Ye Wuque couldn't go on talking like this. Although ye Wuque was very confident about each other's fennel, it was based on his understanding of the four of them.

But the Warcraft tide leader is not the same. The four of them don't know very well about the Warcraft tide leader. If you hear him say this, he may agree on the surface, maybe agree with him.

But in fact, there may not be so much approval. Therefore, ye Wuqian does not expect the Warcraft tide leader to listen to all his words.

However, ye Wuwei still hopes that the Warcraft tide leader will not be so quick on the other side. They lose confidence, but they are disappointed.

Fang Fen is a good friend of Ye Wuqian after all. Of course, he hopes that the Warcraft tide leader can give Fang fennel more time and give them more time to adapt.

Although the longer the illusions stay, the deeper they may fall into and the more they can't stop at the precipice, I believe the four of Fang Fen must be able to do so.

Although the scene in front of us is indeed difficult to convince the Warcraft tide leader, after all, we can only take one step at a time.

If it is really because they have no way to let Fang Fen, they can finish this thing well and come out of the illusion, then there is nothing to say.

Now ye Wuque is following the leader of the Warcraft tide. He was still very cold before. He didn't want to talk to the leader of the Warcraft tide.

But now I see that the leader of the Warcraft tide is a little disappointed because of the performance of the four of them. Ye Wuqian can't help but want to speak for them.

Want to let the Warcraft tide leader know that Fang fennel's four people's abilities are very outstanding. Don't draw a conclusion on them so early because of their temporary performance.

Because ye Wuqian knows that the efforts of the four of them, if we have reached a conclusion so early, must be biased. The four of them are very unfair to each other.

Although the leader of the wave of Warcraft can't predict what to do next, he feels very sad. Ye Wuqian still thinks that Fang Fen will be OK.

now he knows that the leader of the Warcraft tide is disappointed and doesn't want to speak for the time being. However, ye Wuqian still said some other things to the leader of the Warcraft tide.

Now ye Wuke came to the Warcraft tide leader's side, and then firmly told the Warcraft tide leader: "you don't be so pessimistic. You have to believe that my friend can achieve the goals you expect to achieve.

Don't look at them. They are temporarily bewildered by the illusions you have set up. I believe they can rein in the end

Hearing Ye Wuqian say these words to him so firmly, the Warcraft tide leader is also bluffing, although the Warcraft tide leader thinks he should give Fang FeNi more patience and more time.

But after all, time does not wait for anyone. The longer the delay, the more impossible it is for fangfen to come out of the illusion.

He now saw ye Wuque's firm expression. He really wanted to believe ye Wuque and fight hard. If it was like what ye Wuque said, several of them could do it.

Then the Warcraft tide leader is also willing to let himself believe that Fang Fen and his four people, after all, if Fang Fen and they can really come out of the illusion, they can do him a lot of profits and no harm. He was very pleased with the situation.

"Don't be so blind and confident because Fang Fen and the four of them are your good friends. You can see that the performance of the four of them is like that. If they can really stop at the precipice, they will have stopped at the precipice."

The Warcraft tide leader was shaken in his heart, but he couldn't help but attack ye Wumian, because he felt that after all, he also saw the performance of Fang Fen and the four of them in his eyes.

Fang Fen's performance of the four of them did disappoint him, but when he heard ye Wuque's firm voice, he still wanted to believe what ye said.

If you want to believe that Fang Fen and the four of them can come out of this illusion, ye Wuqian certainly knows what the Warcraft tide leader thinks.

Of course, he knew that the Warcraft tide leader wanted to believe the four of Fang Fen, but seeing the performance of the four of them, he thought that there might be no drama.

But ye Wuxiang always thought that he must be able to see Fang fennel coming out of the illusion, even if there was no Warcraft tide leader opening the back door, even without his help.

Even if Fang Fen and his four people are able to solve this matter according to their own ability, they can do these things in the end.

All these things can be done. It's just a matter of time. On the surface, Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng seem to be fascinated by illusions.

But ye Wuqian is still willing to believe in the four of them. After all, ye Wuqian has always had great expectations for them.Because he knew before, he was about to leave the second task, so his counterpart's training has always been in progress.

I believe that in the period of his training, Fang Fen's ability will be improved a lot, he believes that he will not be disappointed.

Now ye Wuque did not hide it in order to make the Warcraft tide leader believe more in Fang Fen's four abilities.

He was very obscure to say his origin, although he did not say very clearly, but after all, the Warcraft tide leader and he are the same person.

So ye Wuqian just mentioned a little bit, and the Warcraft tide leader could understand and guess where ye Wuqian came from.

I also know what ye Wuque's mission is. Now the Warcraft tide leader feels a bit surprised. He thought Ye Wuqian was just a little cold, and he was not willing to tell his origin and identity.

I didn't expect Ye Wuqian was willing to say it, so the Warcraft tide leader also felt very good. His interest was attracted by Ye Wuque's words, and temporarily put aside the disappointment of the other party and the four of them.

The leader of the Warcraft tide said to Ye Wuqian, "you didn't want to tell me these things before. How could you tell me these things? Aren't you afraid that I will miss you to do these tasks? Are you not afraid that I will delay your work

When ye Wuqi heard the Warcraft tide leader say this, he just laughed. If he was worried that the Warcraft tide leader would delay his work, he would certainly not say so.

Since he said it, he believed in the leader of the Warcraft tide. Although he and the Warcraft tide leader had known each other for only half a day, he knew that he could also feel the human character of the Warcraft tide leader, which should be very good.

Although the Warcraft tide leader is only a Warcraft, since the Warcraft tide leader is willing to keep his promise and promise the owner of the underground palace to stay in the primitive forest for such a long time, he should do his duty well and do a good job as the guard of the checkpoint.

Then I believe that he must be a good man, and the Warcraft tide leader should not delay anything about him. Ye Wuqi has such inexplicable confidence in the Warcraft tide leader.

The Warcraft tide leader felt Ye Wuwei's trust in him. The Warcraft tide leader suddenly felt a little moved and his eyes were hot. They all wanted to cry.

However, how could he cry in front of Ye Wuwei when he was old? He also tried to hold back, do not want to let the tears in his eyes.

He raised his head and tried to make the tears come back to his eyes. He held back the tears. Then he opened his mouth and said to Ye Wuwei, "well, now I know this, but what kind of relationship does it have with fangfen and the four of them?"

Why doesn't it matter? Now that the Warcraft tide leader has known that ye Wumian is only here to perform a mission.

The most important person in charge of the task is Fang Fen, who wants to get a drop of genuine tears from Fang Fen. Only after he gets a drop of true tears from Fang Fen, he will leave, and his task is completed.

He took Fang as his best friends. Before he left, he had consciously trained Fang Fen's ability to solve problems and Fang Fen's ability to solve problems.

He now tells the Warcraft tide leader these things, is to let the Warcraft tide leader know that Fang FeNi has received Ye Wuwei's training.

With ye Wumian's training, Fang fennel must be able to do these things, even though on the surface, Fang Fen seems to be confused by the illusion set by the Warcraft tide leader.

But Fang Fen must be able to come out of these illusions as soon as possible. He will not disappoint ye Wumian and the leader of the Warcraft tide.

Of course, the Warcraft tide leader also thought of this, but he still felt that there was no way to do it.

Now the Warcraft tide leader said to Ye Wuqian, "Ye Wuqian, I'd like to believe what you said, but after all, there is no real evidence for what you said.

Even if you've trained fennel's problem-solving skills in order to leave smoothly, how can you be sure that fangfennel can use these abilities in the illusion

"Because of trust, I'm sure he can do it."

Ye Wuqi's tone is very insipid, but his light and floating words are heavily hit in the heart of the Warcraft tide leader. Now the Warcraft tide leader really believes ye Wumian's words.

He even felt that since Ye Wuqian had said, the four of Fang Fen and Fang Fen could definitely come out of the illusion.

The Warcraft tide leader doesn't know why he trusts Ye Wuqian so much, but the Warcraft tide leader knows that since Ye Wuqian has said it, he will certainly do it.

After ye Wuqian finished these words, he did not continue to speak, but leaned against the tree trunk and looked at the four of them from a distance.

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