However, he still felt that his luck was really good. Otherwise, how could he be let go of the illusion like this? If the illusion attacks Xu Haojie and Fang Fen just like they attack him.

Zhao Xincheng believes that he absolutely does not have any power to parry, because he thinks that he can compare with Fang fennel, and he certainly can't do anything.

Fang fennel is attacked by illusion, so he must be attacked, but now there are some good methods, because now there are some better results.

But even if Xu Haojie is the two of them, Fang Fen can actually understand, because Fang Fen certainly knows what happened next.

Fang Fen is also thinking about why the illusion attacked him and Xu Haojie, but did not attack Zhao Xincheng. Although he attacked Zhao Xincheng, he did not really attack him.

It's just a few circles around Zhao Xincheng. Fang fennel's eyes are on this tree, although the tree is indeed in a strange place.

Just like the texture in the secret room before, it looks smooth, but actually it feels rough.

So now Fang Fen suddenly thinks that this tree has other mysteries. Why is Zhao Xincheng next to this tree, and those illusions won't attack him?

Is this tree really the key to solving these problems? If this is the case, it will be a good solution.

So now, no matter what Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie say, Fang Fen still thinks that he should first see what kind of relationship the tree has with the illusion.

If the tree really can let the little boy out of the illusion, they don't mind to continue to do some other things.

But if this is no way to let the little boy out of the illusion, he is also too lazy to pay attention to other things.

After all, he will only let himself in vain, and will only let some other bad things happen to him, so now Fang Fen said his idea.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't understand what Fang Fen is doing. After all, in the eyes of Fang Fenhe and Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, although the tree looks like this tree, it has some common texture.

Although there may be some clues, it is still an ordinary tree, and there should be nothing different.

So now, after hearing Fang Fen say this, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also feel very strange. They both think that there should not be such strange things as Fang Fen said.

But fangfen will put forward, which proves that fangfennel must have other ideas. It is necessary to think about whether fangfen's remarks are justified or not.

So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are also there thinking about what Fang Fen said, thinking there.

If what Fang Fen said is reasonable, they should also think about how to do it through these aspects.

Fang Fen said his idea. He told Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng that he thought there was something unusual about this tree.

If only relying on this illusion, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen met with some setbacks before, and then they did not do these things around Zhao Xincheng. It seems that some of them do not make sense.

After all, changing the illusion is not a real thing with human thinking. It is only because it is made by the Warcraft tide leader that there will be some people's thinking.

Fang Fen thought that the tree must be strange. He must have something to worry about and fear.

Maybe this tree is really the key to solve the illusion. Maybe this tree can really let the little boy come out of the illusion.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say this, they all felt that Fang Fen's words were quite reasonable, especially Zhao Xincheng.

Originally, he didn't understand what Xu Haojie and Fang Fen were talking about, but he followed his own ideas, and then thought about it again. He thought that he could make sense in an instant.

Maybe it was just like Fang Fen said. Maybe it was because he was next to the tree that the illusion didn't dare to do him any harm.

He can escape the attacks of illusions. Maybe he can find some conclusions from this tree. He can find something different from this tree.

Maybe we can find some ways to get the little boy out of the illusion. Although there is still a lot of trouble, there are still many difficulties in doing so.

What's better than before, at least now they have found a good way, they have found a breakthrough.

It's this tree that is really weird. They can start with this tree and find out some clues.

Even if they can't rescue the boy from the illusion immediately, at least they can see what they should do next. They can also find some ways to get themselves out of the illusion.Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, in particular, have been out of the control of illusions, but they have been in the illusions for a long time.

So they still have visions in their minds, a little bit of control over them, although they can also control these things in their bodies.

But it would be better to clear all of them. Maybe they can find some ways to clear all the trees, which may be better. So Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengshi have put forward their ideas.

"Fang fennel, according to what you say, then this tree must be some breakthroughs. Maybe we can start from this tree and find some ways."

After hearing Zhao Xincheng say so, Xu Haojie nods and wants to hear what Fang Fen thinks. After all, in their eyes, it may be like this.

If we can really start from this tree, then Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie's remnants of those things controlled by the illusion may be well solved.

So now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both looking forward to Fang Fen's words and guidance to them.

Fang Fen sees Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng looking forward to him. In fact, he also knows what they are worried about.

In fact, even if Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't talk about it, Fang Fen will help Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng think about this.

Because he also knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng's bodies are the influence of some illusions on them, as long as he removes these States and those things left in Zhao Xincheng's bodies.

So Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchengcheng can completely get rid of the control of illusion, no matter what difficulties will be encountered next. He felt that he should first do these things in front of him, which was the most perfect.

So Fang Fen nodded and said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "you two don't have to worry. Don't worry. I'll help you think of some ways. What's so weird about this tree? I'm sure we'll find out the answer. "

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say this, they were relieved. After all, they did not know anything about these things.

There is really no way to think of so many things like fangfennel. Fortunately, fangfennel can answer these things. Fortunately, fangfennel can help them.

It is their wisdom star, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, they both put their hearts down, and have been waiting for Fang Fen to say these things to them.

Fang Fen didn't go on, but kept staring at the tree, trying to find some clues from the tree and find some solutions from the tree.

Although this tree he can't speak, it's just a tree growing here, but Fang fennel knows that since this tree has some strange texture.

There are some things that can't be seen by the naked eye, but can be touched by hands. I believe that this tree must have some unknown secrets. Maybe this tree is the key to the real solution of illusion.

If it is really like fangfen said, as long as the mystery of this tree is thoroughly understood, then all things should be solved easily.

But now the biggest problem is that they don't know how to explain these mysteries. They just find the texture of the tree. As for the rest, they are completely at a loss.

Even if they know that the tree is the key to solving the illusion, they still have no way to figure out what kind of countermeasures.

If you want to come up with any countermeasures, you can find out all the mysteries on the tree as soon as possible, and then rescue the little boy.

But now they can't find out what kind of thing he is. They can only explore and explore according to their own experience and ideas.

It's like crossing a river by feeling the stones. It's very difficult to do, but there's no way. They can only use this kind of old-fashioned method, which also takes a lot of time and energy.

How could they have thought of other more efficient ways? Each of them felt that there was something difficult to do.

Although he said that they were happy to find a way to rescue the little boy from the illusion just now, they are back to reality.

Even if they find a clue to a solution, even if they find a solution, they still can't solve the problem.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are also a little worried. Xu Haojie is better. At least he can feel the patterns and think about them a little bit.

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