"If it's like fangfen, it's OK. At least we have a chance."

Zhao Xincheng also felt a sigh of relief, if this is like Fang Fen said, he still felt very happy.

If they had admitted their ability because of his illusion and believed that they were qualified and capable to bring the little boy out.

So it proves that their ability is relatively strong. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both very happy, especially Zhao Xincheng.

Zhao Xincheng thought it was their wrong way of thinking, but now we can find some other solutions.

This is a very good thing. He has been cheering up all the time. He believes that in the end, there will be other things that can be done next.

Xu Haojie is also very happy to hear Fang Fen and Zhao Xincheng say so. In this case, they must be able to find some other ways to find the little boy as soon as possible.

Bring the little boy out of the illusion, just like now the little boy also began to loose, began to slowly detect, so I believe that their next road will be better than before, many, many.

Before, because of the block of illusion, there was a little boy's block. They can't do it, they can't do it on a large scale.

Now it's good. Now that the little boy has been able to wake up on his own, now that the illusion has begun to be tense.

That proves that the final answer of several of them is not far away. By then, they will be able to do these things. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen are not as worried as before.

Before they thought, it must be because of where they did not do well, the illusion will do this to them, now they know the reason.

It must be because the illusion is worried that they will really do what they want to do, so they will be so nervous that they feel very happy. In this case, they will not do other things.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen were there discussing how to continue searching. They knew that what they were seeing now might be the illusion among the illusions.

Maybe the roads they met were the same, but they couldn't see it. So the three of them decided to go back to the same place and wait for the little boy.

See what kind of reaction the little boy will have, and see that the little boy will not come back. If the little boy comes back, it proves that they still have a chance to pull the little boy out of the illusion.

On the other hand, the little boy slowly began to realize that, although he still firmly believed that life in the virgin forest must be a very wonderful thing.

There must be a lot of things that can be done, but now he feels that if Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen are not around him.

Is it true that his life in the primeval forest is like what he thinks, everything can be solved and no problem will happen?

He believes in his own ability, he also believes that he can solve those difficulties, but can he really live so happy and happy?

This is a little boy's own thing to consider, but also a little boy he is very worried about, in case it is not as easy to solve as he imagined, what should be done?

The little boy was really worried. He also felt that if he could, it must be something to do, but the key is that he can't do these things.

The little boy has become very distressed now. He sits in the same place and doesn't know where to go. He has to go on and look for wood that can build houses and furniture.

Or go back and look for Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen. Now the little boy is in a dilemma. It seems that nothing is right and nothing is wrong.

He also has to conform to his own heart, to live in the virgin forest, or to think about the things they said. Up to now, the little boy doesn't believe it. Fang Fen says that this is just an illusion.

But in fact, the little boy's heart slowly began to shake a little, if this is like fangfennel they said, they just exist in an illusion.

That's why I want to live in the virgin forest. What should I do? Now the little boy thought of him and thought about what Fang Fen said.

Which sentence is true and which one is false? Can we believe it? Is it true? But he didn't know how to think.

He felt that his head was getting bigger and his head was aching. He wanted to see what kind of problems he could solve, but the little boy couldn't do those things.

He had already decided to live in the virgin forest and do what seemed impossible. Now he changed his mind.

What if this place is just like what Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen said, this place is just an illusion. He chose to live in the primitive forest only because he was not controlled by the illusion. What should we do?When the little boy has such an idea, the illusion is obviously loose, and the little boy obviously feels other thoughts.

After the illusion realized that the little boy's thought began to loosen, he suppressed the little boy's thought, and the little boy pulled the idea back in a moment.

He thought it would be better to live in the virgin forest. As for the real world outside, he was so unhappy and unhappy that he still had to go out?

There is no need to go out at all. The little boy is still obsessed with this illusion. It can only be like this now.

"Even if brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, and brother Fang Fen are right, then what? Anyway, I just want to live in the virgin forest.

When I was in the virgin forest, I could realize my own value of life. So I wanted to live here. No matter how bad they felt, how much they thought I was just being cheated by him. I didn't want to think so much about it. "

Anyway, now the little boy's mind is more and more confined by the illusion, and is controlled by the illusion. Originally, he felt that there was something wrong with him.

But now he was totally unaware of it, and did not think there was anything wrong with the illusion. He felt that life in the primeval forest must be the best way.

Originally, I still thought about whether to go back to find Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang FeNi to find out whether they have left the virgin forest.

But now the little boy felt that since he couldn't see the three of them when he came back to the original place just now, it proved that the three of them must have left the primeval forest. They must have abandoned him.

Even if he went back, it was just empty, and there was no one there. The little boy didn't want to think about those things any more.

Originally, the illusion thought that the little boy and he would think of these things, only because he felt the existence of the illusion, so the little boy would think about those problems.

But now looking at the little boy seems to have come out of the illusion, so I believe that now also can let the little boy lead a very good life.

He must also be able to control the little boy's thoughts, which is a very wonderful thing, and then they can do these things. It's amazing to be able to continue to control the little boy.

Although the illusion does not have its own ability to think independently, he still has some emotions. He still thinks that if we can leave the little boy in the illusion.

In that way, they will not be able to pass the test, but the little boy wants to stay in the virgin forest very much, and then the little boy can be with the Warcraft tide leader.

The Warcraft tide leader would not be so sad, would not be so lonely and lonely, this is the idea he made, he felt that he could do these things.

If it can be done, then other things are not surprising, it is not so strange, anyway, in the eyes of illusion, he is only one track.

There is no way to think about too many things, and there is no way to consider too many opinions. He only knows that he wants to seek some welfare for his master, namely, the Warcraft tide leader.

In any case, what he did was his duty. He did not abuse his power for personal gain. If he thought that he was really confused by illusions, he didn't want to.

Then he didn't want to go out. When he only wanted to live in the virgin forest, he could be a partner with the Warcraft tide leader. Some people could talk to the Warcraft tide leader, and some could talk to them.

At that time, the Warcraft tide leader will also feel happy, and he will feel very happy. This is the real purpose of the illusion. The phantom really wants to let his Warcraft tide leader, his master, have a speaking object.

Do not need to be like before, a person silently looking at the blue sky, looking at the white clouds, there seems to be a lot of sorrow, but no one can tell, no one can say.

Although this illusion is only created by the Warcraft tide leader, when the little boy breaks away from the illusion, the illusion will completely disappear.

However, as a product made by the Warcraft tide leader himself, he can certainly understand what his Warcraft tide leader and his master are thinking.

If he can help his master to do these things, maybe it's a good thing.

Therefore, the illusion will work so hard to let the little boy retreat. The little boy will stay in the forest forever. The little boy knows that he also likes his life. It seems that there is no difference. At that time, they can do a lot of things, which is very perfect.

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