There is no way to describe the problems and difficulties they will encounter, but even so, they can believe in their own abilities.

But just waiting for the little boy? Can a little boy never come back to this place all his life? The little boy, who was in the illusion, proved that he must still be controlled by the illusion now.

After the little boy completely gets rid of the control of the illusion, the illusion no longer exists, and they can enter the fourth level naturally.

They believe that the Warcraft tide leader's test of them will not be very difficult, even if there may be a variety of things to come.

But at least they believe in their own ability, they also believe in themselves, absolutely not will not mess up these things, but is the little boy waiting in situ, but is this aimless waiting?

They can wait. Even now, the three of them still don't know that they will be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace.

But they are very confident in themselves. Even if they are kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, they must be able to adapt quickly and discover the rules as soon as possible.

In the next checkpoint, we can also prevent and prepare as soon as possible, so that there may not be any other bad things happening.

In their eyes, as long as they can get some better results and better returns, even if there will be a lot of bad things in the future, they will come all the way.

They also feel that as long as they have a breath, they will definitely accept all the rules and everything.

They believe in their own ability, and of course, they also believe that the Warcraft tide leaders will not do them any harm. Since the Warcraft tide leaders have said that their safety must be guaranteed, what will they worry about?

Even if they will be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, in the end, as long as they can get the treasure, as long as they can leave the underground palace safely, the difficulties they have experienced are meaningful, and the things they experience are indifferent.

Now the Warcraft tide leader and ye Wuqian are on one side. He sees the performance of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as well as Fang Fen.

In fact, he also appreciated the performance of several of them. Now the most perfect decision is to stay still, not to go anywhere, but to wait for the little boy to come back by himself.

In addition, they have no other way, because they often look down, no matter how they look for them, they will eventually be blinded by the illusion.

Now when he saw the decision of the three of them, that is, to stay in place and not to go down, he really appreciated it.

However, he also put his kind of praise in his heart. Now the Warcraft tide leader said to Ye Wuqian: "Ye Wuqian, now Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are standing where they are, and they are not going anywhere.

Is it in their mind that the little boy is so stupid that he will automatically return to his original position and wait for the three of them

After all, in the eyes of normal people, since the little boy has left with anger, how can he return to the original place? Although the little boy is only eight years old, his psychological age is not only eight years old.

The little boy thinks that he is not important, and he is not needed by Fang Fen and the three of them, so he should leave. Isn't this a normal thing?

But now hearing the Warcraft tide leader say so, ye Wuqian just smiles and doesn't explain anything. Although he doesn't want to explain, the Warcraft tide leader wants to hear it.

Therefore, ye Wumian has not failed to explain the reasons for the difficulties of the leader of the Warcraft tide. In fact, the leader of the Warcraft tide knows in his heart that ye Wuqian is talking about these principles.

He just wanted to say this to ye Wuque, and he wanted Ye Wuqian to worry about it. He didn't expect that ye Wuque didn't worry about Fang fennel and some of them at all, and he didn't care about the safety of the little boy.

All of them can solve these problems. In their eyes, these problems are just a piece of cake. Ye Wuwei also knows that the Warcraft tide leaders don't know Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy very well.

All understanding is only on the surface, so now I have such an idea. Ye Wuqian doesn't mean that the Warcraft tide leader will have such an idea.

Therefore, he is willing to explain these ideas to the Warcraft tide leader one by one, hoping that the Warcraft tide leader will have some understanding after hearing him say these words.

In fact, the Warcraft leader himself knows that the reason why he has so many questions is not that he doesn't know what kind of people Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy are.

All he knew was only the superficial phenomena he saw. They had no contact with the Warcraft tide leader at all.

Therefore, Warcraft tide leaders want to have any ideas with them, they must see through their own eyes, but seeing is not necessarily true.Now hearing Ye Wuqian say so, he certainly knows that ye Wuqian's remarks are very reasonable. Want to know everything.

It's not just relying on their own ideas to strengthen a number of ideas in their hearts to do well, no matter what things can not be dug through the surface phenomenon.

We have to think about some other solutions, that is, they may have some better ways to do it.

"Ye Wuque, sometimes I really admire your calm, even I can't do it, you are so indifferent."

Ye Wuqi heard the Warcraft tide leader say so, he just gently smile, smile, he looked at the Warcraft tide leader one eye, and then turned his eyes back to Fang FeNi's side.

Then he slowly said, "it's not a problem when you're wrong. As long as you have confidence in them, you can guess anything and it's easy to solve.

The reason why you think that they can't do this well or that way is just because you don't know them well. When you know them completely, I believe you will be as calm as I am and will not worry about them at all. "

The leader of the Warcraft tide heard Ye Wuqian say this. In fact, he also thought so in his heart. He probably didn't know Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as well as Fang Fen and the little boy.

That's why those talents have so many ideas that they worry about whether they can come out of the illusion.

Now, seeing him as calm as ye Wuqian and hearing Ye Wuqian's explanation, the Warcraft tide leader suddenly felt enlightened and did not think about other things.

Since even their partners, even ye Wuxiang, believe them so much, as the guardian of the level, he must feel very happy.

As long as someone can successfully break through the level he set up to guard, then it proves that the more powerful the predestined person among them is.

Then it is a matter of profit and no harm to them. What should he worry about and what to tangle with. Isn't the more powerful the better? The more powerful they are, the more helpful they will be.

Now the Warcraft tide leader did not think about other things. Since ye Wuqian has said that now, don't trust them.

Then he certainly won't do something that he doesn't believe or trust. He hopes that the next thing will be smooth and smooth, so that they can develop better. This is already very good.

"Maybe as you said, it may be that I don't know them very well, and now I have so many ideas. When I know them as well as you, maybe I can be as calm as you are."

He doesn't want to say anything more. In the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and little boy are the only ones.

They can successfully remove the illusion, smoothly go out from this level, then the next thing is not his business.

Of course, he wants to continue to follow them, but he can't decide anything whether to follow them or not.

In any case, how could he refuse or object to anything that is not harmful to him? The biggest problem now is to see how Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen are going to solve the problem of whether the little boy can meet them or not and return to his original place.

As for the rest, they can talk about it later and then think about it. In the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, everything can be solved.

Since their illusion has long been escaped by Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen, it will be sooner or later for the little boy to come out of the illusion.

He is worried about his illusion rather than worry about it. The Warcraft tide leader is thinking in his heart that he must practice hard.

Then he made his illusion better. Next time, he would not let others come out of the illusion. Now the phantom also felt the idea of the Warcraft tide leader.

Therefore, he also had some convergence in the illusion, so he did not put all his abilities on the little boy. Originally, he thought very much from afar, but now he has abandoned the idea of leaving the virgin forest.

But now, because the phantom has accepted the Warcraft tide leader's hint, the illusion has weakened his energy, so the little boy's mind has come back to the previous ideas.

The little boy suddenly felt that it was a better thing not to live in the virgin forest, so that at least he could live happily with Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, Fang Fen, and ye Wuqian.

He didn't have to think about other things, so he really felt that living in the virgin forest was a very good decision.

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