There is no other thing in the world that can be compared with living in a primeval forest. There are other ideas in the heart of the little boy.

The three of them did not allow the little boy to live in the primeval forest because they envied the boy's mind.

Maybe the little boy has started talking about the three of them. They want to help the little boy.

The little boy is controlled by the illusion, so there will be these not too unrealistic ideas in his heart, no matter who will feel very uncomfortable, will feel some unbearable.

Fortunately, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen all know that the reason why the little boy has these extreme ideas is that he is controlled by the illusion.

In fact, he and Zhao Xincheng also have Fang Fen. They don't mind that children will misunderstand them. What they care about is

Fear, just as they thought before, now the illusion does not attack the three of them. It puts all his abilities on the little boy and lets him face the difficulties alone.

However, the three of them did not say these things, because they knew that if they said these things, they might cause some unnecessary troubles and shake their morale.

They don't want to let these things shake their morale, and the three of them can only keep going.

Although the three of them have no way to guess the power of the illusion for the time being, the three of them know that since they have got rid of the control of the illusion, the illusion can be overcome.

Time to prove that they can certainly come out of the illusion, no matter how much trouble they will encounter in the illusion.

The three of them are no longer under the control of the illusion, and now they think that there is another person who will accept the control in this direction, even though there may be a lot of trouble in the future.

They also believe in the ability of the little boy, who can do these things, even if the little boy can't make himself very powerful now.

But it can also be seen that the little boy has heard a lot of things, even if he wants to stay in the virgin forest.

It doesn't matter if the illusion suppresses all his remaining abilities on the little boy. I believe that the little boy can be saved from danger.

And the owner of the underground palace should not watch the little boy have some accidents, although there are too many unusual things in this underground palace.

However, Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng all believed that the owner of the underground palace was only for a certain purpose, not to take other people's lives.

Even if some of them are in danger now, they can still believe that there will be some better things to deal with.

Now they encounter these difficulties. Although the three of them can't think of it, it doesn't matter. They can still do these things. Now Fang Fen cheers Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

"Zhao Haojie still has a lot of ways to go down the tree trunk. We can't believe that there are many ways for us to go down here, as long as we want to go down, we can't believe that there are many ways to go down."

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng two people heard Fang Fen say so, of course, they also know that Fang Fen is cheering for them.

They also know that even Fang fennel has no way to come up with some better solutions for the time being, but they are still willing to believe it.

In this primeval forest, there are so many unusual things. If they abandon themselves because they can't think of a solution, they will never come up with a solution.

They have to let themselves get some physical examination, they have to do these things well, and the rest will wait until later.

Zhao Xincheng now said to Xu Haojie and Fang Fen: "although I can't touch these patterns on this tree, you two can.

You two have touched it now, and I have written these patterns. No matter what the meaning is, no matter what the mystery is, let's get rid of it first. "

Zhao Xincheng and the two of them had already been assigned. They continued to explore what happened and what kind of situation happened here.

If they can solve the problem, it is better for them to solve it first. If they can't solve it, they will think of other ways. They don't want to waste any more time and continue to think like this.

Although Fang Fen looked for other ways to think about these problems from other angles, he always felt that there were some strange things and some things that he could not think about.

He did not give up. Even if he can't think for the time being, it doesn't mean that he can't think later. Even if he can't solve the mystery of the texture on this tree, it doesn't matter.There is still enough time and time. They believe that in these times, they will be able to solve the problem.

On the other side, the little boy saw Fang fennel leave, and other hearts were very uncomfortable, because the little boy felt sure that he would not be good, and then he wanted to leave.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, two of them and Fang FeNi failed to explore, they two people together to leave, the little boy is not so sad.

After all, the little boy thought that even if Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng left first, they would still stay there later, but Fang Fen is not here at all.

So the little boy still felt very sad, he was just squatting there sad for a while, depressed for a while, turned around and found that no one was there.

Did Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen leave the primeval forest first?

At the thought of this, the little boy felt very sad, very sad. Originally, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen had already told him that the primeval forest was just an illusion. He wanted to leave and take him with him.

Although he has been refusing, but also can not because he has been refusing, really give up him, the little boy has thought of these methods, has thought of such consequences.

But the real face of these difficulties, in the face of such a situation, the little boy is still at a loss.

The little boy felt very sad. He also felt that they had agreed to live a good life in the virgin forest, but why suddenly changed his mind?

Why do some people who have already agreed to live in the virgin forest change their trigrams in this way. Little boy, he was sad.

He squatted on the ground, with stones on the ground to draw circles, he did not know what he should say, he only knew that his heart was very sad now.

Looking at the still green forest, feeling the flowers and birds, at this time, the little boy's heart can not feel the joy of those before.

He really couldn't feel it at all. He just felt very sad. He hoped that time would return to the time when they had just entered the virgin forest.

At that time, several of them liked it very much and were very willing to stay in the virgin forest. They searched together for trees that could build simple tents.

Together, they are looking for good things to plan a blueprint for their future life, but now Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen are going to take the lead in leaving.

The little boy felt very sad when he thought about it. He didn't know how to solve his sadness.

But he knew that no matter what he said, he was determined to live in the virgin forest. Even if Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen all left now, it didn't matter.

Although he was sad, he would not be depressed. Even if Xu Haojie, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen left, what would happen?

It was the three of them who gave up on him. The little boy would not give up himself. Since he had promised himself, he would stay in the virgin forest. Since he had decided to fight for the opportunity to be in the virgin forest.

Now it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Of course, he won't let it go. It doesn't matter that he will encounter unprecedented difficulties when he is alone in the virgin forest.

He believed in his ability, and the little boy always believed that he could solve these problems and solve them.

Now the little boy said to himself, "even if brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng and brother Fang Fen all leave, it doesn't matter. It's their choice. Don't blame them. It's you who want to stay in the virgin forest. "

The little boy has been there to comfort himself, he does not want to fall into the sad, but the more he said this, the more he felt very sad, very sad.

Ming Ming four people said that they would live in the virgin forest all the time, but now the three of them left first.

The little boy who stayed in the same place felt very sad. Although he couldn't accept it, he had to accept the reality in front of him.

If he could, he would like to go back to those days, but the little boy also knew that time could not go back. Since Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen had already chosen to leave.

So even if he can save it, he can't escape back. The little boy can cheer up and don't think about other things.

In any case, to think about it will only make him more sad and feel sad. In this case, he might as well do his part first.

The little boy decided to do the work that had not been done before, to find some wood suitable for large-scale construction, or to build his own house.

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