The child can still adjust his own mood. Even if he hears these sounds here, he doesn't feel good.

Anyway, in the eyes of the little boy, if he really wanted to prepare to live in the virgin forest, there would be more and more wave of Warcraft.

at that time, he had to be inclusive and be able to accept the situation, which was a good thing for him.

"No matter what difficulties I encounter next, I will try my best to solve all these problems."

The little boy is still very confident in himself, even before the emergence in the grass, what can happen? Anyway, in his heart, he still felt that he could solve these problems and solve these difficulties.

Isn't it just some changes? What is he afraid of? He had nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, in the eyes of the little boy, they had already encountered more difficult things in the secret room before.

Just by the way, there is no difficulty. Anyway, if you want to live in the virgin forest and stay in the virgin forest, there will surely be more things to be solved. Now he can get familiar with it.

Just when the little boy thought of this, he found that the abnormal movement in the grass did not appear again. It may also be their psychological function.

Even if it does appear, it may not be as serious as he thought. When the little boy thought about it, he felt that he was too surprised.

Such a surprise, it is not very good, the little boy he did not think about the grass in the end there is something.

Anyway, in the eyes of the little boy, no matter what kind of things, no matter how few difficulties, he will certainly overcome them all and solve them all.

Anyway, the little boy always thought that he would do a lot of things well. In fact, what he didn't know was that these changes were not a test for him at all.

But these things have already appeared. If only a change, there will be so many things to imagine, then there are too many indifferent problems in the original forest?

Even if this is just an illusion, they will also consider some safety issues. There is only a small animal in the grass, shaking its body casually there.

There is no so-called test, there is no so-called problem, just the little boy here to think about it.

If the little boy knew about this, he would feel bad at all, but he just didn't know. If he didn't know, he would think that it was the Warcraft tide leader who tested him and the virgin forest tested him.

But anyway, it's good for the little boy to know that. Anyway, the little boy knows that there are many dangers and difficulties in the virgin forest.

It's very good that he needs to solve them one by one. Maybe he feels that this kind of life is not in line with his own idea. Then he will leave and quit early. This is also a possible thing.

The little boy didn't think too much about it. Anyway, if he could do these things, he would be willing to do them. Now the little boy went on to look for wood suitable for furniture.

Even if he can't find it now, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he has a long way to go. He still has so much time. If he can't find it today, he can find it tomorrow. If he can't find it tomorrow, he can find it later.

Anyway, with so much time, what else is he worried about? Anyway, he didn't want to think about Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen.

He thought that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang Fen had left him. I didn't want to be with him. In this case, he was too lazy to think about those things.

Now the little boy is walking and thinking about what kind of things to make furniture. Maybe in other people's eyes, furniture is a very simple thing.

But after all, there are too few materials in the original forest. There is nothing in these materials. He must be allowed to do it by himself and find everything.

Now the little boy feels that although he is confident in living in the virgin forest, he still has a little bit of suspense about finding wood to make furniture.

After all, the four of them couldn't find it when they were looking together. What's more, he is now alone, and he wants to look for it well. Maybe he can't find it.

However, he is not discouraged and he is not sad. He thinks that there is enough time for him to find out. Even if the process is tortuous and rugged, it doesn't matter.

The little boy also gave himself 12 points of confidence that he must be able to do these things.

On the other side, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang Fen are also soldiers. They have been searching for the little boy, hoping to find the little boy quickly.

Don't let the little boy think too much because of some other strange reasons. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen are the three of them who have been working hard all the time and have been looking forward unremittingly.The little boy didn't know this situation at all. If he knew this situation, he might not be so sad. He always thought that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen had given up on him and had left the virgin forest.

That's why he was so sad. Although he didn't show it on the surface, and though he didn't think so in his heart, his sad feeling was really revealed from his own body.

If Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng see the little boy, they will feel very sad and will love him very much.

But now did not do these things, no matter how to say, Fang Fen he did not do other things. It's something.

Now Fang Fen walked forward. He wanted to explore. The little boy went there, but now he changed his mind.

Since the little boy thought that they had been away for so long, he must have set up his own house and do those things by himself. He must not have given up such an opportunity.

The little boy didn't know Fang Fen here. They were looking for him. If he knew, he would return to the original place and wait patiently for them to come back.

He didn't say anything, but he still expected Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to stay in the primeval forest, live with him and do these things with him.

But since they didn't do it, and they didn't stay, the little boy didn't say much, but there was still some sadness and sadness in his heart.

But these sad and sad is not surprising, anyway, the little boy also knows, life is alive, always have to learn to grow up slowly, slowly.

If you want others to do everything, and if you need the help of others, then this life is living. What's the meaning of it? What's the meaning of living this life?

Even if the little boy still has some sadness in his heart, he tries his best to let this kind of sadness get rid of it as soon as possible, and try his best to let the hurt feelings disappear as soon as possible, which may be good for any.

Anyway, in the eyes of the little boy, no matter who is good to him or who is not good to him, he will remember it in his heart. He does not hold grudges, but he will know that he will not forget these feelings.

After that, he will not fall in the same place again, and he will not fall in the same place again. The little boy also thinks that if he can, he must do these things well.

The little boy said to himself, "I don't know how many difficulties are waiting for me to discover and solve.

Now Brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng and brother Fang Fen are no longer with me. I just think that too many things seem to have no effect. "

Little boy, he really doesn't know what to do, but he still wants to continue his life, or to continue to realize his dreams. Even if he feels that there may be many dangers and hardships in his life here, it doesn't matter.

Even if he encounters difficulties, he will solve them one by one. He will surely calm down and try his best to solve all the difficulties encountered.

Since he has made a decision, he will continue to go on according to his own decision, which is what he needs to solve and do.

In any case, he always felt that whether he was alone or accompanied, his decision in the virgin forest would not change.

Maybe it's because he is suppressed by all the power of illusion. Now the little boy's idea is really paranoid and stubborn.

Although he will feel sad and sad, his idea and desire to live in the virgin forest has never changed.

He always thinks that the primitive forest is a thousand times better than living in the real world.

He didn't understand why, he didn't know. In fact, he was bewildered by illusions, so he had such thoughts.

If he had known for a long time that these ideas would have been confused by illusions, he would have withdrawn earlier, but the problem is that no matter how he explained them, no matter how they were explained to him, he would not believe them.

He always thought it was Fang fennel. They thought it was Fang fennel. He always thought that Fang fennel wanted to stop him, so he said those words on purpose.

Anyway, the little boy always thought that the original forest was so good that there could be no illusions and no harm to him.

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