Although the time is a little long, but it is not because the difficulty coefficient of this illusion is also very large, so ye Wuque really feels very happy.

He also felt that the things previously trained by the other party fennel were all useful, although now Fang Fen may not realize that these are all illusions.

But at the very least, Fang Fen was the first to realize that this was an illusion. Although it was Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they were the first to feel that some ideas flashed in their mind, and they could not grasp them.

Although the little boy looked at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, he also felt that he had something important to forget. Although Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy all had such ideas, they did not think of what it was.

They can only temporarily press these strange ideas into their hearts, not like fangfen. Fang Fen, after he knew that there were some strange things, he said his own ideas directly.

Although Fang Fen still thinks that the virgin forest is very good, and he is still intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, at the very least, Fang Fen has thought that what should be discussed with their parents should be discussed with their parents.

This is where Fang Fen is better than Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy. Fang Fen, as the second leading core of the team, is really not easy to do here, which is very good.

If Fang Fen can continue, if he can continue to carry on this critical behavior, I believe that after a while, he will be able to completely come out of the illusion.

Fang fennel must be able to crack this illusion. Ye Wuqian is very confident in the four of them. Before ye Wuqian, they have been very confident, and now they are more confident.

Seeing that fennel has slowly awakened, ye Wuqian's heart also feels very happy. After all, ye Wuqian has been very conscious to cultivate fangfennel's problem-solving ability before.

Now Fang Fen leads the whole team by himself. As the second leading core of the team, Fang Fen has given a lot of help.

His ability has been greatly improved. I believe that before long, Fang Fen will be completely competent for the position of the core leader, and he will be able to do what he should do.

Moreover, ye Wuxiang has every reason to believe that Fang Fen can improve his ability to solve problems, whether in the underground palace or in reality.

Even if ye Wuwei is not around fangfennel, I believe that in the end fangfennel will be able to do these things with his own ability.

These things are not ye Wuqian's worry at all. Ye Wuqian's only worry is that although Fang fennel has begun to awaken slowly from this illusion, he has begun to realize that there may be some problems here.

But still did not fully guess the point, ye Wuque he worried about Fang fennel, they can not find these square these things in time.

Worry that fangfen can not know in time, these are just an illusion, even if you will know in the end, but afraid to waste too much time here.

After all, they have been walking for so long, and now they have just broken through the third level. I don't know how many levels there will be in the end. Since the third level is so difficult, I believe it will be more and more difficult.

Although Ye Wuwei, he believed that fangfennel must have the ability to do these things. After all, they have less time.

If they have more time, it's OK. If they have so little time, what should they do if it's not good? Therefore, ye Wuque is still vaguely worried.

The Warcraft tide leader seems to have seen these worries in ye Wuque's heart, and he directly told ye Wuqian what he knew about the underground palace.

Now the leader of the Warcraft tide said to ye Wumian on the other side fennel: "Ye Wuqian, you don't have to think about so much. If they can really break through my illusion, there is definitely a predestined person among them.

As long as it's the one who's in our underground palace, no matter how difficult the next level is, it will never threaten the safety of the four of them. You can put a hundred hearts in it

The reason why they set so many levels in the underground palace is that the first one is to find their predestined person, and the second is that after finding the predestined person, they can train them.

Since he is their predestined person, since they have been searching for it for so long, how could he expose their predestined person to danger?

So even if the next difficulties are very difficult to solve, they will definitely not endanger their lives. This is a matter that the Warcraft tide leaders can guarantee.

If it is said that the next difficulties will make their friends lose their lives, then they are really unforgivable.

Originally, ye Wuxiang was worried that something might threaten their lives. But now, hearing from the leader of the Warcraft tide, Ye was relieved.Ye Wuqi thinks that since the Warcraft tide leader has already said so, it is reasonable to believe that the voice of the Warcraft tide leader should also be reasonable.

Since the Warcraft tide leader has said that what will happen next will not endanger the lives of Fang Fen, little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, which is a very good thing.

Even if the next difficulties are really difficult to solve, it doesn't matter. At least they can hone their ability and their will.

If this time they can really come out of the illusion, their perseverance, their spirit will certainly be greatly inspired, their perseverance will be more powerful.

At that time, their determination will be very good. Even if they encounter similar levels about illusions, I believe they can see through them in an instant. There is no need to be confused by illusions again.

Therefore, ye Wuqian also feels very happy, although Ye Wuqian thinks that if they continue to go down, they may encounter a lot of difficulties and feel some heartache.

But fangfennel wants to grow up, it must go through these tribulations. Only after going through these tribulations and pains can they become butterflies.

If they want to achieve the goals they have planned for themselves, they have to let go of these things and sublimate their feelings.

After the Warcraft tide leader finished, he had been staring at ye Wumian. He wanted to see something about fangfen and the four of them from ye Wuque's face.

However, he has always been able to manage his emotions very well, even if he feels very happy.

But there was no happy expression on his face. He was still cold and indifferent, which made the Warcraft tide leaders feel unbearable.

How can this be true? Happy things do not laugh, sad things do not cry, is it in the eyes of Ye Wuque, there is nothing that can make his mood fluctuate?

Therefore, the Warcraft tide leader is also very curious, very want to know how ye Wuqian is to make his mood not startled, not disturbed, not sad or happy.

The Warcraft tide leader looks at Ye Wuqian very strangely. Ye Wuqian didn't want to pay attention to the Warcraft tide leader, but he has already spoken to him on his own initiative.

Moreover, the Warcraft tide leader also took the initiative to tell him about the underground palace. If he did not pay attention to the Warcraft tide leader, would it not appear that he was too stingy and too selfish?

It's like breaking a bridge over a river. Ye wants to do something like this. So even now he looks at the Warcraft tide leader, he thinks that the Warcraft tide leader looks at him strangely.

He was also able to put away these unfriendly feelings for a while and then answer the Warcraft tide leader's words, although the Warcraft tide leader did not ask.

But he knew what the Warcraft tide leader wanted to ask. Although he could not guess what the Warcraft tide leader was thinking, he was not a person of this level.

What the Warcraft tide leader wants, ye Wuwei can more or less be guessed, so wait until the Warcraft tide leader asks.

Ye Wuwei took the lead in telling the Warcraft tide leader, "if you experience more things and meet more people, you won't be disturbed by some emotions, and you won't be undulated by some things."

All of a sudden, when ye Wuxiang said this, the Warcraft tide leader didn't respond to what ye Wuque was saying, because the Warcraft tide leader felt that ye Wuque might not answer what he said.

Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian said that, and the Warcraft tide leader also felt very happy. The Warcraft tide leader felt that if he could, of course, he would like to communicate with Ye Wuqian.

He obviously wanted to ask Ye Wuqian how to do these things, but he was afraid that ye Wuque would not answer him.

Fortunately, ye Wuqian is willing to answer his words. Now the Warcraft tide leader feels very happy. As long as ye Wuqian is willing to say these words, it is already very good.

"Yes, as long as you encounter more things and more people, you will certainly have a lot of experience, and you won't worry about what kind of disturbance you will get."

Ye Wuqian is amused to hear the Warcraft tide leader say this. In fact, ye Wuque also thinks it is funny. In this case, why is the Warcraft tide leader still in a very strange appearance?

If they really want to do these things, then the Warcraft tide leader should let himself and ye Wuque, not sad or happy, not so surprised, not so curious.

But now the Warcraft tide leader can't do these things at all. He is still very curious and wants to know how ye Wuxiang can do these things.

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