We must solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, if they stay in the secret room for too long, it is estimated that it will not be very good.

After all, they are going to find the treasure together now. If they have been trapped in this chamber, it will be bad. And he believes that the appearance of this chamber must be the rule of the game in this underground palace.

Since there is a rule in this underground palace game, there must be a solution. Otherwise, how could the boss of the underground palace give them an unsolved problem?

Now the little boy is also very confident. He thinks that he can do this well. The little boy and Xu Haojie and Zhang are the three of them and say:

"brother Fang Fen, brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, please don't worry. Although we can't go out for the time being, I believe we must finally You can go out. "

After all, in the hearts of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang Fen, they believe that they can go out.

Even if the little boys don't say so, they still have this confidence. Their main problem now is that they can't find out the way out as soon as possible in a short time.

There is no way to escape from the secret room very quickly, so now they hear the little boy say these things, only think that what the little boy said is dispensable.

But they also felt that since the little boy said this, they could not ignore the little boy, and they could not make the little boy feel neglected and neglected.

So now the three of them also gave the little boy a good response. Xu Haojie said to the little boy, "yes, I believe we can all go out, but now we still have a problem.

Even if we can go out in the end, we can't waste such a long time in the secret room. The delay is not conducive to our continued search for treasure. "

"Yes, we can definitely go out, and even if we really can't get out, we can ask the boss to come and pick us up.

But now what we are facing is that we know we can go out, but we don't know how to get out, and we don't know how to get out. "

After hearing what Xu Haojie said, Zhao Xincheng also explained here that he said such a thing to the little boy. He felt that the little boy was also very nervous and worried, so he said so.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are not bothered by the little boy. After all, they know that the little boy wants to solve this problem quickly and go out with them.

Both of them patiently explained these things to the little boy. Fang Fen nodded at the side. He felt that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were very reasonable.

The most important thing for them now is to think about how to get out of here as soon as possible in a short time, instead of thinking about other issues.

Fang Fen believes that in the end, he must be able to get out of here. Now it is a matter of time. Fang Fen said to the little boy, "in fact, we all believe that we can go out from here.

But now the main problem is that we can go out at last, but now we can't get out of here quickly in a short time. Do you have any method? "

Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had Fang Fen before, they all thought that the little boy might not be able to come up with some good methods.

But now Fang Fen also thinks that, in any case, he should be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and Fang Fen also knows that the little boy's mind is much more mature than his peers.

Even if it was similar to theirs, he did not regard the little boy as an eight year old child, but regarded the little boy as their same age.

So now he is also very sincere to the little boy, the little boy heard Fang Fen said so, his heart is also secretly happy.

After all, the little boy thought that Fang Fen would ask this question to prove that Fang Fen regarded him as his peer and that he believed in his ability. So now the little boy is smiling.

He said to Fang Fen: "brother Fang Fen, although I don't know how to get out of the secret room for the time being, I still have a little idea. You can look up at the wall above the sky."

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng returned Fang Fen, they looked up at the wall according to what the little boy said.

They didn't think there was anything different or strange about them. Now they looked down at the little boy, hoping that the boy could give them some hints.

The little boy saw that the three of them were still confused and understood. After all, when he looked up at the ceiling, he felt as if there was no trace.

He also felt that there was no way to crack it, just like the walls around him. However, after looking at it carefully for a while, he found that there was a thin crack in the sealed wall above his head.Although this crack is not very long, 50 cm, enough to let a person out, so now the little boy will put forward this matter.

Now the little boy said to each other, "brother Fang Fen, you can have a closer look."

The little boy said and pointed to the crack he saw. Fang Fen didn't see it. When he heard the boy say so, he looked up again at the place he was pointing at.

Sure enough, he saw the place the little boy said was a little strange. Fang Fen didn't see it yet, but he knew that this place must be different from other walls.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say this, they also looked in the direction that the little boy pointed to. They also felt that the place was a little different from that nearby.

Although the color is the same, but a closer look can see that the color of the direction the little boy refers to is not the same as the color of other walls.

The color of other walls is deeper. The color of the wall in the place where the little boy refers to is a little lighter. Although it is only a little bit, they can see it carefully.

Moreover, they looked down carefully and saw a very thin crack, which was thinner than the hair. No wonder they didn't find it just now.

Fang Fen also saw the little boy said that there was a very small crack in that place. He said to the little boy, "are you talking about that small crack?"

The little boy heard Fang Fen say so, knowing that Fang Fen must have noticed the place, so he quickly nodded. Maybe we can use this as a breakthrough.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say so, they also nodded there. After all, they also saw that tiny crack.

If it wasn't for the little boy pointing them out, maybe they wouldn't have noticed it at all. After all, the crack was thinner and smaller than the hair.

They want to have a good look, there is no way. Fortunately, they have found this place, although they don't know whether this is exported to or not.

Fortunately, there are a little clues, so now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are also eager to say to the little boy: "is this the exit door, this is the breakthrough place?"

When the little boy heard Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng say so, he didn't know anything else. He just found that this place was different from other places.

He just found that there was a small crack there, and he was not sure whether it was an exit or not, so he was honest and shook his head there.

He said to Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "I don't know if there is an exit, but seeing that the walls here are different from others, maybe we can take this as a breakthrough."

When Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie heard the little boy say so, they both nodded. After all, they also knew how to determine the exit so soon.

Before, they thought that the walls were smooth, the colors were uniform, and they were relatively dark, but now they found that the color of the wall on top of the head was lighter and there was a small crack.

Even if that place is not an exit, it is at least related to the export. It must be a breakthrough. Now Fang Fen plays a leading role and orders Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to work together as a human wall and climb up to have a look.

Climb up to see, Fang fennel a knock, sure enough, the sound here and other walls are not the same, you can see that this is empty.

Just now, although they had knocked all the walls of the secret room, they did not notice the top of the head.

They didn't know that there was an exit on top of their heads. So now they are very happy. Fortunately, the little boy brought up this matter, otherwise they might ignore it.

"The voice here is hollow indeed. This may be the breakthrough. How can we get out now?"

I believe they know that this may be the exit, but how can they open this place? Such a small crack, if you allow brute force to open here, it is estimated that it is impossible.

So now they are also thinking about how to get out, but better than before, they had no clue at all.

Now, although they still can't get out, at least they have found a breakthrough. I believe they can go out after grasping this breakthrough.

Now, Zhao Haojie and his son have been surrounded by four children, and now they are no one.

But the little boy as their peers, after all, this breakthrough is found by the little boy, they also admire the little boy.

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