His expression is also very heavy, Fang Fen saw these expressions of Xu Haojie, of course, knew that Xu Haojie must have encountered some kind of trouble.

However, since we can come to him now, I believe Xu Haojie must have brought him good news, so now Fang Fen is also on his way to this side with Fang Fen.

Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie, "what's the matter? Did something happen? Have you been attacked by illusions just now

"It's hard to talk about it. I just feel it after I know it. It seems that illusions have disturbed my way forward."

After Xu Haojie finished speaking, he looked at the reaction of fennel. He didn't seem very surprised to see the reaction. Of course, he also guessed that it was because fangfennel also encountered these problems, which is why he said this was the case.

Xu Haojie did not continue to wait. He directly told Fang Fen all the things he met. In fact, Xu Haojie did not encounter much difficulty.

He just entered a more strange situation, there is no way to go to the end, there is no way to follow his previous route, the rest seems to be nothing.

Fang Fen heard Xu Haojie finish these, he also really understand, the original is really like what he said.

It's true that there are some strange situations. Fortunately, Xu Haojie has solved the problem. In fact, the best way to solve this problem is to keep unchanged.

Seeing that Xu Haojie came out of the attack given by the illusion so easily, Fang Fen felt very happy in his heart.

After all, in Fang Fen's eyes, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng still have some deficiencies in their abilities. Now Xu Haojie can rely on his own strength.

It is certainly a very good thing to come out of the phantom attack. It is also a very positive thing, so now Fang Fen doesn't mean to praise Xu Haojie.

He told Xu Haojie directly that he appreciated Xu Haojie's behavior. At first, he thought that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would be in a hurry when they met difficulties.

It may be that there is no way to get out of the attack as soon as possible, but now I see that Xu Haojie has come out undamaged, and I feel very happy.

So now Fang Fen also thinks that Xu Haojie still has the talent to create, and Xu Haojie also asks Fang Fen whether Fang Fen has encountered the attack of illusion.

But even if you don't ask, Xu Haojie can actually know. Since he has also been attacked, it is conceivable that Fang Fen is also under attack.

It can be imagined that Fang Fen must have been attacked by illusions, so he will come to ask him these questions now, so Xu Haojie did not ask any more questions.

However, even if he didn't ask, Fang Fen would like to tell him. Fang Fen took Xu Haojie's hand directly, and then said to Xu Haojie, "in fact, I have found that for the attacks of these illusions, we can only respond to the changes with constancy, which is the best choice.

No matter how rampant he is, no matter how he attacks us, as long as we are not affected, he will feel that he has nothing to attack us, and he will leave quietly. "

Originally, Xu Haojie didn't want to understand, but after hearing Fang Fen's words, he suddenly realized that it was just like Fang Fen said.

As long as they don't change, as long as they don't do anything, then this illusion will not do some other bad things.

If they are inclined to deal with the attack illusion, these attacks on them will cause the illusion to disturb, on the contrary, it will make the illusion feel like it is very powerful.

Then they will attack them all the time, so now both of them feel that they have made a good choice.

Fang Fen suddenly felt surprised. How could Xu Haojie come back alone? Where did Zhao Xincheng go? Fang Fen was also worried.

In case Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are separated, Zhao Xincheng also meets the same difficulties, what should be done? Xu Haojie can rely on his own strength to deal with the attack of illusion.

However, it does not mean that Zhao Xincheng, like Xu Haojie, can deal with phantom attacks with his own strength. It is not that Fang Fen does not believe Zhao Xincheng's ability.

It is because he thinks that the illusion is really too cunning. He thinks that the illusion must have human consciousness and some people's emotions. Therefore, it is so complicated and changeable that it is so insidious and cunning.

He is not saying that he does not believe in Zhao Xincheng's ability, but is worried that under the attack of illusion, Zhao Xincheng will not be able to play his normal level.

There is no way to get out of the phantom attack smoothly. If he can escape from the phantom attack smoothly, it must be a better thing.

But if there is no way to escape smoothly, he can also think about other things to solve the difficulties in front of him. So Fang Fen is asking Xu Haojie why Zhao Xincheng didn't come with him.Xu Haojie just remembered why he came back to find Fang Fen, so he quickly told Fang Fen about his affairs.

Xu Haojie is not an easy forgetful person. It may be because of the attack of the illusion just encountered, so there are still some illusions controlling him vaguely in his mind.

So now Xu Haojie shakes his head and quickly shakes off the unrealistic things in his mind.

So he said to the other party, "if you don't say I almost forgot, I came back to you to tell you that Zhao Xincheng and I have already found the clues in front of me, which seems to let the little boy come out of trouble. You should go with me and have a look."

Fang Fen was surprised to hear Xu Haojie say so, because Fang Fen thought, how could he find those clues so quickly?

I don't know whether the clue mentioned by Xu Haojie is the real clue, but there is no way out now.

No matter what clues there are, they can only try, in case it is really a clue, in case they can really find a clue through these, and then rescue the little boy from the illusion, it is not a bad thing.

So now Fang Fen followed Xu Haojie forward. Unlike before, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng soon arrived at the place.

But now Xu Haojie takes Fang Fen with him, and he always feels that he has not gone out. However, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen know that they must have gone the wrong way, not because of Fang's illusion.

Before believing in illusion, when dealing with Xu Haojie and Fang Fen, they had already seen their abilities. It is absolutely impossible for them to make a stumbling block here.

Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie, "Xu Haojie, are you sure that this is the road you took before you? It feels strange. It doesn't look like a road with clues. "

Hearing Fang Fen's words, Xu Haojie stopped. He looked back and looked around again. He really felt that there was something strange about this road.

Xu Haojie thought for a while and then laughed awkwardly.

It is indeed a wrong way, he and Zhao Xincheng did not go this way at all, so now there are some embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Fang fennel, I seem to have made a mistake. In fact, it's not this one, it's the one opposite us."

Because there was a fork in the road just now. He should have taken the one on the left, but Xu Haojie accidentally chose the one on the right.

That's why we have such a big oolong. We didn't have enough time now, but now Xu Haojie still took Fang Fen on the wrong road.

Xu Haojie really thinks it's really wrong, but he doesn't have time to blame himself or say other unnecessary words.

Now he quickly took Fang Fen and continued to walk on the right road he said, no matter what kind of difficulties there might be.

At least the most important thing is that they should solve these problems in front of them. As for the matter that they have taken the wrong way, they will talk about it later.

Now Xu Haojie and Fang Fen have been walking forward. After a while, they saw Zhao Xincheng sitting by the tree with his head hanging.

When Xu Haojie saw Zhao Xincheng like that, he thought Zhao Xincheng was in the same trouble, so he hurried over.

However, after a few steps, he found that maybe it was not as bad as he thought, maybe it was just that he thought too much. How could there be so many problems?

So now Xu Haojie doesn't go so fast. It's good to see Zhao Xincheng in that place from a distance.

Fang Fen knew at the first sight that Zhao Xincheng had been attacked by illusions. However, Zhao Xincheng might have ignored the attack of illusions like them.

Therefore, he did not get any harm. Now Fang Fen has confirmed that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have the ability to deal with these emergencies.

This is a very beautiful thing, after all, in Fang Fen's eyes, if there is no way to deal with the situation suddenly found in front of him, some situations suddenly happened.

Then in the next many things, there may be some bad behavior, there will be some bad things happen.

Fortunately, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengdu are able to use their own ability and strength to deal with all the unexpected situations, which is a very good thing.

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