In fact, they understand that Fang Fen is because he puts too much pressure on himself. Fang always thinks that as the second core leader of the whole team, everything should be carried on his shoulders.

Now he has no way to carry all the things on his own shoulders, nor can he come up with a good solution strategy to cope with the next wave of Warcraft.

So I've been there very much remorse, become so depressed. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both know these things.

They don't know how to comfort Fang Fen. After all, in the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen is a very hard-working person and a very progressive person.

All along, Fang fennel has never quit halfway, and never give up halfway. I don't know what's wrong with fangfen.

How can now be in front of the three of them to show their own lack of confidence, so Xu Haojie and Zhao Xin feel very strange.

Xu Haojie and the two of them took the little boy to one side and gently discussed there.

Now Xu Haojie said to the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, "Zhao Xincheng, little boy, do you think Fang Fen is putting too much pressure on himself.

I think the three of us still need to communicate with him well. No matter how dangerous and disastrous the wave of Warcraft will bring to us, we will certainly be able to solve it. Fang Fen puts too much pressure on himself to do so. "

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so, of course, they think Xu Haojie said is very reasonable, even if Xu Haojie does not say, they can also guess.

The reason why Fang Fen is like this is because he has put too much pressure on himself. He is afraid that he can't protect the three of them, so he is not confident there.

In fact, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy think it has nothing to do with it. Even if the next wave of Warcraft comes, they can't resist it.

At least they can contact the master of the underground palace at the last moment, and the master of the underground palace will take them out of the underground palace, which is very good.

And they also know that it is not really giving up. After all, they choose to return by the same way because they are desperate, not because they are afraid of difficulties and suffering.

They are not afraid that they will deal with these disasters in the future. They are only afraid that they will not be able to complete these tasks. They are only afraid that they will not be able to complete the things they want to do.

The little boy came to Fang Fen, and the other side said, "brother Fang Fen, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng will not blame you or blame you for any reason.

If you put too much pressure on yourself like this, it's not worth the loss. Let's think about how to solve it together and deal with the wave of Warcraft. "

Fang Fen heard the little boy say so, he nodded heavily, the bad things in his mind were all scattered.

Because Fang Fen knows that his mood can influence the mood of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

If it is because of his mood that the whole team is so unfair, then he is really guilty.

No matter what kind of difficulties will be encountered in the future, at least as the core of the leadership of this team, he has to set some examples.

Now he is the first to show some despondency and to release the message that he may not be able to solve these problems. He will make the confidence of the whole team suffer.

So Fang Fen is also in a hurry to adjust his mood, quickly adjust his mood, not to let his mood affect their entire team.

And ye Wuque is on one side. Seeing the appearance of fennel, ye Wuque's heart is not very tasty. In fact, ye Wuqian also knows what's going on in fangfennel's heart.

If he can, ye Wuqian doesn't want Fang Fen to encounter such difficulties. If he can, he is willing to help Fang Fen solve these problems by his side.

But ye Wumian knows that after all, he won't stay with Fang fen for a long time. When he gets Fang Fen's sincere tears and solves the difficulties encountered by Fang Fen, he will leave the second task.

He has been delayed in the second task for a long time. If he continues to delay, there will be some strange requirements for the next task.

He is a man with heavy responsibilities. It is impossible for other people and other things to lead to his own plans and his tasks can not be well completed.

Ye Wuque saw Fang fennel like this. In his heart, in addition to heartache, he just felt a little disappointed. He didn't mean that he felt very disappointed when he saw fangfennel had nothing to do.

On the contrary, he thinks it's very normal that fennel has such a performance. As the little boy said, the pressure of fangfennel on himself is too great.

If Fang Fen can relieve his pressure, I believe that Fang Fen will certainly do better than now, and will not be depressed here because of the wave of Warcraft that will be connected to it.It's just because Fang Fen didn't have the experience to solve these problems before. Now he suddenly encounters these things. He must be helpless.

In fact, ye Wuwei is very able to understand these choices made by fennel and the reason why it will do so.

However, ye Wuwei always feels that no matter what, he must let Fang fennel grow up. If he can stay by his side for a long time, he certainly won't let Fang Fen do these things so tired.

But the problem is that he can't stay with them all the time. One day he has to leave.

When he left, Fang Fen still can't solve his own problems, so it's really not good, and it will do harm to Fang Fen.

Ye Wuqi thinks that even if fangfennel has not found a good solution, there are still some disappointments and some nervousness.

But ye Wuqian is also behind the non-stop cheer for Fang fennel, he must let Fang fennel solve these things by himself, if anything, let him do it for him.

But it is impossible to always help Fang Fen to do these things. Now ye Wuqian sees Fang fennel like this. In addition to heartache and disappointment, he has always been there to cheer on Fang fennel.

Fang Fen seemed to feel Ye Wuwei's ardent hope for him. He suddenly looked up and then turned around to look back.

Although he still did not see anything, but Fang Fen he vaguely felt that ye Wuwu was beside him and cheered him on.

At this moment, Fang Fen really woke up, he knew he had to deal with these things, he knew he had to be responsible for these things.

Although he felt that the coming wave of Warcraft might be difficult to solve, he could constantly improve his ability through his own efforts.

He believed that there were so many levels in the underground palace that it was impossible to put them in the third level. Moreover, he knew that the difficulty of these levels increased gradually.

If he gave up now, how could it be what he did? He can never give up.

Fang Fen turned to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy and said, "thank you. In fact, I don't want to give up.

I just feel that there are some things I haven't figured out yet. So there will be some distress. You can rest assured that I can't give up halfway

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Fang Fen say this. They all looked at Fang Fen's eyes at the same time.

I hope to see some flaws in fangfennel's eyes, because they think that fangfennel will say this, maybe just to dispel their doubts.

The three of them have been staring into Fang Fen's eyes. Fang Fen sees the three of them without any other bad behavior.

So now Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are still there. The three of them are sure that Fang Fen didn't cheat them, nor did they deliberately say these words because they wanted to comfort them.

And Fang Fen's heart is really like this. At this moment, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy just let go of their hearts.

Anyway, at least now they know that Fang Fen can't give up going through the barrier because of some bad things, and give up the wave of Warcraft that should come next.

So now the little boy is also very happy, although he had some regrets and some guilt before, he put forward to play under the underground palace.

The little boy is still very eager to go on. If Fang Fen, as the second leading core of his team, wants to quit early, he certainly has no reason to refuse.

Seeing that Fang anew had regained his former energy and self-confidence, he was relieved.

He knew that Fang Fen would definitely follow what he said and would never give up easily. Now the little boy laughed at Fang Fen and came to Fang Fen's side and took Fang Fen's hand.

Then, solemnly, Fang Fen said, "brother Fang, don't worry. In the next wave of Warcraft, we will help you.

As the second core leader of our team, we have confidence in you and you should have confidence in yourself

"OK, I will have confidence in myself. We'd better hurry to see how to deal with the coming Warcraft."

"Well, let's take a look at it now."

The little boy answered sweetly, and then Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng came together.

Now Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and the little boy are all in a circle, discussing how to implement the next plan.

Now the four of them have dug out the traps, waiting for the Warcraft to fall into these traps.

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