Ouyang Qianqian has always been the focus of the whole dance hall since she came to the dance hall. Maybe her beauty is not the most beautiful, but her every move reveals a sad but stubborn look, but reveals endless charm. She can always mobilize the heartstrings of men present!

As for women, not to say anything else, just say that around Ouyang Qianqian around this group of young men enough to make them envy and jealousy!

Li Mengqi is the eldest grandson of the Li family. His father is a chief of the Staff Department of a military region. He holds the rank of major general. Although the power of the general staff is not great, it is not as good as a commander, but he is also a major general? Maybe it's nothing in the top childe, but in the eyes of this group of people, it's absolutely superior!

Lenglie, the son of the mayor of Beijing City, the mayor of Beijing City, is a provincial and ministerial level big man. In ancient times, he was also an important task of the nine gate governor. His power is not small!

There are other childe brothers. Which one's father's energy is a little less? As long as you can get on with these gentlemen, even if you are only a lover, it will be a lot more smooth for the future development!

But now such a few of the scene's top childe friends around such a woman, how can't they envy? Why don't you tell them not to be jealous?

Therefore, whether it is the dancing men and women, or in the side of the chat will from time to time look at that table!

However, Ouyang Qianqian did not seem to care about these things. Since that day, she lost her former liveliness, and her heart pain was hard to recover. It was also difficult to restore the relationship with Tan Xiaoxiao. Even after that, she did not meet Tan Xiaoxiao. She stayed at home all day, read some novels and surf the Internet. She was just full of vitality The beautiful young girl has become a rotten girl!

Today, I received a call from Li Mengqi, saying that she was asking her to come out to play. Ouyang Qianqian, who had been at home for many days, did not refuse to come here!

They should also come out of that relationship, only in that way, Tan Xiaoxiao and ye Xiao will really be together, right?

They are happy, they should have their own life, right?

Ouyang Qianqian, who has changed her whole life, has been touching glasses with other people since she came here. It's not that she wants to make friends with these people, she just wants to anesthetize herself with alcohol, and only when she is drunk, she won't think of him!

These days, even at home, she has nothing to drink wine, only in sleep, her heart will not be so sad, so no matter who wants to toast her, she is welcome!

After a while, she had already drunk a bottle of red wine, and her face was flushed and looked more attractive. That is to say, Ouyang Qianqian suddenly raised her head and inadvertently saw Ye Xiao standing at the door. Suddenly, the whole person was stunned. Was she drunk? You only see him when you're drunk? But now I have only a little?

Li Mengqi has been silent, watching his brothers toast one cup after another. He didn't stop him. Just now he wanted to hold Ouyang Qianqian's hand, but she refused, but he didn't care. Now Ouyang Qianqian has drunk a lot. In a moment, as long as she asks her to dance again, she should not refuse. At that time, there will be a lot of intimacy between them!

Maybe you can do something else. Of course, you need Ouyang Qianqian to drink more. Only when you are drunk can you do a lot of crazy things, isn't it?

His attention has always been on Ouyang Qianqian. At this time, he suddenly saw Ouyang Qianqian look up at the door, and immediately follow his eyes. Then he saw Ye Xiao, wearing a set of black Chinese tunic, coming step by step!

What happened to this guy? Are you looking for Ouyang Qianqian?

Not only did Li Mengqi find Ye Xiao, but even Lenglie and others also followed Ouyang Qianqian's eyes to find Ye Xiao. When they saw Ye Xiao, there was a twinkle of malice in his eyes. A year ago, it was this guy who beat him up and made him stay away for a long time. However, he didn't say much because of Shangguan flying What!

But now?

Since the incident happened, Lenglie and shangguanfei have gradually gone far away. In addition, Yang has set up another line in the cold day, and many things are no longer relying on Shangguan's house. Lenglie naturally will not take ye Xiao in his eyes again!

Other people see ye Xiao go straight in the direction of Li Mengqi and others, and they all turn their eyes to this side, full of curiosity. Who is this guy? Look at this, it seems to be for Li Mengqi and others?

"Qian Qian, why are you here?" Ye Xiao has come to the front of the table. Seeing Ouyang Qianqian who looks a little confused, she takes the lead to say it!

"Hey, this question is strange. What does Miss Ouyang have to do with you when she comes here to play?" Ouyang Qianqian hasn't spoken yet. Lenglie on one side has already snorted coldly. At first, he was worried about shangguanfei. Later, when he knew the identity of Ye Xiao, he was even more worried about ye Xiao's identity. But now he has been expelled from the dragon clan. What can such a person be afraid of!"Am I talking to you?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows raised and his squint glanced at him coldly. This guy seems to be the son of the mayor of Beijing. He was taught a lesson by Shangguan Fei last time. He thought he had learned to be good. Now it seems that this is not the case?

"Is Laozi talking to you again?" Lenglie also snorted coldly, did not put Ye Xiao in the eye at all, at the beginning some resentment, at this time also should do an end!

Hearing the disdainful voice of Lenglie, ye Xiao's eyebrows are even more wrinkled, and there is anger in his eyes!

"Ye Xiao, the people who come here are all literate. We don't welcome murderers like you. You'd better go!" At this time, even Li Mengqi stood up and said coldly!

Now Lenglie has gone far away from Shangguan under his instigation, and Lenglie's family has gradually separated from Shangguan's. Since Lenglie has stood up to speak, as a friend, he naturally can't let Lenglie chill!

"A gentleman? You mean you're a gentle man? And I'm not? " See not long ago also on their own smile brilliant Lenglie also changed into a pair of cold face, ye Xiao sneered!

It seems that these people already know that they have been expelled from the dragon clan!

"What qualification does a dog who has been expelled from the dragon race be called a man?" Li Mengqi hasn't spoken yet. Leng lie on one side has already sneered!

"Who the hell are you scolding?" Ye Xiao has not been angry, Xie Chen on one side has already roared, this son of a bitch, dare to call brother Xiao a dog. He doesn't want to live, doesn't he?

"Where are you from? You dare to be arrogant here. This is Kyoto, but it's not the place where you foreign dogs are arrogant!" See ye Xiao behind casually come out a little younger brother also dare to yell at oneself, Lenglie is furious!

Foreign dog? As soon as hearing these three words, Xie Chen's face became blue and blue again. He was about to start in a rage, but he was stopped by Ye Xiao!

"What did you say?" Ye Xiao turned his head and looked at Leng Leng. His eyes were strangely cold, as if he were looking at a corpse!

"You're deaf. No, I said you're a foreign dog!" Being watched by Ye Xiao, Lenglie feels a little chilly in her heart, and involuntarily takes a step back. However, at the thought that she is actually timid in front of him, and her anger is more powerful, she drinks and scolds again

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