However, they still have to solve this problem and do these things well. Otherwise, they will not be able to go out.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the three of them still have to suppress the feeling of fatigue in their hearts and continue to solve this problem.

Now Fang Fen said to the three of them, "we have to think about how to solve the mystery of this switch, since it is painted on it.

It must be proved that there are other solutions, and now we have found the switch to open the exit. The next thing we need to do is to combine the two and get out of the secret passage. "

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are also there to cheer on each other, because they feel that they are going to go out now, and now they have reached the most critical and final step.

After this matter is solved, they can smoothly go out of the secret room, and then join Ye Wuxiang. They may be able to start the task of the third level.

"Do you think this pattern is implying that we should actually find an actual key to open the exit."

As soon as Xu Haojie said this, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen, and the little boy were all lost in meditation. They felt that Xu Haojie's words were indeed a little reasonable.

However, the surrounding of the secret room is open, do not want, there is nothing at all, how to find a key to open the exit.

They really thought it was really difficult to do, and they looked up at the exit of the wall above their heads, and there was no place to insert the key.

They also looked at Xu Haojie in disbelief. Xu Haojie naturally thought of this, so he continued: "although we didn't see the keyhole beside the exit, now we can't find the key.

But it doesn't mean that these things don't exist. If you think about it, we will come to this chamber. Isn't it a very strange and strange thing? "

After Xu Haojie's warning, it is true that they will come to this chamber, which is an explanation that cannot be solved by science.

They still look at these things with a very scientific perspective, and there is certainly no way to solve them. Now they have abandoned the idea of looking at these things with a scientific perspective.

But from some other aspects, perhaps as Xu Haojie said, it is the key to existence. It's just that they can't see with their naked eyes, they can't see.

If they tried to solve the problem from another angle, maybe they could find it. So after hearing Xu Haojie's words, Fang Fen's mind also flashed a light.

But we can't see it with the naked eye

Fang Fen said that the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. After all, they would appear in the secret room, and there was no way to explain it with a scientific perspective.

So now they can think in other ways. Maybe they can't see it with the naked eye, but they can touch it with their hands.

Fang Fen thought so, and then decided to practice. So he said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "well, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are building a human wall. I'll climb up.

Go to see if there is any protuberance around the exit and whether there is a hole for inserting the key. If so, we will look for the key according to Xu Haojie

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng can understand Fang Fen's doing these things. They think this is really weird. This is the only way.

So they both nodded, and then built a human wall. Fang Fen did not waste time, but climbed up directly. He was searching for the exit of the wall above his head.

He used his hand to feel whether there was a raised keyhole on the wall. He felt that the wall was very smooth. There was no keyhole and no raised place at all.

Now Fang Fen really thinks that there is something wrong with his thinking, but he has not given up. He has been touching with his hand all the time. He has expanded the scope.

He thought that since the wall under their feet was painted with the shape of a key, it must be proved that the place must be opened with a key.

Now Fang Fen continues to search here. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both a little bit out of support. After all, they have been in this underground palace for some time, and now they are a little weak in physical strength.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng urged Fang Fen there. Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng, "how, Fang Fen, have you found the keyhole?"

Fang Fen knew that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would not be able to support him, so he also accelerated the speed of his touch. He was sweating and very nervous.I want to find it quickly, but I can't find it quickly.

The little boy said in one side: "brother Fang Fen, don't worry. If you can't find it once, we can find it twice or three times."

The little boy's voice just fell, fangfennel suddenly touched a place, there was a convex feeling, fangfennel was very surprised to see that place.

Although it was still very smooth in the past, even the place where he touched the bulge was smoother than other walls.

However, he did touch the key hole, and now Fang Fen cried out, "I have found it. There is a bulge here. Do you want to come up and feel it?"

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Fang Fen say that they had touched the protruding place and the keyhole.

The three of them were more excited, because they did not do this thing wrong, and finally did not think about it wrong. Fortunately, they found the solution.

Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both building adult walls to let Fang fennel climb up to check, it is really tiring, but they think it is worth it.

After all, Fang Fen has found the place to insert the key hole. Since Fang Fen came down from above, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie have been talking about this matter.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are also very excited. They both want to see it, but they know that if they touch it again, they will waste more energy and physical strength.

They still think it's better to leave the energy and physical strength behind, or not to waste it in these places. Anyway, since fangfennel has touched it, it must be there, and it will not deceive them.

"Now that we have made sure that we need a key to open the exit, where are we going to find a key now?"

After Zhao Xincheng asked, Fang Fen and Xu Haojie were all in deep thought. Now they really don't know where to find the key to insert.

I don't know where to start. After all, it's really empty in this chamber. There's nothing, nothing. They want to find a key in this empty room. Isn't that just something out of nothing?

What's more, they had knocked on the walls around them before, and they didn't find any gaps at all, and there was no hidden grid.

All of a sudden, Fang anise felt that although they had confirmed that the walls around them were solid, there was no dark space at all.

But they also ignored two places, one is the wall above the head, the other is the wall under their feet.

If, as before, they have ignored these two points and thus missed the final answer, it is really bad.

So Fang Fen immediately put his ideas out. Fang told Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy that the key must be on the wall above his head.

Or on the wall under their feet, they should look for it well, just as they just looked for the surrounding walls and knocked on whether the walls around them were hollow.

But they didn't think of going to check the one on top of their heads and the one under their feet. Now they heard Fang Fen's explanation and felt that Fang Fen was really considerate.

They didn't think of it at all, and the little boy thought that the key was probably on top of his head, because the picture on the wall under which they were stepping must be useful.

Otherwise, why should the owner of the underground palace make such a fuss that he painted the shape of a key on the wall at the bottom, which is really making a fuss.

So now the little boy also said what he thought, and said to the three of them, "I think the key is probably on the wall above us. It's better for us to focus on the wall above."

When Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen heard the little boy say this, they also thought that the key might be hidden on a wall above their heads.

But now there is a problem: how do they find it? If it is at the bottom, four people can act separately, but on the top of the wall, they have to make a wall.

That will consume a lot of energy and physical strength. If they can't find it all at once, they've spent all their energy and energy. What should we do?

Now Xu Haojie also raised his question. Xu Haojie is very puzzled. This matter is really difficult to handle.

"But you don't think that we really have some trouble looking for the wall above our head, because you also know that Zhao Xincheng and I were very tired when we asked Fang Fen to look for the keyhole just now.

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