, then what is the future of this team? So even if Fang Fen is very worried, but he will still put his own kind of worry, fear in the bottom of his heart.

To be a pioneer first, otherwise, it would be bad to let their team fail in the middle of the way for some unnecessary reasons.

So now they always give their team some heart strengthening pills, so that their team can follow him and go on with confidence.

But in fact, he just thought about it. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy, and ye Wuqian, how could they not believe it.

And they are also very fun, very interested, and willing to keep up with them. Even if Fang Fen doesn't encourage them or give them encouragement, they can still persist until the end.

Especially the little boy, don't look at his talent small one, but he said that he was very interested in these things. Before he read books, he liked to read some exploration books, just like to read some suspense books.

Now there is such an atmosphere under the underground palace. Of course, I am very happy to be here.

He said to these people, "brother Fang Fen, I'm so happy to be here. Originally I thought this was a very ordinary underground palace.

But now it seems that it is not ordinary. There are still some things worth exploring. "

Fang Fen heard the little boy say this, and turned to smile at the little boy. He felt that this place must have attracted them.

As long as they persist in this way, I believe they will soon be able to find a way out of this place, so now Fang Fen also nodded.

Then he said to the little boy, "yes, this place is waiting for us to explore. I believe that when we wait, we will certainly find the final treasure."

At the beginning, the owner of the underground palace thought that there must be something in the words. Otherwise, if it was just some ordinary exploration projects, how could they be so serious and dignified.

So they thought in their heart, maybe it's because it is really very important here. It must be different with other projects.

That's why the owner of the underground palace said that to them. No wonder the owner of the underground palace said nothing to let the little boy in.

But only adults can come in and have a look, because there must be great danger in this underground palace, so I don't want to let these minors in.

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