And the little boy knows that although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are not in the same company with Fang Fen, they are not working in their family business.

They still work in the original game development studio, but Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng didn't want to change jobs. On the one hand, it proves the character of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. They are friends worthy of deep friendship.

Although he seems to be only eight years old now, it doesn't matter. They can be regarded as friends who forget their years and are good friends.

This is the little boy felt that this time away from home the biggest harvest. His biggest gain is to know Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and ye Wuqian, four good friends and good brothers.

He also had a deep friendship with Fang Fen's parents, who liked him so much, cared about him and made him feel the feelings of his father and mother.

The little boy really felt that each of them was very good. This time he would accompany him to explore the underground palace because of him.

Now the little boy heard the Warcraft tide leader boasting about Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. How could he not be happy? How could he not be happy?

He was very honored, nodded and said to the Warcraft tide leader with pride: "yes, brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng have been working very hard.

They are very excellent. I really like them. They are good friends who are worthy of deep friendship and lifelong communication. "

Warcraft tide leaders feel that they know that the little boy may be more mature than his peers, but he did not expect that the little boy's mind has been so meticulous.

I didn't expect that the little boy could still see Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng pay for him. For his good, the Warcraft tide leader was never a bad man.

The reason why he will stop them from advancing in the third level is to protect them, although he looks ferocious on the surface.

On the surface, he seems to be a villain only in fantasy novels, but in fact he is a good man. In fact, he has never done anything that is harmful to nature.

He felt soft in his heart. He felt that the little boy was really powerful, and his future was limitless, and there was fangfen.

Although there are some differences between Fang Fen and the little boy in their abilities, the Warcraft tide leader knows that if the little boy continues to develop in this way, the little boy's achievements will certainly be much more and bigger than fennel.

The Warcraft tide leader can draw a conclusion through observation, but the premise is that the little boy does not make changes. Even if he makes changes, he will change to a better place.

Instead of degeneration, it will not become a pity like Zhong Yong, and the Warcraft tide leader has not covered up these thoughts in his mind.

He said his idea directly. The leader of the Warcraft tide told the little boy that he should keep going. No matter what kind of difficulties he encountered, he must face the difficulties.

Don't deny yourself just because of a little difficulty in front of you. You will feel that you can't do anything well or do anything wrong, and then you will give up yourself.

This will only let themselves suffer losses, will only let themselves give up a lot of good things, originally the little boy has always felt that he must study hard.

Now when he heard the Warcraft tide leader say this, he nodded and agreed. The more he felt that the Warcraft tide leader did not mean to hurt them or attack them.

Although he was very kind to the warlord, he was very kind to the warlord for a while.

The little boy also knows that the reason why the Warcraft tide leader does not let them go forward is to block their way here, but also to protect them.

Of course, they know that among these levels of the underground palace, the difficulty must be gradually rising. The difficulty of the first, second and third levels must be more and more difficult.

I believe that the difficulty of the next level will not be low, and the third level is likely to be a transitional level, although it seems to be very terrible at the beginning, it is very difficult to solve.

But what I thought was that these Warcraft didn't mean to attack them at all, and the Warcraft tide leaders were very willing to sit down with them peacefully and have a good conversation.

To prove the third level, although it looks terrible and difficult, the Warcraft tide leader has no intention to attack them.

So the little boy thought in his heart that the third level might be a transitional stage in the whole stage until they passed the third level.

The next level may be a cliff like fall, and that difficulty may be the most difficult, so now the little boy is also cheering for himself in his heart.

However, he did not say these things. He heard the tireless teachings of the Warcraft tide. Of course, he would take those words of the Warcraft tide leaders into his heart.

He didn't find the words of the Warcraft tide leader very annoying. If he felt that the Warcraft tide leader said these words very annoying, he would certainly not continue to listen.Fang Fen, on the other side, was surprised to hear the Warcraft tide leader say these words to the little boy, because it was obvious that the Warcraft tide leader liked the little boy very much and thought that the little boy had endless words to say.

Before the little boy did not come, only when he was alone with the Warcraft tide leader, although the Warcraft tide leader also said something to him.

But the atmosphere of the two of them is not as harmonious as it is now, and it is not as active as it is now. When they say something, they will fall into a long silence.

Now it is not the same. Since the little boy came forward bravely from Gao Fen, the little boy talked with the Warcraft tide leader very much. Fang Fen felt that as long as he didn't stop, as long as time allowed.

Then the little boy and the leader of the Warcraft tide will have endless topics. Although Fang Fen thinks it is very strange, he does not put forward his doubts and doubts.

Because now Fang Fen also knows that the most important thing is to negotiate with the Warcraft tide leader, so that the Warcraft tide leader can allow them to pass through the virgin forest, pass the third level, and then continue to break through other levels.

Fang Fen stopped some thoughts in his mind, and then he said to the Warcraft tide leader, "in fact, you also know our purpose. I know you must want to visit us now.

If we can successfully pass your test, it will prove that we can successfully pass the third level. "

The Warcraft tide leader was talking and laughing with the little boy, and his expression was very relaxed. Now when Fang Fen suddenly said these things, his look became a little serious.

But it's not because after hearing Fang Fen said this, he felt that Fang Fen's speech was unreasonable, or how his expression became like this.

It is because the Warcraft tide leader knows that no matter how he tries to comfort Fang Fen and the four of them, he believes that the four of them will stick to it.

The third one is that some of the warlords must continue to pass through the forest.

Although no one has ever been able to pass through their virgin forest and pass the third level smoothly, the Warcraft tide leader knows that one day someone will be able to pass through here.

Today, I'm afraid these people are four of them. The Warcraft tide leader's look darkened when he thought of the checkpoints behind him.

He didn't know how to remind Fang Fen and the four of them. After all, the rules of the underground palace were clearly set there. He was not allowed to remind those who broke through the barrier.

Even if it's a side reminder, he can reveal something unless they find out on their own initiative to ask.

Now that the four of them have found nothing, how could he, as the guardian of the underground palace, do these things?

So now the Warcraft tide leader heard Fang Fen say this, he just fell into a long silence.

The little boy saw that the Warcraft tide leader's look became dim. Of course, he knew that the reason was not so simple.

However, since the Warcraft tide leader did not propose it on his own initiative or explain it himself, it may be because the Warcraft tide leader thinks that it may not be easy to say this.

Although the little boy wanted to know, he wanted to follow suit and solve these problems. But now that the Warcraft tide leader has made it clear that he is not willing to let others think about it or let others touch it.

Then he certainly won't do these things. Now the little boy, in order to break the atmosphere that has become a little bit embarrassed, chuckles a few times.

Then the other side said, "brother Fang Fen, I believe that the chief uncle will let us pass through the virgin forest smoothly, so you don't have to worry.

Now we can take a good rest here. At that time, if we get out of the third level, we will encounter some difficulties when we get to the fourth level. We can have some psychological preparation to avoid being hit in a hurry. "

Originally, the Warcraft tide leader did not say such words, also did not say that they would let the four of them pass through the primeval forest smoothly.

I didn't expect the little boy to say so, but the Warcraft tide leader didn't feel angry or angry when he heard the little boy's assertive words.

On the contrary, I think what the little boy said is quite reasonable. Just as the little boy said, let the fennel know earlier that they can pass through the virgin forest smoothly.

Let them prepare earlier to deal with the next level, may increase their success rate.

Although he didn't want Fang fennel to continue to go down, now that they have come to the primeval forest, it proves that one of them must have been a predestined person of this treasure.

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