Hearing Fang Fen's question, the little boy just shook his head. He didn't think of anything different for the time being, because in fact, in his heart, as Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie said, he thought that the pattern was plain and there was nothing strange about it.

But the pattern seems to be often seen in the market. They are connected together like a symbol of a key. Through this symbol, we can also find the location of the switch and key hole.

But it's really difficult for them to think about the meaning of the symbol from the pattern itself. They don't know where to start and where to start.

"Brother Fang Fen, I feel a little bit big now. I don't know what this pattern represents. How about you? Do you have any ideas? "

Fang Fen shakes his head. He still has no idea.

"We still don't think about it, but we don't think it's meaningful."

Fang Fen and the little boy are there to discuss what the pattern represents. Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng know what the starting point is and what they are discussing.

But Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie really want to break their heads and can't think out what these patterns represent.

They all think that these patterns are just some ordinary words, just some common symbols, and have no special meaning at all.

Even if they want to help Fang Fen and the little boy think about it together, they have no clue. They can only accompany Fang Fen and the little boy to see how Fang Fen and the little boy can solve this problem.

"Brother Fang Fen, what's the meaning of this symbol when you say it's plain? If it really makes any sense

Can we think again if we keep thinking like this? Can we judge the meaning of representation from our experience? "

The little boy asked two questions in a row, and they all asked Fang Fen.

Indeed, they have been looking at these symbols, and have no knowledge of these symbols. If they think like this, what reason can they think about?

Even if they know these symbols are not simple, but where do they think? Can we know from their experience what these symbols represent?

Fang Fen thinks that the question the little boy asked is indeed a difficult place and a key point. They don't have any knowledge reserve at all. They can't think of it.

But if you want to do it, how do you do it? The secret room is empty and empty. There are no walls around it. If you want to operate it, how can you do it?

Fang fennel subconsciously put his hand on the top of the pattern to touch, although it felt a little rough, but in addition, there seems to be no other feeling.

According to the action of the fennel, the little boy reached out to touch the patterns, but like the fennel, he could not feel any strange things about the patterns. I don't think these patterns are different from those on the outside.

Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng didn't know how to solve the problem, they both learned from Fang Fen and the little boy and reached out to touch the patterns.

I want to know how these patterns feel, and what kind of meaning these symbols represent. In this way, they can calculate the location of the key as soon as possible and get out of the secret room.

They've wasted a lot of time in the chamber, and they've been in it for a long time. Looking at the answer close at hand, I racked my brains and could not think of the answer.

Now they really feel that they are crazy and don't know what to do. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng really think that they are good and useless.

They did not play a very important role in the secret room. Apart from building a human wall to let Fang fennel go up to find the keyhole, they did not seem to have done any practical help. Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are a little frustrated.

"Fangfennel, little boy, you don't know what the patterns and symbols represent. Even if you feel friction and highlight, it doesn't seem to work."

Xu Haojie raised his question. Zhao Xincheng nodded at the side, and agreed with Xu Haojie very much. They really couldn't feel the difference in this place.

They really feel that no matter how hard they try, it seems to have become a foregone conclusion. They can't think of the meaning of these patterns and symbols.

They racked their brains to think, but they did not know which direction to think.

When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie say so, he can understand. If he did not do anything, he would be very worried and nervous like Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

But he and Fang Fen thought of these methods by mistake, and now they don't know whether the direction of thinking is right or not.If they think in the wrong direction, they are actually wasting time and energy. Now there is no way to do it. They can only catch the last straw and become a living horse doctor.

Think of a way to quickly implement, maybe they can hit and miss, the matter will be solved.

Fang Fen has been comforting Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, saying to them: "anyway, now we can only be dead horse doctors.

It doesn't matter. As long as we work together, we will solve this problem. We will be able to get out of the secret room in the end. You two should not think so much about it. "

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie have heard Fang Fen say so. What else do they have to wonder about? Anyway, in the end, they will go out. Now don't think about so many things.

Both Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie put away all the worries and remorse in their hearts. They knew that the most important thing was to work together to solve the problems in front of them, so that they could get out of the secret room more quickly.

Fang Fen has been looking down at these patterns, mobilizing all his knowledge about the patterns in his mind. Although he thinks that there is no available information, it is better than doing nothing.

Moreover, as the core leader of the team, he has to do more things. Whether the whole team can get out of the secret room depends on him. Although in the process of searching for clues, it is always the little boy who has the most strength.

But Fang Fen believes that he can also do these things, no matter what, has been good persistence is the best.

Fang fennel gazed for a long time, and felt that the patterns reflected in his eyes seemed to have changed. He suddenly felt dazzled and rubbed his eyes gently. Fang Fen raised his head and walked away from the pattern.

The little boy saw that the fennel rubbed his eyes naturally. The fennel might be uncomfortable to his eyes. The little boy also knew that these patterns could not be penetrated for a while.

If you can understand it in a short time, how could it take them so much time and make all four of them feel such a headache. Although the little boy had no idea, he was optimistic.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie saw Fang Fen walking around and knew that Fang Fen must have encountered a bottleneck. They may not think of anything for the time being. Although Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie want to help, they have limited ability.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie came to the little boy's side. Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy, "little boy, you and your brother Fang have been thinking about it for so long. Have you thought of any clues?"

After Zhao Xincheng finished, he looked forward to looking at the little boy. After all, the performance of the small and medium-sized boys in the secret room was really excellent, even Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie were ashamed. Now Zhao Xincheng would look forward to looking at the little boy, which is understandable.

But the little boy didn't know this at all. After thinking for such a long time, he didn't think of any relevant information. He was just surrounded by patterns and symbols all the time. There was no other idea at all.

Zhao Xincheng had been looking forward to looking at the little boy, but now seeing the boy's dejected appearance, he naturally knew that the little boy might not have thought of it. Although he was a little disappointed, Zhao Xincheng still hid the disappointment.

Zhao Xincheng patted the little boy on the shoulder, and then said to the little boy with great concern: "it doesn't matter. It's ok if I can't think of it for the time being. You see, my brother Xu Haojie and I can't think of anything."

The little boy can only nod when he hears Zhao Xincheng say so. In addition, he doesn't know what he can do. If he continues to be so listless, maybe Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie will worry about him.

"Don't worry, brother Zhao Xincheng, I won't be knocked down by such a small difficulty. Even if we haven't figured out the meaning of these patterns for the time being, I'm sure we can. It's just a matter of time."

As soon as time comes, all problems will be solved easily. No matter what kind of problems, as long as they work hard to solve them and seriously solve them, they will certainly be able to achieve and win the final victory.

Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say so, of course, he thought that the little boy said very reasonable, but Zhao Xincheng only thought it was funny that he was going to comfort the little boy. Now how can he become a little boy to comfort him?

"Little boy, I'm going to comfort you, but now you're the one to comfort me!"

Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy with a smile that the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, and he kept laughing there, "yes, Zhao Xincheng, how can I, the elder brother, ask me to comfort you as a child instead? Do you know how to be ashamed?"

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