It's even more difficult. This sentence may be used to describe their situation, although the four of them have been bewildered by the illusion of the Warcraft tide leader.

But the Warcraft tide leader is happy or unhappy. Anyway, there is nothing he can look forward to now.

Originally, in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leaders, Fang Fen and their team were very capable, but according to the situation in front of them, it seemed that he had too high requirements and expectations for them.

Fang Fen and the four of them did not resist. They were completely bewildered by his illusion. They had no intention of leaving the virgin forest.

No matter Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the four of them didn't want to leave here at all. Instead, they wanted to set up camp in the primeval forest and live a life they liked in the primeval forest.

Although the Warcraft tide leader thought so before, although the Warcraft tide leader thought that Fang fennel and the four of them could not pass his test.

But now the facts are in front of his eyes. The Warcraft tide leader still feels a little sad. But even if he is sad, what can he do? Even if he is sad, it's not the only way.

If he could, of course, he thought it would be better to let Fang Fen pass the test. After all, in the previous exploration teams, their abilities were relatively ordinary.

There is nothing extraordinary about those teams, and they never break into the point where the Warcraft tide leader needs to release his housekeeping skills in person.

So after the Warcraft tide leader released the illusion he set up, his heart was filled with joy. Finally, his ability to use these illusions has been used.

But what can we do with it? He would rather that his illusions could be broken. His mood now is quite different from that before.

Before, he thought that Fang Fen and his several people would certainly encounter many difficulties and dangers if they continued to go down.

In order to protect the four of them, he felt that something more difficult should be set up to stop them from going on.

Now the fact, as he had expected, followed the vision he had expected, but he was not happy with it.

If he did go according to his expectations, it would prove that the people who were destined to be in the underground palace could not continue to roam, so when would their task be completed?

So now the Warcraft tide leader also has a lot of difficulties, his heart is also thinking a lot of things, think a lot of a lot of things, think about the more depressed mood, but also feel disappointed.

There is no lack of leaves on one side. Originally, because of fangfennel, the four of them are more deeply trapped in the illusion, and there is some tension.

Now I suddenly feel the sad feeling from the leader of the Warcraft tide. Ye Wuhua is surprised.

After all, in the conversation with the Warcraft tide leader, ye Wuwei knows that the Warcraft tide leader has always had a great grasp of his own illusion.

Now Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are trapped by the illusion set by the Warcraft tide leader. Are they not right in the heart of the Warcraft tide leader?

Why is the Warcraft tide leader still so sad, so sad, can't the Warcraft tide leader have other strategies to implement? Ye Wuwu is really surprised.

It seems to feel Ye Wuqian's strange idea. The Warcraft tide leader raised his eyelids wearily, took a look at Ye Wuqian, and then closed his eyes again, without explaining too much.

Seeing the Warcraft tide leader like this, ye Wuqian naturally knows that the Warcraft tide leader must be in a bad mood.

Although Ye Wuwei doesn't know why the Warcraft tide leaders want to be like this, he also knows why some Warcraft tide leaders are so sad.

Ye Wuxiang wants to get it a little bit, because ye Wuqian knows that the four of them, the leader of the Warcraft tide, have this entanglement feeling that is difficult to explain clearly.

On the one hand, the Warcraft tide leader doesn't want Fang fennel to pass the test, because the Warcraft tide leader is a good man. He wants Fang fennel to retreat in the face of difficulties and stop going down.

After all, the next level is so difficult that the four of them may have some difficulties, in a difficult situation.

This is what the Warcraft tide leaders don't want to see, but on the other hand, they hope they can pass the test.

As a matter of fact, ye Wuqian also knows that the predestined person about the underground palace must be in their team. Since he was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, it proves that he is definitely not the predestined person of the underground palace.

The people who are destined to be in the underground palace will not be kicked out, so the Warcraft tide leader must want Fang fennel and the four of them to continue to walk down and roam.

The leader of the Warcraft tide must want to find out the one who is destined for it. So now ye Wuqian can understand the love hate interwoven in the Warcraft tide leader's heart, that kind of tangled feelings that want them to leave, but don't want them to leave.Ye Wuque really thinks that such feelings are very depressing, so now ye Wuque doesn't say some bad words.

Instead, he has been quietly accompanying the Warcraft tide leader, hoping that the Warcraft tide leader can recognize his own ideas earlier, and do not add to their burden and the difficulty of this level because of some strange reasons.

But ye Wumian can't make sure that the Warcraft tide leader doesn't think so. If the Warcraft tide leader is an ordinary person, maybe he can guess some.

But after all, the Warcraft tide leader and he are the same, not the people of the world, he does not know what the Warcraft tide leader will do next, he can not guess.

Now, in addition to watching Fang Fen's four people silently and observing Fang Fen's decisions silently with the leader of the Warcraft tide, he also observed the decisions made by the four of them.

They have no other things to do, so even if ye Wuqian thinks that the Warcraft tide leader may let Fang fennel go of the four of them, he also thinks that this idea may not be realized.

The realization or not depends on the Warcraft tide leader's one thought difference, depends on the Warcraft tide leader how he chooses, how to choose these matters.

Ye Wuqian did not give any more burden to the Warcraft tide leader. In his eyes, no matter whether Fang Fen or not they were really confused by the illusion, whether they were really inseparable from the illusion.

It doesn't matter whether they can wake up from the illusion in the end. As long as they can ensure their own safety and security, it is already very good.

In any case, they came here to explore and search for the treasures in the underground palace, which was not a task that had to be completed. It was just because of their habit that they did not want to give up halfway or give up halfway, so they went down all the time.

If there is no way to pass such observation and test, then it doesn't matter. If they don't break through this barrier, they won't go looking for any treasure.

It's already very good to get out of this exploration directly. After ye Wuqian wants to understand these things, he doesn't give Fang fennel so much pressure any more.

Although the four of them couldn't feel the existence of Ye Wumian, they certainly knew Ye Wuqian's Thoughts on them.

Since ye Wuxiang has given up these ideas, they will not do anything else.

Now the Warcraft tide leader also knows that ye Wumian's pressure is definitely not as great as that of the Warcraft tide leader. This tangled mind of the Warcraft tide leader can't be completely solved. He can only chat with ye Wuque.

Originally, the Warcraft tide leader thought ye Wuque would definitely refuse to say these words to him. However, he did not expect that ye Wuque would still be willing to communicate with him after he said these words.

Ye Wuqi said to the Warcraft tide leader, "in fact, I can understand your tangled mood. Since you can't come up with any reason, you should give the right of choice to Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng."

What ye Wuqian said is also very simple, that is, Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have the right to choose all the problems.

If Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and the little boy can successfully pass the test, it will prove that they can continue to go down, and there will be no need for Warcraft tide leaders to have so many entangled thoughts.

The Warcraft tide leader heard ye Wuque say this, of course, he knows that he can only do so now, but there are still some things that he can't let go.

After all, in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, he had to wait for a long time before he finally got to such a strong team and finally got to the right person in the underground palace.

So easy to give up, he really feel a little regret, but he also can not choose, can not choose, in addition to do so, what kind of method can there be?

So the Warcraft tide leader can only nod. He looks at ye Wumian, then turns his head and continues to look at Fang Fen and the four of them.

Deep will their four figure into their own eyes, the Warcraft tide leader he turned around, did not look at Fang fennel their four people.

Although fennel and fennel's four leaders still don't lack confidence, they still don't trust him.

Although the four of them now look as if they are deeply bewildered by the illusion set by the Warcraft tide leader.

However, ye Wuqian still believes that there will always be an opportunity to let the four of them know that they are all illusions, and all of them are unreal.

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