Now in the side of the Warcraft tide leader and ye Wuwei, they also see, Fang FeNi their several people now face the situation.

It has to be said that the Warcraft tide leader is really more and more admirable for ye Wuque. Ye Wuqian has not done anything at all. Instead, he has won some praise and praise from Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen.

This is what makes the Warcraft tide leader feel very great, because the Warcraft tide leader thinks Ye Wuwei has not said anything or done anything at all.

Zhao Haojie and Zhao Haojie have no voice, and there is no one who can say that they are lack of leaves.

If you can let Ye Wuqian appear in front of the three of them, maybe they will soon be able to understand all the things, think thoroughly about it.

Maybe even if ye Wuwu doesn't say anything, as long as you stand in front of the three of them, you will give them the greatest encouragement, and the biggest encouragement to the three of them.

So now when the Warcraft tide leader thought of this, he thought ye Wuque was really good. He really thought ye Wuque was really good at everything.

And now the Warcraft tide leader thinks that he and ye Wuxiang are the same kind of people, and they do not belong to the present place or the present plane.

How can he compare with ye Wuwu? It seems that day by day, it seems that it is the difference between clouds and mud. Clearly, he and ye Wuque are the same, and have the same ability.

However, he always felt that in front of Ye Wuwu, he felt that he was a little ashamed of himself, and that he seemed to have some inferior to Ye Wuqi.

Although he does not want to think like this, the fact is that, even if he does not want to think like this, he can only think like this.

The leader of the Warcraft tide, he really felt that ye Wumian had an inexplicable attraction to him. He really felt that ye Wuque seemed to have some very powerful abilities.

But he had no way to feel what kind of ability it was for a while, and he couldn't feel what kind of things attracted him all the time.

So now the Warcraft tide leader wants to know exactly what the reason is. But he also knows that even if he asks, ye Wuqian will not answer.

Ye Wumian certainly won't tell him what the reason is, so now the Warcraft tide leader can only temporarily restrain his own curiosity.

But after all, the Warcraft tide leader still had no way. After all, he was really very curious. He wanted to know why ye Wuque didn't appear in front of the three of them. As soon as they thought about ye Wuqian, they seemed to have a kind of inexplicable admiration in their hearts.

You can make yourself suffer from some other things because ye Wuwei, so now the Warcraft tide leader directly expresses his curiosity and his thoughts.

He said to ye Wuque: "ye Wuque, I really admire you more and more. It is clear that you are not in front of the three of them, and you have not told them these thoughts.

But as soon as they think of you, they seem to have a very reverent feeling in their hearts, which really makes me feel very strange

There are three of them. They can't see and hear ye Wuqian's voice at all, but whatever ye Wuque does affects them.

Obviously, there are two parallel worlds, but why can ye Wuwei influence them? Is this what they call the power of faith?

Is Ye Wuqian a more powerful person in the minds of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen? Is ye Wuque just their belief?

The Warcraft tide leader felt very unhappy. He looked at Ye Wuqian with a puzzled look. He wanted to see why ye Wuque had such a powerful power?

Why does ye Wuque have such a powerful influence on Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng or Fang Fen, or even on little boys, what ye Wuque said and what he did had such a powerful rendering ability.

If it is to do other people's words, it is certainly not possible to do these, but if you say ye Wuwu is very normal.

After such a long time, the Warcraft tide leader also saw that ye Wuqian had a great influence on Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and Fang FeNi little boy.

Even though it may have been due to Ye Wuwei, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and the little boy may have lost their ability to solve problems independently.

But it has to be said that even though their abilities have been suppressed, they can still think of these problems, and they can adjust their abilities back as soon as possible.

He will not let his ability suffer from some bad things because of Ye Wuwu, so now the Warcraft tide leader will feel very curious and want to understand what is going on.He wanted Ye Wuqian to tell him, but ye didn't want to say anything at all, so the Warcraft tide leader was even more strange.

Ye Wuqi has always been very confident in Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen. He believes that Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and the little boy can come out of the illusion.

Ye Wumian absolutely has reason to believe that they can definitely help the little boy to get rid of the illusion of control over the little boy. In fact, ye Wuqian knows that his answer is a bit wrong.

He said to the Warcraft tide leader, "Why are Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng no longer under the control of illusion.

But the little boy is still controlled by the illusion. Is there anything else? Is it really because of some bad reasons? "

The Warcraft tide leader himself did not find out, but now he heard Ye Wuqian say this, he actually felt a little strange, and he was very confident in his own illusions.

Now the illusion is one after another of problems, humiliated, even now he knows that the illusion may also be trying to control the little boy.

He always feels like an illusion, and seems to be unable to resist it. He also feels that there is something strange about it.

He didn't think deeply before. When he heard ye Wuque eliminate the illusion like this, he thought about it carefully. It seemed that there was something wrong with him.

He did not know what was wrong. Although he made the illusion and said that he was the master of the illusion, he could not think of the reasons before and could not do these things.

Even if he thinks these are very strange things, he can't do it. Ye Wuqian raises these questions, but he can't answer them, and he doesn't know how to answer them.

If he knows how to answer, maybe he can come to take it as a condition of exchange, and let Ye Wuqian tell him why Ye Wuqian is so powerful in the eyes and hearts of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and little boy.

The Warcraft tide leader himself did not know why such a thing happened, did not know how to solve it, or how to answer ye Wukui's words.

So he can only sigh for a long time now, and then say to Ye Wuwei: "in fact, I don't know. I feel very confused.

I don't seem to feel it before you remind me, but I feel very strange when you say it. I think there are some things I didn't notice

The Warcraft tide leader told ye Wuqian all the places he felt strange, and ye Wuqian became even more strange after listening to it.

Obviously, he thought that the Warcraft tide leader knew about it, but he didn't say anything about it. But now, ye Wuqian feels very strange when he hears the Warcraft tide leader saying so.

The Warcraft tide leader himself did not know why such a thing happened, so now ye Wuqian asked these situations, he did not know how to solve them.

If there are really some bad things, what should we do? But now that things have happened, they can only go step by step.

If there is really no way to control the occurrence of this event, then they can only take one step at a time, and they can only see where things are going.

If there is no free control over the development of illusions, then they will definitely appear in time and ask them to take them out of the underground palace alone.

As for the treasure, it doesn't matter whether they can find it. As long as they can ensure the safety of several people, it is very good.

Anyway, the Warcraft tide leader himself did not know, and there was no way to know why such a thing happened. Therefore, ye Wuqian is too lazy to pay attention to these things.

He was too lazy to talk about these things. Ye Wuwei said to the Warcraft tide leader, "even you don't know what it is. How I think about it, maybe I can't think of it.

Now that things are like this, we can only look at it first. No matter what happens to him, I believe that there must be a reason for his appearance. "

What's more, one thing that ye Wuqi feels very strange is that he knew it before. Because of the control of illusion, he would be so paranoid.

But he felt that the little boy was a little too extreme and paranoid. It must be a very bad thing. There must be some bad problems.

Now ye Wuqian can't figure out what the reason is and why I have become so paranoid. He just thinks that it will be better if things can be solved as soon as possible.

But he didn't know how to solve those problems. Even the Warcraft tide leader didn't know why the illusion became like this.

There was no way for the illusion to control the little boy now, and he did not know why the illusion did not have that great power at all.

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