But they can't make it to heaven one step at a time. They can't let the little boys come out of their fantasies so quickly. He now knows that Xu Haojie and they seem to be getting deeper and deeper.

Fang Fen really doesn't know what to do. Now he can only go step by step. No matter what, he must have enough patience to wait for the little boys to find out by themselves and then come out of the fantasy.

At that time, they can say that they have passed the test smoothly. Then they can do what they want. Maybe the little boy will not be as paranoid as he is now. It won't feel like everyone is targeting him like now.

Fang Fen thought that because he was no longer under the control of illusions, he knew that these things were just illusions.

Therefore, the defense of illusion is becoming stronger and stronger. In order not to let itself be destroyed, the illusion is resisting in the corner and has been strengthening its defense line.

So even if Fang Fen has come out of the fantasy now, the remaining people will only be more and more tortured by the illusion, and will only get deeper and deeper.

Fang Fen also knows that he must think of other ways to let Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy get out of these illusions as soon as possible.

He must pull Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy out of their fantasies as soon as possible. He can't think of any better solutions for the time being.

He believed that he would come up with a method. Fang Fen was very confident in himself. He also believed that no matter whether Xu Haojie was suffering from illusions or not, they were getting deeper and deeper.

Finally, he must be able to pass the test. Although he is very worried, he also trusts Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

I believe the three of them will not let him down. Fang thought now that if he can't make the little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng understand what he said, it doesn't matter.

Maybe he can solve this problem from some other entry points, although it seems to be a little difficult to do now.

However, he believes that Kung Fu pays off his painstaking efforts. As long as he can work hard to do this, he will not be disappointed, so Fang Fen doesn't think about it any more.

Fang Fen is sitting there now. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng see Fang Fen like this. They don't know what to say to Fang Fen.

Both of them knew what Fang Fen thought and worried about, but they still didn't know how to express themselves.

The two of them knew that fangfen must be for their consideration and consideration. If it was not for their consideration and their consideration, how could Fang Fen become so sad and sad.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie tried to understand what Fang Fen said, but they both thought that Fang Fen's words should not exist.

If it is true that this place is really just an illusion, then how could they not find it before? Before they came in here, they also explored it.

They have been very sure that this is not an illusion at all, because there is something beyond nature, more than what can be explained by science, so it is like this.

If this is also an illusion, they must have been able to detect it before, and wasn't there a wave of Warcraft before?

After encountering the wave of Warcraft, they didn't seem to have a big deal, so they are now thinking about Fang Fen with Zhao Xincheng.

But the two of them did not say it, because they can see now that Fang Fen is also relatively depressed and in a very low mood.

If the two of them said these words again and hurt Fang Fen, then Fang Fen would be more sad. So now they are standing there, not knowing whether to go forward or to leave.

The two of them looked at Fang Fen like that and didn't know how to do it. Of course, Fang Fen was able to detect their tangled hearts.

But Fang Fen didn't want to say anything more. After all, he thought that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would not understand how much he said.

These should take time to slowly let Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng understand what he said, although Fang Fen's mood is really very bad, it is indeed very lost.

But he is also able to summon up the spirit and speak these words with Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. Even if Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie can't understand them for the time being, it doesn't matter.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie saw that Fang Fen had already noticed them. Only then did they know that he was Fang Fen and did not come over. Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie must have thought more about it there.

But they also have no way, go to one side, have been discussing how to pass their ideas to Fang Fen.

Now Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng, "Zhao Xincheng, do you think we feel strange now? The atmosphere is very embarrassing.If we don't break this embarrassing atmosphere, we will be more and more embarrassed. What should we do? "

When Zhao Xincheng heard Xu Haojie say so, of course, he thinks that Xu Haojie's words are very reasonable. If they continue to do so, how far can they go.

In the past, they would not have such a situation, now all people's ideas are inconsistent, in Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they have slightly detected some unusual flavor.

But they didn't go into it. Now Fang Fen is alone and helpless. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are really distressed after seeing it.

But it seems that it is a little difficult for them to help and understand Fang Fen, so now they don't know what to do.

After Xu Haojie finished, he thought that the little boy would go to the other side to relax. It was really difficult for him and Zhao Xincheng to be sandwiched in the middle.

I don't know how to do these things, and I don't know how to solve such problems. So now I tell Zhao Xincheng his idea.

After listening to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng can understand. After all, Zhao Xincheng as like Xu Haojie is as like as two peas.

Because in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, now they are in the middle of Fang Fen and the little boy, neither forward nor backward.

It's not like supporting Fang Fen or supporting the little boy. So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are in a dilemma. They don't know what choice to make.

If they can stick to their ideas and take the initiative to reconcile the embarrassing atmosphere, there may still be some degree of rescue and some room for recovery.

So now, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have unanimously decided that they should do these things well first, and then talk about other things.

Zhao Xincheng now said to Xu Haojie, "in fact, we only need to stick to our own ideas. No matter how big the differences between Fang Fen and the little boy are, we should pay attention not to which side we prefer."

Although Zhao Xincheng said so, it is obvious that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are inclined to the little boy's side, because although they have noticed a little bit now that the primitive forest has some unusual flavor.

The primitive forest seems to have some strange feelings, but the two of them still think that life in the primeval forest is a better thing and a better choice.

So now, although they say they want to be fair to Fang fennel and the little boy, their differences are fair.

But the two of them are actually in favor of the little boy, but they are not willing to admit it.

After hearing Zhao Xincheng say this, Xu Haojie of course nodded his head, because Xu Haojie also felt that whether they want to leave the virgin forest or live in the virgin forest, they must do such things first.

We can't let their lives be disturbed by the virgin forest, and we can't let the fennel and the little boy be unhappy about whether they live in the virgin forest or not.

"I don't know whether the decision we made to live in the virgin forest was right or wrong. Now I see Fang fennel and the little boy. Both of them seem very unhappy, and my heart is very sad."

"Yes, in fact, I thought so in my heart. At that time, it was neither entering nor retreating, and I didn't know what to do."

Xu Haojie and the two of them are now in a very awkward situation, and they don't know which to help. Therefore, the most correct choice for them is to be neutral, not to take sides with any party, not to speak for any party.

When Fang Fen and the little boy calm down and think about it carefully, maybe they will have some other ideas.

In the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and little boy are not unreasonable people. As long as they can understand the truth, they may not think of much.

So now, no matter what they say, they are willing to believe these things. Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie discussed and discussed, or unanimously decided to press the button first.

Don't help the little boy, don't talk about these things with the little boy, and don't say these words to Fang Fen. I hope Fang Fen and the little boy can understand their positions.

After discussing the result, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not go on. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng felt that if they continued to talk, they would only make a fuss.

Since they know that it will be unpleasant, they can not continue to do so, so now let them live in peace.

Fang Fen is on the other side. Although he feels very sad and depressed, he can still get up and deal with these things.

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