Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy: "it doesn't matter. Even if we don't know why such things happen for the time being, as long as we do these things well, it's enough."

What fangfen means is that no matter why these simple tents have become dilapidated, at least their life will continue.

Now we should take the time to see if there are any other things that they can solve. Now they have to find some wood suitable for building simple tents and build a new one.

At the very least, they should solve the problem of where they sleep tonight, so that it may be better. Anyway, they have no way to figure out why the simple tent will become dilapidated.

But now they can only adjust their emotions, no matter what the reason is that this happens to the tent.

At the very least, they must continue to go down. They can't stand still because of such problems in simple tents. It's really not good at all.

So Fang Fen asked Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the little boy and the three of them to continue to work together to look for these things. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had heard Fang Fen say so, but of course, they did not have any opinions.

Since Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both said so, their hopes should be greater.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng will certainly not oppose or refuse. They can certainly do these things.

"Well, now Xu Haojie and I are going to split up and find some wood to come back and rebuild the tent. Anyway, the two of us have almost the same experience now, so you don't have to worry about us."

After Zhao Xincheng finished, he took Xu Haojie to one side. They didn't care whether there was a road for the time being, and whether the road became a small one.

Now the most important thing is to solve the problem of where they are going to live tonight. They have already set up simple tents.

But I don't know what kind of reason, the simple tent suddenly became so dilapidated, although they felt that they must solve this matter well.

But now that there is nothing, there is no way to solve such a problem, they can also do their own good as soon as possible, as soon as they can do some things well.

After Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng left, Fang anew and the little boy searched for bigger leaves to make roofs.

Otherwise, if they are really open-air and sleep outside, they may get sick and catch a cold. They are just in the virgin forest.

What should they do if they get sick and catch a cold? They have no medicine.

Although Fang Fen still felt that there were some strange things in his heart, he still put these strange ideas behind him for the time being.

Anyway, there are many things that need to be solved by them. Anyway, they have to solve these problems before they think about other things.

No matter how difficult the Warcraft will be, no matter how hard it will be for them.

At least they are now in the test, they will never give up halfway, certainly will not give up the idea of their life in the virgin forest because the simple tent they made suddenly becomes dilapidated.

Of course, the little boy also thought that this simple tent suddenly turned into this kind of situation. What bad things happened?

But when the little boy thought about it, he thought that maybe it was just like what they had discussed before. It was just because the Warcraft tide leaders always hated them that they did these things on purpose.

Although the little boy and the Warcraft tide leader had a good talk before, the little boy also knew that the Warcraft tide leader was a person who paid great attention to fairness and justice.

Since Warcraft tide leaders attach great importance to fairness and justice, it may be for this reason that they want to test their success.

Originally, the Warcraft tide leader thought that they would continue to go down, so they came to the primeval forest to continue these work.

The former Warcraft tide leaders also said they would come to test them, but they never felt that the Warcraft tide leaders were testing them.

I think that the Warcraft tide leader now makes this simple tent dilapidated just to test their perseverance.

Little boy, he was really wrong. He thought that they were confused by the illusion was the test of the Warcraft tide leader, but they could not feel that the Warcraft tide leader was really testing them.

They think that the Warcraft tide leader's test has just begun, and that the Warcraft tide leader deliberately made their simple tent so dilapidated.Thinking of this, the little boy also felt very happy. At least now it has proved that the test of the Warcraft tide leader has come. So long as they pass the test, maybe they can really stay in the virgin forest and live a good life.

When they go out and make an agreement with their parents, they will come back to live in the virgin forest. The Warcraft tide leader will not object to it or say anything about it.

So the little boy also felt very happy, and he told his idea to Fang fennel. Now he came to fangfennel, and took the corner of fangfennel's coat.

Fang Fen said, "brother Fang Fen, I know. The reason why the simple tent we made suddenly becomes like this is because the Warcraft tide leader is going to test us.

He said that he wanted to test us. Although we have decided not to go down the road, we have promised the Warcraft tide leader that he will accept these tests. Maybe the test has just begun. "

Fang Fen had no idea, but when he heard the little boy say so, he suddenly felt that what he said was quite reasonable.

Although they have decided not to go down, and there is no need for Warcraft tide leaders to test them, this is the territory of Warcraft tide leaders after all.

The Warcraft tide leader may want to make them retreat in the face of difficulties, and want them not to live in this primitive forest. Fang fennel thought of this and knew that it was impossible.

After all, Fang Fen has been in contact with the Warcraft tide leader for so long, and knows that the Warcraft tide leader is very afraid of being alone. The Warcraft tide leader only let the Warcraft tide leader know that they are willing to accompany him in the primitive life,.

The Warcraft tide leader will also feel very happy, certainly will not happen anything, certainly also will not say intentionally tests them.

Now hearing the little boy say this, Fang Fen also thinks that what the child said is quite reasonable. Otherwise, how can they explain the shabby tent in front of them?

So Fang Fen agreed with the little boy very much. He gave him a smile and said, "I didn't know why this happened before.

Now that you say that, I think it's quite reasonable. Maybe it's the Warcraft tide leader's test for us. After all, we have promised him before, and we will certainly pass his test. "

Since this is a test given to them by the Warcraft tide leader, they need to work hard to complete this task.

No matter what happens in the end, whether they can pass the test or not, at least they have decided to live in the virgin forest.

At present, the Warcraft tide leaders need to put more pressure on them, and how many things they want them to do. At least they can do these things well.

No matter how the Warcraft tide leader said, at least in Fang Fen's eyes, these can be solved. How difficult these difficulties are, he will try his best to make this matter the best.

Naturally, the little boy is no exception. He lacks some abilities, but his mental activities are very active at that time.

He had learned a lot about survival skills in the wild before, but now he finally came into use. He also felt very happy.

No matter whether the tent has become dilapidated now, whether it is because of the test given by the Warcraft tide leader, they can't mess around.

If there is no way to solve such a small problem, how can they continue to live in this primitive forest?

So the little boy is also thinking about a lot of things. The little boy thinks that if he can, he naturally wants to do the best of these things.

"Brother Fang Fen, although we are still in the virgin forest and haven't gone out to discuss with my parents, I believe our parents will agree.

We don't have to worry about these difficulties at all. We must be able to go through these barriers and live in the virgin forest smoothly. "

Hearing the little boy say so, Fang Fen naturally agrees with him. In Fang Fen's eyes, no matter how many difficulties there are, he can solve them.

Even if these difficulties are bigger than the sky, he can still solve them one by one. Anyway, Fang Fen has great confidence in himself.

He felt that he must be able to do these things well. No matter how difficult it is, he can definitely do them well.

And the little boy naturally believes in his own ability. He also believes in the abilities of Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

Now that they have decided to live here, they will not give up for some other reason. Even if the Warcraft tide leaders come to test them now, they will have a great obstacle to these things.

But it doesn't matter. I believe that as long as the four of them work together, they will certainly be able to pass the test of the Warcraft tide leader, and then live peacefully in the primitive forest.

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