After listening to these comforting words of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen still has a little guilt and a little remorse.

But these guilt and self blame can also be ignored. They also know that they can't waste their time on it. They have enough rest and enough relaxation.

The next step is to continue to solve the problems of these textures. Maybe the angle they convert is not correct. You must change the angle again.

Fang Fen also thought carefully about what was wrong. They had been staring at these patterns and could not see anything.

There must be no way to explain it. Maybe they should have a good rest and do some other things to adjust their mentality.

When their mentality is adjusted, they may be able to imagine what these textures mean.

Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "don't worry. I'm just saying this. I won't let these bad emotions occupy my heart. I won't let these bad emotions dominate my mind.

I will certainly enlighten myself. We'd better think about what angle we should change to think about the meaning of these patterns. "

Fang Fen said while smiling at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. Seeing Fang Fen's relaxed expression, they both believed that Fang Fen was not too worried.

This is also good, if Fang Fen is still worried, then there will be some unnecessary trouble, so Zhao Xincheng and the two of them are relieved.

As long as Fang Fen is not too self blame, not too guilty, then all things are easy to say, all things are easy to do.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are happy to see that Fang Fen's mood has become almost the same and has become better.

At least they won't have other bad ideas, other bad things that need them to do. Xu Haojie and both of them don't waste too much time here.

Just like Fang Fen said, if they really can't understand the meaning of these patterns, then they can have a little rest, after a little rest, they can think about it.

What's more, their thinking direction is absolutely wrong. Otherwise, how could they have been unable to figure out the meaning of these patterns for such a long time.

Even if the meaning of these patterns is very profound, it is impossible to think about it for such a long time. Therefore, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng continued to express their ideas.

Hope to let Fang Fen understand their two ideas, the three of them exchange ideas, the collision of ideas, may really be able to come up with the final solution.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are not as good as Fang Fen, but they are very good in this respect. They are both more confident.

They all think that they can do these things. As for the past, although they also have the intention of retreating, it is only a moment, and it is fleeting.

Both of them still feel that it is a very good thing to continue to struggle here, although they may encounter more problems.

They also know that in the next level, they will certainly encounter more difficulties than these, but they are not worried.

They are only worried about the safety of the little boy. They are worried about what kind of harm a person will feel when he is young. In fact, they don't have much worry about themselves and each other.

They are all adults, and of course they can be responsible for the choices they make and for the things they do.

As for the rest of those things, Fang Fen obviously relaxed when he saw Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie heard what he said.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both relaxed. They did not worry about Fang Fen any more. Fang Fen and the three of them took a rest there.

Hope to be able to empty their brains first, and then think about the meaning of these patterns. Moreover, the three of them are also worried that some bad things will happen to the little boy after they are out for too long.

They were worried that the little boy would think more, and they felt that since there was no way to understand, they would not be able to understand, and they would not believe it. Is this the only key point of the whole illusion?

If we want to remove the illusion and let the little boy come out of the illusion, we must remove the meaning of these textures. They don't want these textures to dominate their lives.

Fang Fen decided not to worry about the meaning of these textures for the time being, but to go back to meet the little boy first, so as to save the little boy from thinking too much.

And the memory of the three of them is also very good. They have deeply memorized these patterns in their minds. Even if they leave, they will not have much loss.

Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen returned to the same place. When they came to the place before, they found that the little boy was not in place and disappeared.Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen are worried about how they went out. It should not be long before they went out, but the little boy disappeared.

I don't know where the little boy is. They all feel very worried because they are afraid that the little boy will encounter danger and that he will lose too much in this unknown environment.

Before that, although they had not encountered such things, it did not prove that these things did not exist at that time. After all, what they met in the primitive forest and the situation they encountered in the underground palace were very incredible.

Maybe it's because they've been in it all the time, so it's still acceptable. If you put it out in the real world, how can anyone believe what they encounter?

How can you believe that there are Warcraft like novels? How can you believe that there are places like primeval forests and illusions?

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen all know that if they tell others about these things, others will definitely not believe them. But even if they don't believe them, what can they do? Don't people believe that they don't do it?

They are very worried that the little boy will be in danger, and they can't find the little boy, so now they are really afraid.

They are afraid that the little boy will think that they really don't want him, and really want to leave him, so now not only Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, but also Fang Fen are quite out of his mind.

They are worried about how much the little boy will think. Now they want to explain to the little boy, and they can't explain it. If they want to find him, they can't find him.

Obviously, when they left before, the little boy was always here. They saw that the little boy was very sad, just like giving the little boy a chance to be quiet.

But now, they want to give the little boy a quiet, want to tell their thoughts to the little boy, but can not find the trace of the little boy.

Is all this punishment for them? The three of them would have come to the underground palace, in the primeval forest, not because of the little boy.

In order to accompany the little boy, so he will be here. Now that the little boy is not here, what reason do they have to keep going down?

However, although they are very worried and nervous, they can adjust their mood in time.

The little boy is not in the same place now, which does not mean that he will really go to any place now. Of course, they should seize the time and hurry to find the trace of the little boy.

Don't let the little boy encounter other dangers. Although the Warcraft tide leader has said that he will ensure their safety, it does not mean that there is no danger in this primitive forest and in this illusion.

They must do these things well first, and the rest can only be discussed later.

"Fang Fen, where are we going to find the little boy now? He was still here just now. Now he doesn't mean to hide himself from the three of us. "

Xu Haojie was really worried, so he said these thoughts in his heart, but Fang Fen felt that things should not be like what Xu Haojie said.

The little boy should not deliberately hide, it may be because of other methods, may be because of other reasons, so the little boy will leave.

Maybe the little boy didn't mean to leave at all. He just wanted to see something else. Fang Fen is still here to comfort Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

He said to the two of them, "let's not be so pessimistic. Even if the little boy is not beside us, it doesn't mean that he really wants to avoid us and leave us. Besides, we haven't done anything that we can't accept."

Although Fang fennel had been saying that he wanted to leave the virgin forest, he wanted to escape the little boy from the virgin forest.

But his attitude is so tough, still willing to give the little boy space to think, willing to consider the little boy's feelings, to now the little boy even if he has some disappointment in his heart, he can't leave them so soon.

Fang Fen thought that the little boy should be the same as Xu Haojie before. He went to other places to relax. Otherwise, how could he have such thoughts.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard Fang Fen say this, they were relieved. If it was like Fang Fen, it would be better. Maybe they would not have other ideas.

What would they do if it wasn't for what Fang Fen said? After all, time is not waiting for people at all now. They must solve these problems earlier and rescue the little boy from his fantasy earlier.

Although now they have no thoughts, no clue, do not know how to remove the illusion, do not know how to bring the little boy out of the fantasy.

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