The Warcraft tide leader wants Ye Wuqian, Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen to cherish their time and their time together.

After all, time doesn't wait for people. If they don't cherish the time together, when they really leave and really can't get together again, they can only live in memory forever.

In fact, as the Warcraft tide leaders thought, although they had other ways, they could still play together, even though they seemed to stay together.

One day they will be different and will leave. It doesn't matter that ye Wuqian doesn't have to go to other tasks. Even if ye Wuqian is just an ordinary person, he is also a person in the world with fangfen.

However, one day, they will still be separated, and they can not always be together. This is what ye Wuqian has always understood and can always know.

Ye Wuque is also very sad in his heart. Originally, the Warcraft tide leader did not notice ye Wuque's sadness, but he also realized that ye Wuqian was in a low mood.

At that time, he felt that the Warcraft leader was not heartless.

So he quickly apologized to ye Wuque, and he said, "am I poking your pain? I also know that you can't stay long in this task.

However, you still have to face up to this problem. You can, maybe you can use this opportunity to let them get rid of some dependence on you. "

Because the Warcraft tide leader also can see that Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng's little boy are all very dependent on Ye Wuwei.

Although they can also solve the problem in the secret room, and can also solve the problem of illusion, they can still vaguely see that they rely on Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqian is not around them, but they have only one idea in their heart, that is, as long as ye Wuqian is by their side, they can solve these problems in minutes.

They also know that they can solve these problems, but if there is no lack of leaves around them, it will be better.

It shows that they really have a strong sense of dependence on leaves, so the Warcraft tide leaders are thinking about it.

If they can take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the dependence on ye Wumian, and when ye Wuqian really leaves from this task and leaves fangfennel's side, then fangfennel will not be unable to do anything.

Ye Wuque was not angry when he heard the Warcraft tide leader say this. He also knew that it was true that the Warcraft tide leader said this. He had to let Fang Fen, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy get used to the days without him.

Habits do not have his life, otherwise if we have to rely on him to do these things, it will certainly not work. In Fang Fen's eyes, he will definitely leave.

Moreover, this day must not be far away. If he can not cultivate Fang Fen's ability to solve problems independently, it will only make them difficult for each other.

It will only make them feel bad for each other. If they think that if they can't solve these problems well and can't cultivate their ability to know how to solve problems, how can they rely on them all the time? Although they have known each other for only a few months or more than a year, ye Wuqian deeply understands that Fang Fen's dependence on him has been more than just a few months.

If he really doesn't leave and really doesn't cultivate fangfen's ability to solve problems independently, then fangfen will definitely go on like this.

"Of course, I have thought about these problems, but I still think that no matter how much we say, it is not possible to cultivate their ability to solve problems independently in one day."

After all, he has been around Fang fen for a long time and helped them to do those things and solve those problems. Only after a long time can he cultivate their ability to solve problems independently.

It will take a long time for them to regain their ability to solve problems independently and find solutions.

We can't just come once and resolutely cut off their sense of dependence. Ye knows that he must be responsible for these things.

If it's not because of him, then Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen, how could they be so dependent on him? Because he didn't do it well.

Because he thought too little and didn't take these problems into consideration, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen lost their ability to solve problems.

He still believes that he can re cultivate their ability, and ye Wuqian consciously cultivated the ability of fennel before.

Isn't the performance of fennel the best proof? Although Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, as well as Fang Fen, they will subconsciously guess when solving problems.If he is around, it will not be able to solve it soon, but compared with before, at least when they guess, they are still looking forward to Ye Wuqian coming out to help them.

But even if he couldn't say it, wouldn't they still be able to solve these problems? This is the biggest improvement.

Ye Wuqian felt that his influence on them was too great. In the past 20 years, without Ye Wuqian, they could live independently.

However, as long as ye Wuxiang has only appeared for a few months, he has completely eliminated their ability to solve problems, and their way of thinking has been turned around. Ye has really felt that he should not have done so.

He should not break the inherent thinking mode of Fang Fen, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, even if he wants to adjust their thinking mode and help them innovate.

We can not use this method, which can also be said to be a big failure of Ye Wuqian, and it is also an aspect that he did not take care of.

If he had noticed these aspects before, he might not have let Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng not suffer so much torture.

However, ye Wuqi has no way to change, and can only make up for it in the next time, in the next time.

Try not to let Fang Fen, Xu Haojie, and Xu Haojie's thinking be affected by him. He will retreat to the second line and let them solve the problems that can be solved by themselves.

He should not care about everything and do everything. He can guide and help, but he can never lead.

Because he had to let Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng understand what they should do and let them have their own opinions and ideas as he had never appeared before.

You can't rely on others for everything. You can't rely on him to do everything. This is absolutely not possible. Ye Wumian also has some ideas and countermeasures.

Before that, he also wanted to train Fang Fen and cultivate Fang Fen's ability, but he could not ignore Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

He had also neglected Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng before, and these disadvantages were fully revealed in the exploration of primitive forest.

If Zhao Haojie and Zhao Haojie want to talk about other things, they have to be able to cultivate others.

No matter how they say it, they must do these things well, because he has exhausted the ability of Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen to solve problems independently.

If it wasn't for his appearance, the three of them would have been better. How could they have become so indecisive? Ye Wuqian has been thinking about his own problems.

He has been thinking about whether he has done these things wrong. If he can make others better and better as before, it may be better.

However, it is obvious that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the three of them have lost their ability to solve problems independently, which is a very bad thing.

He even doubted whether it was because he affected them, so he said that the time he spent in the second task was so long. He really felt that it was not good at all.

"If I can, I'd rather I didn't come to them, and I wouldn't let them rely on me so much. After all, I know very well, and I certainly hope that they can complete these tasks well."

Ye Wuqian did not hide his mind, because ye Wuqian thought like this. Although Fang fennel seems to be able to find a certain way to solve these difficulties.

But in the eyes of Ye Wuqian, it should be that he affected Fang Fen and them. If not for his appearance, Fang Fen and Zhao Xincheng lost their ability to solve problems.

Maybe at the beginning, they can imagine what these patterns mean and know what the mystery of these patterns is.

Therefore, ye Wuqian still thinks that if it was not for him, how could there be so many problems?

However, he also knows that there is no reason for blindly blaming himself, and it has no effect. The most important thing is to think about how to make up for it and how to do these things well. The rest will be better after that.

"In fact, it's not only your fault, but also their own willpower is not strong enough."

In fact, the Warcraft tide leader doesn't know how to comfort ye Wuwei. After all, he doesn't know much about this matter. If he does, he may have some room to turn around.

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