It must be a very bad thing for a little boy to have no idea of his own, so Fang Fen can understand the little boy, even if the little boy puts forward different opinions.

Fang Fen and Xu Haojie can understand the question raised by the little boy, and they also think from the perspective of the little boy.

In fact, if the boys don't have to sleep in a small tent all the time, they think it's a waste of time to make a small tent all the time.

After all, on the next day, they will certainly go to find some more suitable timber to build their houses. Now they waste so much time living only for one night, which is too hard to please.

So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen, they are still able to understand the little boy's thoughts.

However, they still feel that if they want to do these things, it is better to follow their own heart and pay attention to safety.

If there is a potential safety hazard, they are not at ease living, and they are irresponsible to themselves.

Now after Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie said these words, they are also here to persuade the little boy.

Both of them thought that although the little boy's idea was understandable, it was still safety first after all. Whether it was to waste more energy or time, it didn't matter.

It's better to waste time and energy than to lose life. No matter what they do, they must put safety first.

If you don't want to waste your time and energy, you don't pay attention to safety issues, and some bad things happen in the end, what should we do?

So now Xu Haojie came to the little boy and said to him, "little boy, in fact, we can understand what you said.

We still feel that no matter what we do, safety must be put first. Can you understand what we said? "

When the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so, he nodded. Of course, he could understand Xu Haojie's words. He had already figured it out before.

Even if he felt that he didn't need to do those things, but after all, they are here now. After listening to Fang Fen's words, the little boy also reversed his own thoughts.

Before, he thought that he didn't need to waste so much time, but now he still thinks that if Fang Fen and Fang Fen think so, he will have some other ideas.

Since Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they all think that safety should be the first priority no matter whether they stay here for one night or one hour.

Then he certainly won't have other opinions. Anyway, he knows that his ideas may have some deviations, which is inevitable again. As long as they can tell him these words, it will be very good.

The little boy said to Xu Haojie, "you don't have to say so much. In fact, I know that I don't have so many ideas in this respect.

But I still think it's good to save more time and energy. After I heard what you said, I know what you said is very reasonable. You have considered it very carefully. I have no other opinions

As a matter of fact, the little boy had already heard Fang Fen's words in his heart just now. He had no opinion at all.

Now I hear Xu Haojie say this again. Of course, I know that it must be Xu Haojie who thinks he has some other ideas, so he will tell him these words now.

In fact, even if Xu Haojie doesn't say these words, he won't be any better. In the eyes of the little boy, as long as they can be together.

As long as they can do these things well, no matter what they do, he is willing, no matter what they do, he can understand.

"Brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng and brother Fang Fen, we are now looking to see if there is any room for improvement in this simple tent. Since safety is first, we must think about these things."

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen were very happy when they heard the little boy say this and knew that the little boy had figured it out.

In particular, Fang fennel thought it might be because his ideas were too extreme, or perhaps because his tone was not very good, so that the little boy did not feel that there were some deficiencies and could not adapt to the feeling.

Fortunately, the little boy is not such a stingy person. Even if the little boy heard his words, he didn't feel angry. Did he feel anything.

Still like him as always, this is a place that makes Fang Fen feel happy, so now Fang Fen is also playing his role, has been doing things leading here.

He looked at the simple tent to see what needs to be improved, and if there is anything that needs to be improved, as long as they find some shortcomings and find some areas that need to be improved.Then they will spare no effort to improve these things, Fang Fen thinks that the little boy is not easy, although the psychological age of the little boy is similar to them.

But in fact, he is only eight years old. It is not in line with his psychological age to let him do these things.

Fortunately, the little boy is a more sensible child. Even so, he can understand Fang Fen's words and choices.

This is what makes Fang Fen feel particularly happy and moved. Of course, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng think the same way.

In the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, if there is no such a sensible little boy, maybe they can't be together.

The little boy is so sensible, even if they say these words, the little boy can't accept them, but the little boy will calm down and get closer to them.

Not because their ideas are different from those of the little boy, the little boy is there as noisy as a child.

This may have some bad effects on them. The little boy has always been a more sensible and obedient person.

Although the little boy felt that there was no need to waste the time and energy, he could still suppress these thoughts in his mind.

It's a good thing to integrate these ideas with those of the three of them.

Zhao Xincheng came to the little boy, he has been looking at the little boy's eyes, the little boy thought Zhao Xincheng would say something to him.

But after waiting for a long time, Zhao xinchengdu did not speak, but kept looking at himself. The little boy felt a little embarrassed.

What does this brother Zhao Xincheng want? Why suddenly looking at him like this, without saying a word, he felt embarrassed and embarrassed.

However, now even if Zhao Xincheng felt the feeling that the little boy was embarrassed, Zhao Xincheng still did not speak and kept looking at the little boy.

The little boy couldn't bear it. He ran away from Zhao Xincheng's eyes. He left several steps away, and then asked Zhao Xincheng:

"brother Zhao Xincheng, what are you doing looking at me like this? If you have anything to say directly to me, you look at me like this, I feel fluffy in my heart, so scared. "

When Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say this, he laughed, but he didn't feel anything. He just felt that after listening to the little boy's words, he felt that the little boy was very obedient.

Feel the little boy is very sensible, so now he will come to the little boy, has been looking at the little boy. But the little boy didn't know that.

Looking at Xu Haojie, he was worried about what he was doing with his eyes.

He said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I really don't know why you look at me with such eyes. If you have any words, just say it directly. It makes me afraid in my heart."

"If you can have something, you can't look at you if you don't have any words. However, I just want to watch you from a close distance. You should not be so sensitive."

This is not a sensitive and insensitive thing. The little boy really thinks that Zhao Xincheng will not do such actions in general.

But now Zhao Xincheng is squatting as high as he is, looking at his eyes all the time, can't you let him have hair in his heart?

So now the little boy is really thinking of these words in his heart, but even so, he did not do other things.

Since Zhao Xincheng said that there was nothing wrong with him, he reluctantly believed Zhao Xincheng. In the eyes of the little boy, as long as they could finally achieve these goals, they wanted to achieve them.

No matter what Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang Fen say now, it doesn't matter what they say. In any case, the same way is achieved. Now the little boy is not angry or confused because Zhao Xincheng has nothing to say.

He directly ignored this problem, and he didn't want to care why Zhao Xincheng looked at him. Now he said to Zhao Xincheng, "well, since there is nothing wrong, we'd better hurry to check what kind of problems exist in the simple tent."

Heard the little boy said so, to find Zhao Xincheng, the three of them also think so, anyway, Fang Fen has already started to check things before.

So now that the little boy said it, he checked it more carefully. The four of them checked together. There was nothing wrong with the inspection.

In fact, they have made this simple tent very perfect and well done before, so even if they have a good inspection, they can't find any problems at all.

Their Jianyi tent is really good, and their ability to build simple tents is also very strong, although they are only built by Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

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