Then it proves that ye Wuqian really left some clues to them. After all, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also feel that ye Wuqian suddenly disappeared in the second level, which is a very strange thing.

If we can really find some of these solutions, then we don't have to think about other things. Now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie can try to calm down.

Think about it well. Why does fangfen say this? Why does the fennel feel that the leaves are all around them? Ye Wuqi has not gone far.

Little boy, he still insisted on his own set of statements, he felt impossible, since Ye Wuqian had left at the second level inexplicably.

So prove Ye Wuqian will not come to them in a short time, even if Fang fennel feels Ye Wuqian is by their side.

Even if he had been like the star anise before, he felt the breath of leaves, but what could it say? It's not that I haven't seen the figure of Ye Wuwei.

Since there is no lack of leaves in front of them, if there is no missing leaves, then they will appear in front of them.

It proves that ye Wuqian is not at their side at all now. No matter what Fang Fen says, the little boy is not willing to agree, and he is not willing to believe.

Now the little boy looks at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng as if they are beginning to loosen up. It seems that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also begin to believe Fang Fen's words. The little boy feels speechless.

He doesn't know how to understand these words, and he doesn't know how to say them. So now the little boy wants Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng not to be confused by Fang Fen's words.

I hope that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng can stand on his side, listen to him, say these words for him, and support him. Now the little boy has come to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

The little boy said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, you should believe me. I don't think we have felt the breath of Ye Wuxiang before.

How can you feel it now? Brother Fang Fen must have thought a lot. How could he feel the breath of leaves without lack? "

In fact, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did think like this before. After all, they did not feel any breath about the existence of Ye Wuwei.

All this is just Fang Fen himself said, do not know whether it is true or false, but now they also calm down to think for a while.

I also know that fangfennel can't be. I have no evidence to tell it directly. He can feel the existence of Ye Wuwu. Since Fang Fen has said it, he feels the existence of Ye Wuqi.

So there are some clues in the way, so now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are not in a hurry to deny what the little boy said.

They both looked at the fennel thoughtfully, hoping that the fennel could provide more clues, but how could the fennel provide it?

After all, Fang Fen was just thinking in his own heart, but he felt it. If he could really feel that ye Wuwu was really around them.

Then he will not just put forward some suggestions, but directly tell them that ye Wuqian is by their side.

So even if Fang Fen knows Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, he hopes that he can give more clues and more basis.

But Fang Fen didn't know what to say. He just shook his head gently and didn't go on. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng saw Fang Fen like this, and naturally knew that Fang Fen couldn't say these words.

However, the two of them were not sad, they did not feel how, the little boy saw Fang Fen gently shook his head, did not explain too much, the little boy thought in his heart that this must be fangfennel's random thinking.

That's why there is no way to say it. So now the little boy is very happy. At least he has no way to say it with him. Ye Wuqian is right beside them.

The little boy said to the three of them: "in fact, I know that ye Wuqian's brother is not with us at all. To play a good role in my brother's work is just to think about it by himself. We don't have to think about it any more."

if it was before the change, of course, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would feel that life in the primitive forest was one It's a wonderful thing.

But now, after Fang Fen's reminding and Fang Fen's saying, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng suddenly feel that they think too little.

Is it too good to think about all this? It is good to live in the virgin forest, but there will still be a lot of difficulties and problems.

Can they go on in this way regardless of problems? These are impossible things.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both understand why their thoughts have become so extreme. They also feel something vaguely.It's just that there is no way to say it for the time being. The two of them originally disagreed with Fang Fen's words.

But now after hearing the boy's extreme and obstinate statement, they suddenly have some ideas to understand and think through.

Although the last point has not yet nodded and is not thorough, they vaguely feel that they are not far away from the truth and the real answer.

So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are patiently comforting the little boy, hoping that the little boy will not think so much. The little boy sees Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng looking at themselves with a strange look.

Of course, the little boy knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng must have listened to Fang Fen's words. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng must not believe what they said.

At the thought of this, the little boy's heart is really very sad, he did not know how to use the method to let Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng come to his side.

Only then can we draw Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to his side of the camp, so now I think it's really sad. If it was before, he would feel bad.

But now it has been made clear that Nerium vulgare can't live in the virgin forest. We must continue to go down or go out directly.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are the only chips he can fight for. However, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have listened to Fang Fen's words.

I'm sure I won't listen to him any more. The little boy now feels like he's alone. He feels very lonely.

But the little boy can only be confined to his heart. After all, the little boy thought that even if he said these ideas, what could he do?

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would not consider his feelings at all. Even if he said it, there was no need for him.

Even if he said all his thoughts in his heart, no one would feel his feelings. The little boy could only choose to keep these things in his mind and ignore them.

No matter how he said it, he felt that even if the problems and difficulties faced by him were really difficult to solve, it did not matter. He was willing to fight and willing to fight.

If there is really no way to live in the virgin forest in the end, he will not feel so much. After all, he has already fought hard and fought for it.

If there is no way to stay in the virgin forest in the end, at least he can forgive himself, at least he knows that he has fought for it.

Just now Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen and the three of them saw the little boy like this. Of course, they knew what the little boy was thinking. They also felt very sad.

After all, in their eyes, they don't really believe what the little boy said. Of course, they can understand why the little boy wants to live in the virgin forest.

If it was not because the parents of the little boy in the real world didn't care about the little boy at all, how could he not leave after finding these wonderful feelings?

Zhao Haojie and Xu Haojie suddenly realized that they could not have such a radical idea?

Now I see that the little boy thinks that it is a wonderful thing to live in the virgin forest.

There is no way that anything can stop them from living. It can be seen that the little boy is really under control.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng thought about this, they understood why Fang Fen said this. Although they still feel a little surprised, they still feel that they can't accept it.

After all, they had already felt that the primitive forest was not an illusion, but it did not seem to be what they thought.

After Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both wanted to understand this, they told Fang Fen. Fang Fen got Xu Haojie and Xu Haojie's ideas, and Fang Fen was very happy. Now, at least, he understands these things.

Fang Fen knows that now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have been able to understand what he said before. Up to now, there is only a little boy.

Fang Fen was also worried. He had already known that he was not under the control of illusion. After that, the illusion concentrated on attacking Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

Now Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu have stepped out of the fantasy and are no longer under the control of the illusion. It can be imagined that the ability of illusion is all on the little boy's body.

What if the little boy really can't get out of his fantasy? When they carried it with the three of them, the little boy was so extreme and stubborn.

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