The little boy tried to hold back the tears in his eyes. Then he raised his head and looked at Xu Haojie with a smile.

Then he said to Xu Haojie, "brother Xu Haojie, I know you are all good to me. This time I really shouldn't have done it. I didn't expect that I had such a big problem here. If it wasn't for you, I would still be controlled by illusion now."

Now the little boy knows that if there is no warning from Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen, even if he can see where he is, it is just an illusion.

But it must have been a long time and a lot of tribulations to find out. The little boy really knew that without Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, he would not have achieved these successes.

It was impossible to come out of the illusion. He really felt that he might be able to make up for it by some other means.

But after he finished, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie felt that he didn't need to think like this, because Xu Haojie and Xu Haojie wanted to be good to the little boy from the bottom of their hearts.

From the heart to be responsible for the little boy, so they will always help the little boy, not because of how the little boy will help him.

The little boy must feel like a burden in his heart. He must feel that he is a drag. In fact, this is not the case at all.

Xu Haojie was afraid that the little boy would be confused, so he continued to comfort him here.

He said to the little boy with a smile: "we are all a team, we are all a group, of course, no one can do without whose.

It's not you. Even if other people leave, we will try our best to save them back, so you really don't have to think about it. All this is what we are willing to do

Zhao Xincheng was also afraid that the little boy would think more, so he quickly followed Xu Haojie's words. He also continued to say to the little boy with a smile:

"you should not think too much. Anyway, we spent some time in the third level, but it can also make us have a great improvement."

Because Zhao Xin really felt that they had improved a lot here. Before that, they certainly did not have such a firm heart or perseverance to face the difficulties they had to face.

But now it is not the same, let them in the face of these difficulties, can be very firm, they must be able to complete, must not give up.

They are in the third level here, their willpower has been the greatest training, they come out of the illusion, their concentration is also a lot of great improvement.

They will not be strong enough to be destroyed.

Zhao Xin realized that it was a favorable situation for both sides, although they said they were in the third level here, because the little boy really wasted a little time.

But it doesn't matter, if they are not in the third level here, then they certainly won't let themselves get such a big promotion.

So this is also a situation of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. When the little boy heard what Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng said, he felt in his heart that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had deliberately comforted him, so he said so.

He also knew that in fact, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were telling the truth. They must have suffered some tribulations.

Because he can also see from the naked eye, he does have some places which are not the same as before, but he certainly can't say where.

The little boy is here, watching Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, and Fang Fen. They have changed a lot, but he can't tell what has changed.

He must also be able to think about the next level, and also can see Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, Fang Fen, where did they get the training? Where to get promoted?

The little boy thinks that if it is really like what Zhao Xincheng said, they are a situation of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, at least it is a two-way help situation.

His sense of guilt will also be reduced a little, and he will feel that it will not be so good. If it is not a mutually beneficial situation, he will surely feel that he is too much a drag on others, and that he is a small oil bottle.

But now it's OK, at least Zhao Xincheng also said that they are a two-way help, the little boy, he heard Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng finish, his heart is also a lot of good.

Although he still felt that he must have done something not so good and that he should make up for it, at least he felt better in his heart.

At least he felt that it was possible to do so. Fang Fen did not say anything at all. He had been watching Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie discussing here, and did not say anything else.

Because he also knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng must go to comfort the little boy, and the little boy is not a person who can get into a corner.

In this way, I have got rid of the control of illusion, and I will certainly not drill into any bull's horn and say anything.In Fang Fen's eyes, since he has come out of the illusion, he will never say anything else or do anything else.

The little boy must be able to do these things the best, the most perfect.

"Brother Fang Fen, thank you for reminding me all the time. Before that, I misunderstood you very much and thought that you may have other purposes. Now, I solemnly apologize to you.

There are brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng. Before that, I was wrong. Next, I will listen to you. I will definitely not be as extreme and stubborn as before and treat your kindness as a donkey's liver and lung. "

The little boy is also unable to hide. If he is really not allowed to say it, or to say that he is not allowed to say these words of thanks, he will always hold it in his heart, which is very uncomfortable.

If the little boy thinks it's better, let him say it. Anyway, he knows that if the little boy doesn't say these words, there will be some uncomfortable places. It's better for the little boy to say it all.

Anyway, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie all know that although the little boy really wasted some time this time, he was indifferent.

As long as we can let the little boy know that they are good to him, and know that they are good to him unconditionally, they will never be afraid. This is already very good, and it is very good.

Looking at the boy's sincere eyes, in fact, Fang Fen's heart is also a lot of feelings, after all, in the past, the little boy because of some things, has been blaming them.

Now see the little boy has not blame them, so Fang Fen heart also feel very touched.

He said to the little boy, "little boy, just like Zhao Xincheng said, we are mutually beneficial. We have never thought about any benefits.

We just want to be nice to you from the bottom of my heart, so you don't need to have too much burden, and you don't need to feel that you are dragging us down. We are all willing to do this thing, and I want to do it from the bottom of my heart, and I want to be nice to you. "

Hearing this, the little boy nodded solemnly. Of course, he knew that Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, and Fang Fen would never harm him, nor would they think that he was bad because of something.

In fact, the little boy also knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have been very, very good to him all the time, and they will never deliberately make him because of some unnecessary things or some unnecessary things.

Or to do something bad to him, the little boy can understand. From the first time he saw them, he knew that fangfen was a good man.

Although there may be some unhappiness and some disputes when they met, the little boy really felt that Fang Fen was really good to him in the subsequent relationship.

He really thought about many problems for him from his point of view, so the little boy really appreciated Fang Fen, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

The little boy felt very happy in his heart. It was the greatest luck of his life to be able to meet Ye Wuqian and meet them.

After spending all his life's luck, he was able to meet Ye Wuqian and Fang fennel. The little boy was really filled with emotion and felt very good.

He also felt that if he could, he would like to be with them for a long time, and the little boy knew that each of them had his own life.

They can't always be the one who dominates their lives and is not always with them. Of course, he knows that he must grow up.

Although he didn't want to say it, he also knew the truth that everything would end. But the little boy didn't want to say that.

Now that they have decided to stay in the underground palace and have decided to explore the ultimate treasure, they will not waste time, but will continue to work hard and keep going.

This may be better. The little boy also thinks that if he doesn't continue to go down, there will be some worse things.

The little boy did not want to waste any more time, but put forward some of his ideas. He didn't want to think about guilt.

I don't want to think about anything that is right and worthy. Anyway, the little boy knows that. As long as he can get rid of the control of illusion, they can successfully pass the third level and then enter the fourth level.

Now in fact, it is the same. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Fang Fen all think that what the little boy said is true. They have wasted so much time.

Now we should not continue to waste. The little boy has joined them now. The most important thing for them now is to continue to go down, continue to cross the barrier, and go to the fourth level to see what kind of difficulties they have, waiting for them to solve.

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