After all, the reason why several of them came to explore the underground palace was to accompany the little boy and to relax with him.

If they help the little boy to make a decision in such a rash way, and the little boy thinks it is not good, what should be done? So now Fang Fen and Xu Haojie really don't know what to do.

The decision that has been made clearly, but now suddenly I don't know where to go. All of a sudden, there is no way to make a decision.

"Yes, Zhao Xincheng, if you don't say it, I haven't thought about it. If we go out, the little boy thinks it's not good for us to help him make a decision and is still angry now. What should I do?"

Although now they see the little boy has been confused by the illusion, there is no way out of the illusion, has become very paranoid, very stubborn.

But it is undeniable that several of them also understand what the boy's temper is. They know that if they really help the little boy to make this decision, the little boy will not blame them.

But the little boy must feel very sad. After all, it is the first time that the little boy proposed to explore in the underground palace, and it was not the little boy himself who said that he wanted to come to the underground palace, but several of them brought him here.

Isn't it disrespectful to take the little boy out of the underground palace without consulting him? What to do when the little boy blames him?

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie really think that this matter is so difficult to do. If ye Wuqian is by their side, it would be wonderful.

They also thought of what Fang Fen said. Fang Fen said before that she felt that ye Wuwu was right beside them. Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also felt the faint breath of Ye Wuque.

But both of them felt that it must be because of the infection of fennel that they had these thoughts.

Now the two of them think of it on their own initiative. If they are really like Fang fennel said, ye Wuqian is by their side, maybe they won't have so many tangles, they won't have so many problems.

Anyway, as long as ye Wuqian is around them, he will surely solve these difficulties for them, so now Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu have put forward their ideas.

Fang Fen heard Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng's ideas. In fact, Fang Fen had thought about them, but for the sake of safety, he would not say it.

First summon the master of the underground palace to come and take them out. But Fang Fen's heart also knows that it must be very bad.

If the little boy is not happy in his heart, and they go to help the little boy to do these things, doesn't it make the little boy very sad, very sad?

They don't want to let such things happen, so now Fang Fen says to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. "You two said that.

Of course I can understand, but what can I do? If we want to consider the feelings of the little boy, then the little boy will still be tormented by illusions

Fang Fen didn't finish this sentence, because he certainly knew that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng understood what he didn't say.

If we want to consider the feelings of the little boy, then they have no way to save the little boy from the illusion, it is up to the little boy himself to wake up.

But judging from the current situation, how can it be easy for a little boy to wake up? I'm afraid it will take a long time to wake up from the illusion.

Moreover, the longer the illusion stays, they will have no mother-in-law's home, and they will not be able to wake up from the illusion. However, if we do not consider the feelings of the little boy, we will directly call the master of the underground palace and send them out.

So when the little boys are really sober, will they be blamed again? After all, the little boy's heart is to explore the underground palace, is to come here to play, to find the ultimate treasure.

If they can't do these things, it's very bad. Fang Fen also looks at the mood of small and medium-sized boys. When he thinks of these things, he thinks that these things may disturb the little boy's good mood, and he also finds it very difficult.

He put forward his ideas. Hearing Fang Fen's ideas, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng can understand them. After all, in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, there are indeed such problems.

They can't ignore the little boy's thoughts and feelings. If the little boy's feelings are not so strong, maybe they can do such things according to their own ideas.

But the reality is that the little boy really pays attention to these problems, and now he doesn't like these things very much. No matter what, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen must have taken the little boy's thoughts into consideration.

"Well, it's really hard to do. You see, the little boy seems to be very upset with us now, as if we will drag him out by force in the next second."Fang Fen is also in distress here, do not know how to solve these problems in front of him, to see the little boy in such a mess, his heart is also very uncomfortable.

But if they just let it go and let the little boy stay in the virgin forest, there will be more problems.

They don't want to have such a problem. They don't want to have such a thing. Zhao Xincheng also felt that he couldn't let it go like this.

However, it seems impossible for him to forcibly pull the little boy out of here. After all, after all, no matter how much he does, there will be some bad effects.

They can only do their best to minimize all the effects on the little boy.

Don't let the little boy feel that they are aiming at him intentionally. Don't let the little boy feel lonely and helpless.

Because the three of them also understand that, in fact, the little boy must feel that everyone has betrayed him, and that everyone is not willing to do things around him.

So now, no matter what the three of them are going to make, they will definitely take these thoughts into consideration.

"But if we think too much, we will only let the time slip away. We must cut the tangle quickly, whether it is to forcibly pull the little boy out of the primeval forest.

We should continue to let him live in the virgin forest. We must show our attitude as soon as possible. "

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have very simple ideas. They hope to solve such problems as soon as possible, and do not let such things become some obstacles to their progress.

Fang Fen didn't think so. Fang Fen was more anxious than Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. He wanted to solve such a problem, but the problem was that he couldn't solve it.

Even if the time is very short, they can not because of the time rush, so irresponsible will have many things solved.

Now He Fang Fen heard that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng put pressure on him, and he also felt it was very difficult to do. He was the core leader of their team.

Of course, he hopes to solve these problems as soon as possible, and to solve all the problems satisfactorily as soon as possible, but they do not have the conditions to solve the problems.

No matter what Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng said, he couldn't continue to do it. He couldn't make these decisions as soon as possible. No matter what kind of decisions they made, they had a great impact on the little boy.

Will have a little boy's later development can not be ignored, so Fang Fen he just want to be very serious, very careful to solve these things.

It is not because of the time, so he can Fang Fen, even if Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng hinted.

He still felt that he had to do all the things well first, do what he should do well, and then talk about other things.

"Although we have little time, we can't make a decision here because we have little time."

Fang Fen put forward his ideas in a concise way. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng understood Fang Fen's theory, but they thought that the longer he stayed in the virgin forest, the deeper the boy would get.

So even if they know that the time is too short to affect their decisions, they can only go on like this, or they will cause more unnecessary troubles.

Xu Haojie said to the other party, "but what else can we do? Clearly know that there will be some bad things to come, so we can only choose a quick knife to cut the mess. Do you have any other way

After Xu Haojie said this, Zhao Xincheng also nodded. He felt that it was true. Anyway, he was dead. They might as well choose a better method.

In this way, maybe we can still keep some things that can be, otherwise, if we keep going like this all the time, it will only make them more and more unable to understand what the little boy is thinking.

I don't know how powerful the illusion is. Now all three of them have come out of the illusion. If he takes over the illusion, all the remaining force is suppressed on the little boy.

Let the little boy become more and more elusive, is not it even worse? So now we are proposing with Zhao xinchengdu that the master of the underground palace be called out first.

Then take the four of them out of the underground palace or take them out. Let's talk about the next thing. They can't do anything later. It doesn't matter if they come in from the underground palace again.

Anyway, they have at least stayed in the third level here. According to the owner of the underground palace, they have not. How many people can get to the third level.

Now they have come to the third level. Isn't it the best thing? Have they proved themselves? Isn't that good enough?

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