In fact, what they don't know is that this is a problem set by the leader of the Warcraft tide, and the illusion has put all the energy on the little boy.

All the energy is pressed on the little boy's body, which is to let the little boy be completely bewildered by the illusion, and don't let the little boy leave.

Now he has found that the little boy's mind is a little loose, so he deliberately said these traps, deliberately let these paths in all directions.

Let there be traces of people walking on the path, which will confuse the public and make Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen unable to choose a correct path.

Although in fact, none of the three of them took the road that the little boy had gone through. The road that the little boy had gone through had long been hidden by the illusion.

Since the little boy has planned to suppress all his strength on the little boy, he does not want to let the little boy be found by Fang Fen and taken away by them.

Then he will certainly use all his abilities to hinder Fang Fen, and Xu Haojie, no matter what the three of them do, the illusion will interfere with them and will not let them succeed.

They will not let them have other contacts with the little boy. The little boy doesn't know about this. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen don't know about this.

They all thought that they had gone the wrong way, or that they were confused by other things, and they did not think of this investigation at all.

If they know, these are just illusions. They don't want them to be with the little boy. They don't want them to save him.

So they deliberately do something, maybe they will have some other ideas, but now no matter how much they say, they can't do these things.

So they really don't have the motivation to move forward, and they don't know how to go on. The little boy is thinking of something not so good over there.

Thinking that he had no way to live with Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy, Fang Fen, they felt very sad after living here, and then they did not move forward, but stopped at the same place.

Sitting on the ground there, thinking about problems, one is sad, the other is sad, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen, although they are also saying that they are going to look for the little boy.

But they thought that they might go the wrong way and dare not move on. They are also sitting on the ground and don't know what to do.

Although the four of them are not in the same place, they have been there thinking, do not know how to continue down, do not know how to do these things.

Whether it is Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng or the little boy, or Fang Fen, any one of them thinks that the current problem is really difficult. Now things are really difficult to handle.

But even if we feel that the current problem is very difficult to solve and such a thing is very difficult to do, what can we do? They are not only forced to go down to solve the problem.

If they really feel that these things are difficult to handle, really feel that these problems are difficult to solve, and then give up halfway, then there will be unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, they have already decided to continue to move forward. Even if they encounter any difficulties now, they will accept them completely and solve such problems well.

Even if they have no way to continue to go down, they have been confused by the illusion, do not want, it does not matter.

In any case, although they say that they still have disagreements, they still have different opinions. Fortunately, in addition to the little boy, Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are on the United Front.

All three of them are willing to continue to overcome difficulties and go down. They are just worried about the safety of the little boy. They are afraid that they can not go on.

If there is no way to find the figure of the little boy, he will think that he will encounter some other difficulties and other dangers. Even if the little boy left by himself, even if he is sad and unhappy.

They are also worried about what kind of difficulties the little boy will encounter. After all, such problems are not impossible.

The little boy is in the distance now. He doesn't know what Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen think in their hearts. He doesn't know.

Because of his departure, because of his disappearance, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen, the three of them have been very nervous and worried.

It would be better to worry about what kind of danger he would encounter and what difficulties he would encounter. If only they worried about it for nothing.

If they are worried that it is not unnecessary and they are worried that everything will come true, what should be done? Fang Fen also felt very worried.

He looked at the intricate paths in front of him, and looked at those paths in front of him. It seemed that someone had walked through each path, and there were traces of people walking around. He felt that his head was big.

Usually, even if he can't think of any problems or solutions, at least he will have some ideas.But now there is a blank in his mind. There is no way to solve the problem or any way to solve the problem. He thinks that his own skill is too shallow.

Otherwise, there is no way to solve such things, and there is no way to do these things well. Fang Fen really thinks he should improve his ability.

Whether it is the ability to solve problems or other things, we must make ourselves have a stronger improvement.

In this way, in the next task, or after going back to the real world, it will certainly be better.

"I don't know what's going on. How do I feel that my ability to solve problems is really a great step backward compared with before. I can't continue to be decadent."

Fang Fen is now vaguely aware of some of his own changes. He does not know what the reasons are?

But now he also knows that he seems to be compared with a few years ago, and did not know ye Wuqian before, there are many things that he has no way to return to the original.

In the past, no matter what kind of problems and difficulties he encountered, he would have his own judgment and choice.

But now when he encounters problems, the first time he doesn't want to solve them, but how to avoid them. When he encounters problems, he doesn't think about how to solve them as much as possible, but how to do these things well.

Therefore, no matter what Fang Fen thinks now, he thinks that he should first improve his ability. He can't avoid problems and avoid them as before.

He can't do this. He must face up to the difficulties, face them up and solve them directly. He can't avoid them or avoid them.

Fang Fen did not know what he felt in his heart. He only knows that if we continue like this, there may be some bad problems and some bad things.

He must first reverse his thinking of this kind of thing, and can't continue to escape. No matter the difficulties encountered are bigger than the sky, he still has to continue to solve them.

Are there many difficulties and great difficulties? If we don't solve them, we will stop at the same place. In that way, we will never move forward, we will never make progress, and we will never continue to move forward.

In fact, Fang Fen has always been very confident in the little boy. He thought that the little boy would come out of the illusion.

But according to the present situation, it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined. If the little boy can not get out of the illusion, what should he do?

He had always thought that little boys should be able to do those things, but now he thinks it is not so simple.

If it was that simple, how could something else happen? No matter who they are, they feel that they should do these things well first.

What's more, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng think the same way. They all think that the little boy has such ability and thinking ability.

But now it seems that things are not optimistic, not as they think, they are now looking at the complicated and complicated path, they are all lost in thinking.

Maybe they should change a way. They look aimlessly. Can they really find some clues?

This is simply impossible, so, no matter how to say, they will do these things well, and they must seriously think about it again.

It's not just a pat on the thigh, and then the decision is made. Such a thing is absolutely impossible. Fang Fen and they all decided to go back.

It's half an hour before they meet again. Maybe they've wasted a lot of time now, but at least they know their thoughts. They have the same ideas.

Now it can be regarded as the same way. The three of them together are here to rethink how to solve the problem in front of them. They can't be sad because they can't do these things any more.

He did not find the trace of the little boy, and he did not know where he had taken it. But if they want to continue searching, they must first think about other methods, and then they must first find other methods.

It's not because they want to look for these things here and then give up looking for them for little boys. They don't forget their original intention.

They will be in the virgin forest, also because they want to accompany the little boy, so that the little boy has a happy memory and a happy holiday.

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