"Click!" With a sound, Li Mengqi's nose bone was smashed to pieces, and the red blood was sprayed out again. The intense pain made Li Mengqi's head dazzle. Now his white eyes rolled and he fainted!

"Take him away!" Throwing Li Mengqi on the ground like a dead dog, ye Xiao says to Xie Chen!

Xie Chen didn't say much. He took the eagle of the desert in one hand, twisted Li Mengqi in the other hand, and walked outside. None of the security guards who were still fierce just now dared to stop him!

"You're drunk, I'll take you home!" At this time, ye Xiaocai turned to Ouyang Qianqian, who had already been scared out of his wits. His voice was gentle and full of magnetism. Where was the cruelty and bloodiness just now!

Seeing ye Xiao's affectionate eyes and hearing his soft voice, even Ouyang Qianqian, who is still sober, is totally intoxicated. He even doesn't look at the cold look in the pool of blood and nods gently!

Xiaoshi, no matter how many hands of ouqianlie, no matter how many of them are walking in front of her, no matter how many hands you hold on her, you can't help but walk up!

Out of the clubhouse, Xie Chen has already stuffed the Li family's eldest son into the trunk of the BMW, while he is sitting in the driver's seat. Ye Xiao opens the door and helps Ouyang Qianqian in. Then he gets in.

Xie Chen did not say much, directly started the BMW, and left!

Until this time, those who followed Leng lie's side did not react. They called the police one by one and called the ambulance. If they didn't call the ambulance, they might fall into the pool of blood and die!

On the BMW, ye Xiao sits quietly in the back seat, while Ouyang Qianqian takes his arm and leans her head against his shoulder. The shoulder is so broad and thick, and leaning on it is so warm!

I don't know how many times I dream of such a scene in my sleep. Is this my dream? Maybe it is? Ouyang Qianqian, who has been confused, has long been unable to tell whether it is a dream or a reality. Even if it is a dream, let the dream last a little longer. Don't wake up. Only in the dream can she lie in Ye Xiao's arms without thinking about Tan Xiaoxiao, right?

Only in the dream quietly possession of Ye Xiao, I will not feel sorry Tan Xiaoxiao, right?

The predecessor of Longyao club is the flying car party. All the members who join the club can't fight, but they can't do without knowing about cars. Although Xie Chen joined Longyao club later, he followed ye yubai, a racing maniac, for a period of time, his driving skills had already reached the perfect level. BMW drove smoothly on the road!

"Ye Xiao, I don't want to go home!" This time, sitting in the back seat of Ouyang Qianqian suddenly said!

Since this is a dream, then don't send yourself home. She is afraid that once she gets home, the dream will wake up. She only thinks about this dream, not waking up!

"Where do you want to go Seeing Ouyang Qianqian in her eyes, ye Xiao's unspeakable love in her heart is a pity from the depth of her soul, which has nothing to do with sympathy or guilt. Until this moment, ye Xiao has completely understood that he has no idea when he really lives in this girl with weak appearance and extremely stubborn personality!

"To the Rose Inn, will you?" Ouyang Qianqian's mouth gently spit out this sentence, the sound is like the mosquito sound, is very small, but it clearly spreads into Ye Xiao's ears, and her face, also covered with all kinds of shy blush!

But her eyes are full of expectation!

Rose Inn is a special Inn less than 500 meters away from the University of business and economics. The consumption of the inn is not high, but the facilities inside are extremely warm. In the final analysis, this is an inn specially designed to provide more places for those couples. Almost all the lovers who study in the University of business and economics will go to this inn to open a room!

At least 80% of the girls in the University of business and economics happened here for the first time!

Girls, also gave this inn a warm and elegant name "love starting station!"

As for the boys, they also took a name, but compared with the original name of the Inn and the name of the girls, the boys' name was obviously much more rude - shooting base!

"Good!" Seeing Ouyang Qianqian's expectant eyes, ye Xiao couldn't bear to refuse and nodded gently!

But Xie Chen didn't say much. He quickly turned a direction and drove to the University of business and economics. At night, the traffic was much better. In a short time, he came to the Rose Inn!

"Wait for me here!" Ye Xiao said to Xie Chen. He helped Ouyang Qianqian out of the BMW and walked towards the Rose Inn. He saw the back of Ye Xiao and walked into the inn. Xie Chen's mouth showed a vague smile: "brother Xiao is Xiaoge. You can find a girl at any time. It's really a good sex!" After murmuring this sentence, Xie Chen starts the BMW again and runs towards the suburbs. There is also a Li Mengqi behind, which is Ye Xiao's goal tonight!As for what ye Xiao said, he didn't take it to heart. He didn't say whether Xiaoge wanted to leave or not. He said Ouyang Qianqian's blurred eyes. Even if Xiaoge wanted to leave, could she let him go? Xie Chen is not stupid. He doesn't want to wait on the street for a night in this cold night. The most important thing is that he killed people today. Who knows if those policemen have already chased over and been found by them, it's nothing to disturb Xiaoge's good deeds. That's a crime!

Xie Chen walked with ease and boldness!

Silver BMW left Rose Hotel, ye Xiao also opened a most expensive couple dream room, even if the most expensive one, it is only 300 yuan, which is absolutely cheap for the price of this area in Kyoto!

Although the room is very cheap, but it is decorated extremely warm, the room is not big, only 20 square meters, placed in the middle of a huge double round bed, covered with rose colored sheets and bedding, room lighting is also that kind of warm light, in addition, in the corner of the position with a translucent glass separated bathroom!

There is a huge barrel in the bathroom, which has been filled with hot water and rose petals. The whole room is filled with a faint fragrance of roses!

Ouqian took off a pair of shoes carefully, and then Ouqian took off her shoes!

However, he finally resisted this impulse. Although Ouyang Qianqian was already in his heart, he could not take advantage of her at this time!

She also put Ouyang Qianqian's legs on the bed. Ye Xiao grabs the quilt and covers her. Looking at Ouyang Qianqian's red face, ye Xiao can't help bending down and gently kissing her forehead!

This kiss wakes Ouyang Qianqian, who was already asleep. She suddenly opens her pure eyes and looks at Ye Xiao who is close at hand. Ouyang Qianqian not only does not cry out, but suddenly puts out her hands and puts her arms around Ye Xiao's neck. Then she says in a soft voice of pleading: "ye Xiao, don't go, OK?"

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