But at least they have exercised their will and their hearts. Just like when they encounter the same thing now, they will never be confused. They will definitely think of a way.

Absolutely will firmly think about the solution strategy, not as now, no way out, not as now, there is no way to solve these difficulties.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both determined in their hearts, no matter how difficult and how many things they will encounter next.

They will definitely solve these problems, absolutely do some good things, so that they can be worthy of them, and it may be better.

Whether it is Zhao Xincheng or Xu Haojie, or Fang Fen, the three of them have made up their minds to solve these problems in front of them.

The most important thing to choose is to meet with the little boy. I believe that the little boy will find them in a certain way, if the little boy has not come out of the illusion before.

So the three of them also know that even if they go looking for a little boy, they may not be able to find him. The little boy was bewildered by illusions and wanted to live in the primeval forest all the time.

The little boy didn't want to come back with them or go back to the same place with them, but now it's different.

Now the little boy has taken the initiative to come out of the fascicle of the illusion, and has taken the initiative to remove the influence of the illusion on him, so the next little boy is definitely looking for them.

They must be able to meet with the little boy, and then continue to move on. They have never doubted, and never felt that it was a difficult thing.

After all, they all know the character of the little boy. The little boy must be looking for them. Now Fang Fen finally looks at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

I hope that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng can understand what he is going to do next. In fact, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also understand and understand Fang Fen's words to them.

Fang Fen wants them to do something. Before Fang Fen says something, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng first say it. They have to divide their troops into three parts, and then go to find the little boy themselves, and then they will meet in the same place.

Fang Fen originally wanted to say these words, but now that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have said these words, Fang Fen knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both very conscious and have this idea.

So they both smile at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. They ask Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to look for the little boy first. After the two of them leave, Fang Fenhe chooses another road that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have not taken and continues to look for the little boy.

Unlike before, they didn't know where to find the little boy before, and they still had no way to find the boy because they were trapped by the illusion.

But now it is different, because the illusion has been completely broken by the little boy, they have completely come out of the illusion, they are completely in accordance with their own mind, and then according to some clues to find the little boy.

I believe that they can find the little boy. I believe that they will save a lot of energy and time compared with before. There is no doubt about this.

Fang Fen continued to move forward. Although he said that he did not see any trace of anyone passing by, he would still know some clues. At least this proved that they were indeed out of the control of illusion.

At least it proved that it was wrong to choose this road. He didn't need to go down to know that there was no result to go down. The little boy was certainly not here.

There is no trace of walking here, or the trace of animals, which is a road rarely traveled by people. Therefore, fangfennel will not waste any more time, but return to the original road.

Go back to the original place and wait for Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie. After all, they have discussed before. No matter whether they can find the little boy or not, they must not be separated.

We must meet in the same place, which will certainly save a lot of time and avoid unnecessary trouble. Fang Fen returns to the place he agreed with Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie.

After Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng split up, neither of them found any trace. They both thought it strange.

Always feel that their luck is so bad, why they look for these roads are not a little boy's road. Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng feel strange in their own hearts.

It's just that even if they feel weird, they don't feel anything. They continued to move forward, because they couldn't find any trace of anyone passing by.

They all think that they may have chosen this road by themselves, and the little boy can't walk through it, because the little boy hasn't gone, so it's a waste of time to keep going down.

They don't want to waste so much time and energy. They seem to have a good understanding of each other and go back at the same time.When they came to the original place, they found that fangfennel had come here, so they understood in their heart that each of them had not found the little boy.

Otherwise, how could they meet in the same place so quickly, and it was no more than an hour before and after. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng asked Fang Fen that they all felt speechless when they saw each other.

However, they did not give up and were not discouraged. After all, they had wasted too much time in the third level. They also knew that although there was no illusion control in the third level.

But there may be some residual things, so they must be experiencing some other things now, but] they believe that they must be able to solve them.

The little boy has successfully got rid of the control of illusion, so the next thing is just a matter of time.

They did not worry at all, nor did they know what to do. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng sat down on the ground, waiting earnestly for Fang Fen to give orders.

Fang Fen also knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng probably don't want to waste their time any more and continue to go up.

So now Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "if we continue to go down, it may also be a waste of time. Let's think about it now.

The little boy will come back by himself. Maybe it's not a good thing for us to find him

Zhao Xincheng seems to be in the heart is like this, but he did not say it, but now heard Fang Fen said so, they almost clapped their hands.

After all, Fang Dilao and Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have the same ideas. They all feel that it is unnecessary to continue to move forward.

The little boy has come out of the control of the illusion, so it will be sooner or later that the three of them meet together, and there is no need to search all the time.

Save too much time. After getting rid of the control of illusion, the little boy will surely come here to meet them. In this way, of course, they will meet. How can they walk around like this.

Now Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie both agree with Fang Fen's words. When Fang Fen sees that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng agree with what they have done, he doesn't say anything else.

After all, in Fang Fen's eyes, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are just like him. They are both very hard-working and serious people.

Anyway, now that the three of them have the same idea, there is no need to continue looking for the little boy. The little boy will come over. The three of them will sit on the ground and keep their eyes closed.

Rest there. Anyway, they have successfully passed the third level. Now they just need to meet the little boy and go to the fourth level.

They will certainly have other things. The most important thing now is to keep your eyes closed. Other things will be better when the time comes.

On the other side, the little boy found that after he found out that these were illusions, he had obviously felt that his mind was loose.

Now he has completely believed in it. In fact, just as Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie and taifangfen said before, it is true that he is always under the control of illusion.

That's why he always wanted to stay in the primeval forest. If he had known these things, maybe he would not have been controlled by the illusion for so long.

But now it's not too late to know. Fortunately, he has not found anything. He is not so extreme that he wants to drive Fang Fen, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie away and live alone in the virgin forest.

The little boy thought that he had always wanted to live in the primeval forest before, and his attitude towards Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen was very bad. He felt very guilty and felt how he could be like this.

Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and Zhao Xincheng came to help him. They were all for his sake, so he would say those words to him.

However, he deliberately said some hurtful words, but deliberately said some suspicious words. After he said those words to Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang FeNi, the little boy felt very sad.

He also thinks that he is really too should not, if he did not say that before, if he did not do so, maybe it would be better.

But now that he has said it and done it, he dare not say any other words or do any other things.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen are definitely waiting for him, meeting with him, and then going down.

The little boy did not dare to delay any more. He quickly went back to find out where Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and Fang Fen were.

He had to apologize to the three of them in person. After all, the little boy knew what he had to say, and his attitude was really wrong before he knew it.

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