They must not be able to hold on to the end. After all, they have been released from the second hurdle. If they give up now, it will be too bad.

So now the four of them have unanimously decided that they should continue to stick to it and continue to look for ye Wuqian. They believe that ye Wuqian must have the same idea.

Ye Wumian will certainly look for it at home now. They will certainly not let Ye Wuqian take them out. The four of them are here to think of solutions.

Now Fang Fen said to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, "I believe Ye Wuqian is still there looking for us.

Let's not let him feel so sad, and don't let him blame himself. We should think about how to get out now

Although the four of them all think that this thing is a bit mysterious, but after all, the boss has already said hello before.

The boss has already told them to be prepared psychologically. Even if something strange happens, don't be too flustered. He will be nervous.

So now even if they encounter such a situation, they can still accept it very well, especially the little boy. Although he is only a child, he can still accept these things because of his mature mind.

The little boy is also very able to understand, so although they are very worried, the little boy still thinks that these problems should be solved first.

If ye Wuqian is very sad and scared because of the sudden disappearance of the four of them, what should we do?

Ye Wuqian must be very worried about the safety of several of them. They can't let Ye Wuqian become so worried and nervous because of their reasons.

Because they know that ye Wuqian has always been a very calm person. If they are not calm because of the sudden disappearance of the four of them, they will feel very guilty and sad.

Although they feel that the matter is a little difficult to handle and handle, they will still work hard to solve it. They will still try their best to find out all their intelligence and wisdom at all costs, and then solve the matter well.

After all, the sudden disappearance of them will definitely make ye Wuqian feel very nervous and scared, so now they still have to think of some ways to let him come out and meet them.

Let them all together, now they all put all hope on the body of the fennel, after all, they think fangfennel is their wisdom star.

In the previous leadership, Fang Fen's personal talent is also recognized. I believe that in this crisis, Fang Fen can find some good ways to solve such problems.

So let each of them is very much looking forward to fangfennel can do these things, very expect fangfen can do these things well.

Now Fang Fen has seen Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy. The three of them place such high hopes on them. Fang Fen also thinks that he should solve this matter well.

Otherwise, if he can't solve the crisis well, something bad will happen.

He certainly didn't want to see those things. Seeing the little boy looking at him with such expectant eyes, Fang Fen also felt great pressure.

He still thinks that he should do it well as soon as possible, otherwise, if he can't find Ye Wuqian and let him meet the four of them.

Then they will certainly encounter some other dangers and troubles. They have just passed the second level and just passed the second level.

If they can't do these things well, it will be very bad. They think they should do these things right away.

Fang fennel, in particular, felt that there was no lack of leaves now. As the backbone of the four of them, he must not panic or be confused.

We must give them spiritual encouragement, give them some encouragement, let them know, in any case, he will definitely help them to do these things well.

He must try his best and do his part, and then let the three of them know that he is also very capable. Compared with Ye Wuqian, he is certainly a very capable person.

Although he didn't want to be compared with ye Wuwu, but now ye Wuqian and they have been separated, and they have to adapt to this.

They have to adapt to such a life. If they rely on Ye Wuqi every time, and now ye Wuque is not there, they will surely fall into a chaotic situation.

Fortunately, ye Wuqian has consciously cultivated the ability of fennel to solve problems independently, but now it is no longer there.

Then Fang Fen will also take charge of the overall situation and let them know that he can do these things.

Now they don't know that they don't have a bad idea for them.He will always protect him and give advice to them. So now Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy are not very worried.

They are not very afraid. The only thing they are worried about now is that ye Wuqian will feel very sad and guilty when he finds out that the four of them are gone.

They don't want to see such a result. They don't want Ye Wuqian to become so nervous and sad because of several of them.

Now the little boy is also the other side, fennel said: "now hurry to think about this way, don't think about other things, let's first solve the difficulties in front of us.

I believe that brother Ye Wuqian may be very worried when he finds out that the four of us are not here. However, I believe he will also think of this point.

Some strange places in this underground palace are also charming places. The five of us are separated, and it is likely that the four of us will be scattered after that. We must be prepared in advance. "

Then they all think that what the little boy said is quite reasonable. Maybe this is the rule of the game. Maybe they should be separated.

Now, after the little boy's warning, they really think that the four of them will probably be separated.

Now the four of them must be prepared psychologically. Otherwise, if they want to separate, they will feel very sad and self reproach.

So now they have to think like this. It seems that they have also said this. It's really on the point. After the little boy said this, they thought that the little boy's words were really reasonable.

If not for this reason, how could the five of them have separated? So in the future, the four of them may be separated again.

They may be doing a task alone at the end of the day, and they also feel that if this is the case now, they must prepare themselves in advance.

Otherwise, if they are preparing for this, they will be very sad and panic if they don't know these things in advance because they will be separated at that time.

Now the little boy put forward these, they really look at the little boy, although they all know that the little boy's mind is much more mature than his peers.

But in this matter, they did not think, the little boy thought first, he said it first, maybe because of some other reasons let them separate.

If it wasn't for this reason, how could they have separated so quickly, so now they also feel that they have to be psychologically prepared.

Now Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng, "the rest may be the same as what the little boy said, and we will certainly be separated at that time.

We have to be ready now, not because we leave suddenly, will become very unable to do anything

This is what he can understand. After all, he has just heard the little boy say that. Everything in the future is very reasonable. If it is not for this reason, how could they have separated?

If it wasn't because they didn't make it clear in the rules of the game, maybe they would not have been so sad when ye Wuqian suddenly separated from them.

What's more, they also think that the boss didn't think about it clearly before. If the boss made it clear, they could at least make a psychological preparation.

It's not through guessing. Maybe it's the rules of the game that make each of them separate. But what if it's not for this?

And I thought that there were many teams coming down with them before, but they didn't meet each other at home, which proves that the underground palace is really big.

It is certain that they will not meet. If Wan Yiye has no shortage and there is no way to meet them with the previous teams, what should we do?

Now, however, they can't think so much. They can only go step by step, regardless of whether they will meet after that.

Now, first of all, they should deal with these difficulties, otherwise they may feel that they are really sorry for themselves.

In fact, when ye was outside, although he was very nervous at the beginning of looking for the four of them, they also wanted to understand.

Maybe it's because the rule of the game is to let a few of them leave, let them separate, so now ye Wuqian has settled down.

He still went from the original road to the forest just now, where he waited patiently for the four of them. They must be able to solve these problems.

Moreover, ye Wuqian knows that he has been consciously cultivating Fang Fen's ability to solve things independently. I believe that even if he encounters such problems, Fang Fen can always solve these problems.

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