Although hearing Fang Fen and the little boy say so, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie still feel that there is something wrong, after all, in the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

No matter what, at least we should solve these problems first. Even if the Warcraft tide leaders give them tests, they should at least pass these tests first.

Otherwise, they failed to pass the Warcraft tide leader's test, or they still have to continue to look for the wood that can build the simple tent. If they have built it, if the simple tent is destroyed by the Warcraft tide leader again, it will be in vain?

Therefore, in the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the most important thing for them is to let the Warcraft tide leaders come out and ask why they do it.

At least they should have a place to live. Anyway, they have decided to live in the virgin forest. If they are not allowed to live in the virgin forest, they can say so.

Why destroy them to make these simple tents? No matter how, eat and sleep well.

We can't wait until we get the test. Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng really think that it's really ungrateful for the Warcraft tide leader to do this.

If the Warcraft tide leader can make them eat and dress well, it may be better, but now they can clearly feel that the Warcraft tide leader is always destroying the place where they live.

Moreover, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu believe that since the Warcraft tide leader has already done this, it is likely that the same will happen to the food they eat.

The two of them put forward their ideas. Zhao Xincheng said to each other and the little boy, "I think since the Warcraft tide leader is going to test us.

In addition to where we live, it may be the same with our food. Let's have a try. Now, Xu Haojie and I will go to the river to catch a fish and see what will happen. "

All three of them think that Zhao Xincheng said something strange. They think that no matter how much they say, it should not reach this level, even if the Warcraft tide leader wants to test them to see if they have this ability.

But it is impossible to do so absolutely, even if they want to eat such a thing, the little boy took the lead to agree.

The little boy thinks, if really like Zhao Xincheng said, the Warcraft tide leaders can't even feed them, then how can they pass such a test?

The little boy said to them, "I think it's OK. If it's like Zhao Xincheng's brother said, the Warcraft tide leader wants to test us.

If we are not allowed to live or eat, we have to think about whether living in a primeval forest is the right choice. "

Although they really like the way of life in the primeval forest, if the Warcraft tide leaders always embarrass them in order not to let them live in the primitive forest, they would rather live outside than live here.

If the life here is not happy, the life is not happy, then leave, rather than stay here all the time, let others dislike, by others' white eye.

Anyway, the little boy really didn't like this kind of life. Although he had a nanny at home, his parents gave him a lot of things in material terms.

But he was bullied and humiliated by others since he was young, because his parents didn't care about him and didn't care about him. Only he knew what that feeling was like.

Now if the Warcraft tide leaders don't want to let a few of them live in the virgin forest, they will not live here all the time.

Anyway, he is not the kind of person who is willing to be bullied by others, but he is not the kind of person who is willing to be bullied.

"Brother Zhao Xincheng, you and brother Xu Haojie go to catch fish first. Brother Fang Fen and I will go to find some wild vegetables. Let's see if we can eat the food we cook.

If we can't eat, we have to carefully consider whether the decision to live in the virgin forest is right

Although the four of them didn't know it clearly, at least they began to have some clues, they knew.

It may be that for some reason, they can't build the house they want to live in, and they can't eat the food to keep their physical strength.

They feel very strange. Now they divide their work and look for some wild vegetables first. If they can eat them, it may be that they think too much.

If they don't know, maybe they should use these clues to think about what they are going to do.

If they can't do these things, they can also make up their minds and prepare as soon as possible. They can't waste their time and energy in this respect.

Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have become a group again. They go to the stream to catch fish. In order to prove whether they can eat or not, they don't have too much food. They only have one fish.The little boy and fennel also went to pick some wild vegetables and spices. Of course, the little boy hoped that these things could be eaten. He also wanted to know what happened next.

Now they are both OK with Fang Fen. They have always been more self-control. Even if they know that there may be some accidents, they can accept it.

In particular, although he still thinks that the virgin forest is very good, he has a vague worry in his heart, and always thinks that the good here is beyond the normal range.

So no matter what he said, Fang Fen still felt that even if they finally found out that they had no way to eat and no way to live, he would find out the ultimate reason and would definitely solve such a problem.

They will never let their efforts in vain, absolutely impossible to let their efforts in vain.

Of course, the little boy also thinks so. Although the little boy doesn't think so much of fangfen, he can understand it.

Before that, he really hoped that he could live in the virgin forest, but if there was no way to live in the virgin forest, he could.

The little boy saw Fang fennel so indifferent, of course, he knew that Fang fennel must have ideas in his heart, so the little boy also wanted to ask Fang Fen.

The little boy said to Fang: "I don't know this time we should solve these things. If it's really difficult to solve them, what should we do?"

Fang Fen has been comforting the little boy, because Fang Fen thinks that even if the difficulties this time are really difficult to solve, they will certainly face the difficulties.

And now they are not sure whether these problems are the test of Warcraft tide leaders.

Maybe Warcraft can find some solutions for them.

But if it wasn't for the Warcraft tide leaders to test them, Fang Fen must think about it carefully. What is the reason for them to build a simple tent, there is no way to continue.

What's the reason for this? Now they're going to verify whether Zhao Xincheng's story is true or not.

If there is no way for them to live or eat as Xu Haojie said, maybe fangfen will think of some other things.

Now don't think about these things for the time being. In Fang Fen's eyes, no matter what, he will solve these things well.

"Little boy, don't think about it. No matter what happens next, we will solve it well. We will solve it well. Don't worry about so many things."

Although the little boy didn't want to worry, he always felt that he was really too impatient in front of Fang Fen. Maybe he didn't feel good in front of Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie.

But in front of Fang Fen, the little boy will feel very worried, because he knows that even if he appears worried, fangfen will comfort him and tell him the solution.

In front of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they must be more mature, or they will only worry about Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng all the time and make them nervous and worried.

Such a thing, but the little boy did not want to see, the little boy got the answer like fangfennel, although the answer of fangfennel is not clear, but also some fuzzy.

But at least Fang Fen told him that they had reason and confidence to keep going. Whether it was the test of Warcraft tide leaders or not, it didn't matter whether they wanted to verify whether this was true or not.

They can do it by soldiers. No matter what happens, they will certainly be able to take over such difficulties.

No matter whether they can finally live in the virgin forest, whether they can camp in the virgin forest, at least they can do these things well now.

Now the little boy doesn't think about those things any more. He goes to pick wild vegetables with fennel. There are a lot of wild vegetables on the road. They pick some things that they like to eat and look better.

Fang Fen and the little boy know that they can't think about so many things now. They have to verify whether their ideas are right.

They did not delay too much time. When Fang Fen and the little boy returned to the camp, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng just came back.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng took the fish that had been treated and some spices.

Fang Fen saw Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng in their hands and swallowed. The fish in Zhao Xincheng's hand is really plump.

Even after the treatment is still so beautiful, looking at it is really salivating, the little boy temporarily put those ideas in his mind to give up.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to fill the stomach. If you can fill your stomach, whether he can eat it or not, whatever happens to him.

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